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Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Contact Information

Senior Vice President
1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22201

703-247-1500 (Voice)
703-247-1600 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonprofit, independent, scientific and educational organization, was founded in 1959 to research ways of reducing the incidence of, and the damage caused by, motor vehicle crashes, and to educate the public. The Institute has conducted research and compiled reports on such aspects as breath testing for alcohol, effects of strict laws on the incidence of drunk driving, driver education, occupant restraints, vehicle design, injuries, and bicycle and pedestrian involvement in crashes. An extensive bibliography of published reports resulting from research conducted by the Institute is available on its Web site. Films and videotapes produced by the Institute are available for purchase. The Institute is supported by U.S. automobile insurers.


The Institute publishes research results and produces films on crashes, crash tests, and roadside hazards. Serial publication: Status Report (news journal), monthly--news on Institute work and highway safety developments.


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Date Entered: 4/1/1998
Date Edited: 6/12/2008
Date Revised: 9/13/2004
Health Referral Number: HR0160
Accession Number: DP91A0812

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