Eugene Project Request


This form is to be used by the principal investigator (PI) to request a new project on Eugene.

  1. Complete the Principal Investigator's Agreement and fax it to 865-241-4011.
  2. Fill in all applicable information.
  3. Click on "submit" button at bottom of this page to submit your application.
  4. After you've requested a project, what happens next?
  5. * indicates required fields

If you want an account on an existing NCCS project, please apply using the NCCS Join an Existing Project application form.

Direct any questions to the NCCS User Assistance Center.

Personal Information

* Title: Dr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss
* First name:
* Last name:
Middle name:
Suffix (Sr. Jr. III, etc.):
* Email:
* Phone:
* Current (or requested) username:

Citizenship Status

* U.S. Citizen Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Other
* Countries of Citizenship:
* Birth Country:

Mailing Address

* Institution:
* Mailstop/P.O. Box:
* Street Address:
* City:
* State:
* ZIP:
* Country:
Employer (if different from institution):


Project Information

* Project Investigators (PI):

* Project Name:

Select the most appropriate research area/science category for this project:

Project Requirements

* Indicate the number of CPU hours requested on Eugene (2,000,000 limit):

* What is the requested project duration (up to 12 months):

Description of Research

* Software Information : List each application software package to be used in the project proposal, including analysis packages.

Software Package Name Open Source? Commercial/Proprietary Export Controlled? *Export Control Classification Number

* Research Objectives and Computational Approach: Describe the proposed research, including its goals and the theoretical and computational methods it employs. For each of the majo application codes you intend to use for the project, please give the following information:

  • Application code name.
  • Programming languages, libraries, and other software used
  • Parallel programming system used (e.g., MPI, OpenMP, ...).

Job Characterization

* Job Characterization: Describe typical simulation job execution parameters (number of processors, average wall clock execution time.

* Requested Hours: Explain how the processor hours requested was arrived at.

I/O Requirements

Restart and Analysis I/O Requirements: file sizes, file types, archive needs

Proprietary and Sensitive Information

* Does this project generate publishable data?
Yes   No

* Does this project use or generate sensitive or restricted information?
Yes   No

* Does the proposed project use and/or create proprietary information, intellectual property, licensing, or will utilize controlled technology in any of these categories in pursuit of the project objectives?
Yes   No

Export Control

The following questions are provided to determine whether research associated with this project may be export controlled. Responding to these questions can facilitate - but not substitute for - any export control review required for this proposal.

* Does the proposed project involve any of the following areas?
Yes   No
  • Military, Space Craft, Satellites, Missiles, and associated hardware, software or technical data?
  • Nuclear Reactors & Components, Nuclear Material Enrichment Equipment, Components (Trigger List) and associated hardware, software or technical data?
  • Encryption about 128 bit software (source & object code)
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction or their precursors (nuclear, chemical, & biological)?

Comments and Questions

By submitting this application, I certify that the information I have provided is accurate and complete.