2006 CUG Meeting

  • Alam, S. R., R. Barrett, T. H. Dunigan, M. R. Fahey, B. Messer, R. Mills, P. C. Roth, J. S. Vetter, and P. H. Worley, P. H. “Evaluation of the Cray XT3 at ORNL: A Status Report,” Proceedings of the 48th Cray User Group (CUG06), Lugano, Switzerland, May 8–11, 2006.

  • Vetter, J. S., S. R. Alam, T. H. Dunigan, Jr., M. R. Fahey, P. C. Roth,  and P. H. Worley. Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3, IPDPS, 2006.

  • White, J. B., III, N. Wichmann, and S. Ethier. “Comparing Optimizations of GTC for the Cray X1E and XT3,” Proceedings of the 48th Cray User Group (CUG06), Lugano, Switzerland,
    May 8–11, 2006.

  • Fahey, M. R., and J. B. White, III. “Portable Performance Oriented Programming Tutorial,” presented at the 48th Cray User Group (CUG06), Lugano, Switzerland, May 8–11, 2006.