
The following tables list the most widely used software packages available on Phoenix.

Using the Tables

The first column contains the software package name, which is also a link to a page containing details about the package. The details page contains the following:

  • information on the package
  • useful links
  • machine-specific information and tips

The second column contains versions available on the NCCS systems. The last column has an “x” if the version is installed on Phoenix.

Packages Not Found in the Tables

Other useful packages may be installed but not listed in the tables below. Third-party software packages may also be found by looking in /apps. The /apps directory was previously shared by all NCCS HPC systems, but only the software for Phoenix is managed in /apps now.

To organize /apps, the following directory structure is used for third-party software packages:



package_name is the name of the software package, version is a version of that package, and machine may be x1, x1e, or phoenix.

Default Versions

Multiple packages are added by default to each user’s environment upon login. This is accomplished by loading the module DefApps. The DefApps module directly loads third-party application modules such as TotalView. It also loads the module MiscApps. The MiscApps module adds the links in /apps//bin, lib, include, and man to the environment.

The following module command may be used to view loaded modules:

module list

The following module command may be used to view all available modules:

module avail

More information on modules may be found in the modules page.

As new versions are installed, the most recent tested version will become the default.

For all packages, the following path structure will always point to the package’s default version:



To request a package not currently installed, please complete the Software Installation Requests form.



version phoenix
AZTEC 2.1 x
BLACS 1.1 x
FFTPack 4 x
FFTW 2.1.5 x
HDF5 1.6.2 x
1.6.3 x
1.6.5 x
MUMPS 4.3 x
NetCDF 3.5.0 x
3.5.1 x
3.6.0 x
PETSC 2.1.6 x
2.2.0 x
2.2.1 x
2.3.0 x
ScaLAPACK 1.7 x
SPRNG 2.0 x
SUNDIALS 2.0.2 x


Applications and Tools

version phoenix
Ferret 5.81 x
IDL 6.2 x
6.3 x
6.4 x
ImageMagick 5.5.6 x
Ncarg 4.3.1
4.4.1 x
NCL 4.2.0 x
NCO 3.1.0 x
NWChem 4.7 x
Totalview 6.6.0-2 x

If you have questions or comments, please send them to the NCCS User Assistance Group.