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Media:  MOVIE
Format:  QUICKTIME (120 x 80)
QUICKTIME (192 x 144)
QUICKTIME (360 x 240)
Date:  06.06.1997
Title:  CERES Cloud Effects
Description:  This computer generated animation depicts the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument in operation. CERES will measure the energy at the top of the atmosphere, as well as estimate energy levels in the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface. Using information from very high resolution cloud-imaging instruments on the same spacecraft, CERES also will determine cloud properties, including cloud amount, altitude, thickness, and the size of the cloud particles. All of these measurements are critical for advancing our understanding of the Earth's total climate system and further improving climate prediction models. CERES is scheduled for launch in late 1997. The data from the CERES instrument will be used to study the energy exchanged between the Sun; the Earth's atmosphere, surface and clouds; and space. The CERES instrument is a high priority of the NASA Mission to Planet Earth Program.
ID:  LV-1997-00003
Other ID:  L0397-109
Credit:  NASA Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC)
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NASA Official: Bill von Ofenheim
Sponsor: NASA STI (Scientific and Technical Information) Program
Date: 01.20.2004