
Queues are used by the batch scheduler to aid in the organization of jobs. Users have access to multiple queues, and each queue may allow different job limits and have different priorities.

Unless otherwise notified, users have access to two queues:

  1. Production queue

    • The batch queue is the standard default queue for production work.

    • Use

      • The batch queue should be used for all production runs.

      • Queue specification is not required to run in the production queue.

    • Limits

      • The maximum wall-time limit is described in the scheduling policy section.
      • The maximum number of compute nodes is described in the scheduling policy section.

      • If your jobs require resources outside these limits, please complete the relevant request form on the special requests page.

  2. Debug queue

    • The debug queue is available for short jobs that require quick turnaround for software development, testing, and debugging.

    • Use

      • Please do not use this queue for production work! Misuse of the debug queue denies other users the ability to develop their software in a timely fashion and unfairly delays other production work. Users who misuse the debug queue may have further access denied.

      • Proper use of the debug queue is one job at a time as part of a software development, testing, or debugging cycle.

      • Interactive parallel work is an ideal use for the debug queue. See interactive batch jobs for more information.

      • To submit a job to the debug queue, you must specify debug using the PBS -q option.

    • Limits

      • The maximum wall-time limit is 1 hour.

      • Users are limited to one job at a time in the debug queue.

      • There is not a maximum processor limit.