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    USFS NWI The GeoCommunity was also selected by the US Fish and Wildlife service as a distributor of their National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data sets. This data is available for free download (Click the "Download Data" link above) and is available on CD-ROM
  • US DEM USGS DEMs - The GeoCommunity was selected by the USGS as the first official distributor of SDTS format DEMs. This data is not available for download from the USGS any longer.. Digital elevation model (DEM) data consist of a sampled array of regularly spaced elevation values referenced horizontally either to a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection or to a geographic coordinate system. The grid cells are spaced at regular intervals along south to north profiles that are ordered from west to east. This data is available for free download (Click the "Download Data" link above) and CD-ROM Click here!

    Data Focused Feature Articles

    Contribute Your Data success Stories
    Are you working on an interesting project or do you have a success story you'd like to share with The GeoCommunity visitors? We'd be glad to consider publishing your story as a GeoCommunity feature article. Please send an abstract or details to the Editor (

    SRTM Documentation - SRTM was the primary payload on the STS-99 mission of the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which launched February 11, 2000 and flew for 11 days. This document serves to help users of the derived DEM data and to better understand the data format. Data is available in 30m & 90m resolution data tiles.

    FME 2003 X2 in a NutShell - If you work with spatial data on a daily basis then you may be familiar with the product.. if not then you should be! The FME Suite (aka. Feature Manipulation Engine) consists of three main components: a translator, a transformation editor and a viewer. Read on for the latest features offered in FME 2003 X2.

    GIS Viewing Tools You Shouldn't Be Without! - We've identified some of the best GIS Data Viewing tools that every GIS geek should have in his/her tools folder. We list the product features and where to find them.

    GeoData.Gov Launched to Curb Government Spending on GIS - GeoData.Gov officially launched on June 30, 2003 - will it help reduce needless spending and duplication of effort or will it merely add to the problem?

    Government of Manitoba Opens Doors to Spatial Data Repository - In a radical departure from previous business models, Manitoba is providing all of its geospatial data free of charge for unrestricted use.

    The key to the warehouse - An historic, multimillion pound agreement offers hundreds of government departments and agencies a year's free access to Britain's most detailed digital map data. They now have more power to exploit geographical information in their day to day activities, including posting maps on websites and in other public information services.

    VDatum Transformation Tool - VDatum is a tool for the transformation of elevation data from one vertical datum into another. This document is part of the "Tampa Bay Bathy/Topo/Shoreline Demonstration Project" - if you are involved in hydrographic and/or bathymetric mapping and working with DEM and topopgraphic data we encourage you to learn more by visiting the Tampa Bay Shoreline project website.

    Using USGS DEMs in ArcView GIS - As GIS technology goes mainstream, we at the GeoCommunity have found a dramatic increase in the number of people downloading freely available data only to then be stumped when it comes to actually viewing or using the data. Data that is particularly troublesome for users is USGS SDTS formatted data.

    Working with DOQQs
    A primer providing you with a wealth of information to help you understand DOQQs. Descriptions, tools, resources,and pointers to loads of info are provided.

    Viewing & Importing .E00 Data - We've provided this document to help users import E00 data into ArcView and GeoMedia. For those of you wishing to simply "view" the data we introduce you to a nifty, free viewing program you can use to quickly and easily view E00 and more than 80 other common data formats.

    NWI wetlands classification codes
    Check out this table describing the wetland classification codes associated with the NWI data

    Processing DRGs Using ARC/INFO
    A tutorial on converting USGS DRGs from State Plane East NAD 27 to UTM NAD 83 using and Removing the Map Collars using ARC/INFO GIS (AMLs included)

    SDTS News, Articles, and tools Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SDTS! - Finally, a comprehensive directory of articles, tutorials, tools and downloads dedicated to the SDTS data format.

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