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MODIS Land Quality Assessment page
    Product Quality:
  • Product Quality Documentation - Terra C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Terra
  • Product Quality Documentation - Aqua C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Aqua
  • On use of C5 with C4

    Product Definitions:
  • Product User Guides
  • Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
  • Product Interdependencies
  • Product File Specifications
  • Product ESDT and SDS

    Science Team Links:
  • QA Tools
  • Land Science Test
  • Collection 5 Changes
  • MODAPS Production and Data Ordering
  • Platform and Calibration
  • C5 Algorithm Updates (PCR)
  • Maneuver List

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    QA Personnel

    Web Navigation:
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  • MODIS Organigram

    MODLAND QA Tools

    The information listed on this site is for the express purpose of communication with the MODIS Land (MODLAND) Science Team and related parties.


    In order to perform the QA of MODLAND products it is necessary to utilize software tools for data manipulation, visualization and analysis. The LDOPE has developed some generic QA tools to support QA of all MODLAND products. The science team are encouraged to develop their own product specific tools. In doing this they should:

    • define product quality metrics
    • anticipate quality related problems that may be found
    • consider product specific QA tools & procedures necessary to detect problems and measure product quality
    • consider the feasibility of implementing these as software
      • data volume, disk space, network, software environment
      • Operator time, CPU time
    • as these may be integrated at the LDOPE (by LDOPE personnel) they should
      • avoid software / environment specific tools
      • attempt to provide scripts, C code or ENVI/IDL
      • recognize the division between detailed product specific QA performed at the SCF and more operational product specific QA performed at the LDOPE
      • consider the order/hierarchy/priority of product specific QA tool application

    The generic LDOPE QA tools are written in C and can be run directly at the UNIX command line. The tools are also interfaced to ENVI 3.0 using interface routines written in IDL/ENVI. To run the ENVI version of the software you should have ENVI version 3.0 or higher installed on your machine.

    A subset of these tools is now being made available to the MODLAND product user community. The tools are provided as command line executables running on a small number of operating systems and distributed via the internet from the LP DAAC with full documentation and installation instrucitons. Please click on the following link to download the software

    Updated February 2 2005, Sadashiva Devadiga (


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    Web Master: Demi Feng
    NASA Official: Ed Masuoka Code 614.5
    Last Updated: August 21, 2008