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Arthritis Foundation

Contact Information

Group Vice-President for Education
P.O. Box 7669

Atlanta, GA 30357-0669

800-283-7800 (Voice - Toll-free)
404-872-7100 x7888 (Voice)
404-872-0457 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Arthritis Foundation is the only nationwide, nonprofit health organization helping take greater control of arthritis by leading efforts to prevent, control and cure arthritis and related diseases- the nation's number one cause of disability. With more than 500,000 volunteers and 150 service points nationwide, the Arthritis Foundation offers a large number of programs and services to help people take control of their arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation also publishes a variety of in-depth booklets and books about living and coping with arthritis, as well as a bi-monthly magazine, Arthritis Today. Since its inception in 1948, the Arthritis Foundation has invested more than $300 million on research for the support of more than 2,000 scientists, physicians, and health professionals involved in cutting edge arthritis research. Additionally, the Arthritis Foundation ensures public policy and advocacy efforts are being introduced and passed to support its mission of improving lives of people with arthritis.70 millions Americans are affected by arthritis and chronic joint problems, including nearly 300,000 children. There are 8.4 million young adults between the ages of 18 and 44 who have arthritis and millions of others at risk for developing the disease. With arthritis being the number one cause of disability in America, the Arthritis Foundation is the one organization with a mission to prevent, control and cure arthritis and its related diseases.


The Foundation publishes many booklets for patient education, including materials on specific types of arthritis and a variety of related subjects. A magazine, Arthritis Today, published six times a per year, is available for 12.95 a year. Local chapters offer a variety of services, including self-help and exercise classes and support groups. Many professional education materials are also available, including the books: Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases, and Primer On Rheumatic Diseases.


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Date Entered: 6/1/1998
Date Edited: 6/11/2008
Date Revised: 6/19/2006 12:48:53 PM
Health Referral Number: HR0730
Accession Number: DP91A0098

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