HPC/Parallel Computing References

This page provides some links to non-NCCS sites with information on relevant HPC/parallel-computing topics that may be of interest. The links are categorized by subject.

Online UNIX Resources

Online Information on Fortran 90/95/2003

Online Information on C/C++

Online Information on Parallel Programming

Online Information on OpenMP/Pthreads

  • OpenMP Organization
    The official site, with specifications, C/C++/Fortran API, and tutorials, and links to OpenMP events
  • OpenMPunity
    Community of OpenMP researchers and application developers

Online HPC References for Users


  • Message Passing Interface Forum
    The official MPI standards documents, errata, and archives of the MPI Forum. The MPI Forum is an open group with representatives from many organizations that define and maintain the MPI standard.
  • LAM MPI Tutorial
    A series of tutorials to introduce the more heavily used functions and demonstrate them in small examples or code fragments.
  • Computational PDEs Unit: MPI Tutorial
    University of Leeds short tutorial on using MPI to solve partial differential equations using parallelized finite-difference methods.
  • RS/6000 SP Practical MPI Programming (PDF)
    This is a very informative manual from IBM discussing both basic and advanced concepts of MPI programming. Much of the material is for the general MPI application and is not specific to IBM’s implementation.

Online References

  • Program Optimization
  • To be added

  • Numerical Libraries
  • To be added

HPC/Parallel Programming/MPI Reference Books

  • Using MPI, by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk and Anthony Skjellum.
  • RS/6000 Practical MPI Programming (PDF)
    This is a very informative manual from IBM discussing both basic and advanced concepts of MPI programming. Much of the material is for the general MPI application and is not specific to IBM’s implementation of MPI.
  • An Introduction to Parallel Computing, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd edition, by Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar.
  • Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and their Implementation, by George Em Karniadakis and Robert M. Kirby II.
  • Parallel Programming, 2nd edition, by Barrry Wilkinson.