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INSC Material
Properties Database

Table of Contents

Introduction to the INSC Material Properties Database

Material properties that are to be included in the database are intended to meet the needs of analysts using computer codes and doing experiments for safety evaluation of the world's commercial nuclear reactors. The focus is on the materials used in light water reactors (LWRs) with initial emphasis on high-priority properties of materials unique to Soviet nuclear reactor designs and reactors in eastern-Europe and developing countries. A list of properties for each material and the phases to be considered are determined based on a needs assessment. The longer-term goal is to include data that will meet future needs such as materials used in evolutionary reactor designs, properties of extended burnup fuel, and possibly properties of mixed oxide fuels.

Material Type Categories

In accord with a proposed database by the IAEA, the properties are organized according to material type in the following categories:

Material Property Categories

The database user may select one of these categories to obtain a list of materials for which there are properties. The categories for the properties to be assessed are:

Although some properties such as density and thermal expansion are required for all materials, some properties are relevant for only certain materials.

Global Documents

In addition to the above categories, some global documents concerning more than one specific property or material are available. They are usually accessed by following links from the other material properties documents.

Related Links

This link provides access to information on the THERSYST Database for Thermophysical Properties. The experimental data that are analyzed in the assessments in the INSC Material Properties Database are stored in the THERSYST Database. Information regarding how these data may be obtained from the THERSYST Database is given at this site.

Please follow this link to additional databases of material properties available on the world wide web.

What's New?

This last paragraph provides quick links to recent modifications, corrections, or additions to the INSC Materials Properties Database. Please contact us if you are interested in an automated E-mail notification on status and upgrades of the Material Properties Section.

All the UO2 and Zircaloy property assessments and recommendations in the INSC database have been peer reviewed and accepted by the IAEA Working Group of the Co-ordinated Research Project to Establish a Thermophysical Properties Data Base for Materials of LWRs and HWRs.