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Home » Help » FAQ

Q: How do I register with the NBC?
You can no longer register at the IDEAS-EC website. You must register at the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) website at http://www.ccr.gov. You will need a DUNS number and a Marketing Partner Identification Number (MPIN). CCR will provide guidance for creating an MPIN. The NBC does not provide MPIN Information. A DUNS Number can be obtained by accessing the Dun and Bradstreet website at http://www.dnb.com.

Q: What can I do if I lose my vendor registration password?
Vendors will initially be allowed to utilize their current EC password or TIN/SSN
as a temporary Marketing Partner ID (MPIN) however, this temporary MPIN will expire in 7
calendar days. The MPIN is a 9 digit code consisting of at least one alpha character,
one number and no spaces or special characters. Your Company's CCR Point of Contact (POC)
should be able to provide you with your company's MPIN. If your company does not have a
CCR MPIN, your CCR POC can request one from the CCR website (http://www.ccr.gov).
Please note that although we update our feed from CCR on a daily basis, it may take up to
forty-eight (48) hours for IDEAS-EC to receive any updates that are made in CCR.

Q: I have a valid Duns Number and MPIN but I still get an error when I try to register?
Please verify your information against the CCR (http://www.ccr.gov) website. If you have
recently registered with CCR or requested a CCR MPIN, please wait up to forty-eight (48)
hours for IDEAS-EC to receive any updates that are made in CCR.

Q: I have waited forty-eight (48) hours but I still get an error when I try to register?
Please note that we update our feed from CCR on a daily basis, it may take up to
forty-eight (48) hours for IDEAS-EC to receive any updates that are made on CCR.
However, this CCR feed is not processed over the weekend. If you continue to
experience problems, please contact the IDEAS-EC Help desk by calling
(703) 390-6707, M-F, 6:30 am - 5:00 pm ET or email them to ec_helpdesk@nbc.gov.

Q: I have registered in CCR and ready to do business.
However, I have not yet received any solicitations from the Department of the Interior. Why?

Registering in CCR is a good first step towards winning business with the Department
of the Interior. You can find open and active solicitations for the Department of
the Interior and other government agencies on http://ideasec.nbc.gov.
Once you have found the desired solicitations, you must bid on them using the online
bidding modules for each service.

The point of contact at your company will receive
notifications regarding new solicitations that are privately directed to your company.

Q: Does NBC charge a fee for usage?
No. The IDEAS-EC website remains a free site. The information provided by the site is
public and unclassified. The National Business Center maintains the site as a service to
the vendor community and the participating agencies. For more information, please see
the About Us page.

Q: What happened to CBDNet?
CBDNet, the online procurement opportunity posting site, was discontinued as of
January 1, 2002. The new site for government-wide opportunities over $25,000 is
FedBizOpps.gov (http://www.fedbizopps.gov).

Q: What is the difference between the PSC, SIC, and NAICS codes?
Each acronym represents a code for products bought by the government. Product Service Code (PSC)
is a code for items that are sold to the federal government, while the Standard Industrial Classification
code (SIC) is a classification for products traded commercially in both the public and private
sector. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), is for classifying
industries. This system replaces the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes.

Q: I put in the number for a solicitation that I know exists, but the search engine
tells me there are no matches. Why can't I find it?

Our database saves the solicitation numbers in a defined format. Therefore, to find a
solicitation by number, be sure you are entering the number with no dashes or spaces.
If you are still unable to find it, you may also try searching on other criteria,
such as the date or the issuing agency. Also, you can leave all fields blank and
click on search. This will bring up all available solicitations.

Q: What is the difference between a synopsis and a solicitation?
And what does an amendment or a modification mean?

A synopsis (also called a pre-solicitation) is a notice that a solicitation may soon be
issued. Government buyers are required to publicly post a synopsis for any potential
solicitation over $25,000 which are posted on http://www.fedbizopps.gov. All actions posted on
the NBC Business Opportunities web site seamlessly link to GSA's FedBizOpps website.
A modification is a formal update to a synopsis. The next step is a solicitation.
Once a solicitation is issued, the opportunity is open for bids/proposals within the
specified response period. If there was a synopsis, the solicitation will use the
same reference number. A solicitation can be for any amount of money over $2,500.
An amendment is a formal update to a solicitation.

Q: How do I know which solicitations are set-asides (for minority-owned business, etc)?
You can search by set aside information within the synopsis search criteria.

Q: Where can I find information on closed or archived solicitations?
IDEAS-EC purges solicitations after their close date. Submitted quotes are kept for up to
90 days after a solicitation has closed.

You may find information on closed solicitations at FedBizOpps.gov at their Search FBO Posts page.
The data you will find here is relatively recent, and will not cover EVERY solicitation
in the government (that is the eventual goal).

Finally, there are some websites that provide this type of information for a fee. While we
are not able to recommend a particular site, you could find these with any commercial
search engine.

Q: What happens to old quotes when EC redesign occurs?
Old quotes that were available before the EC Redesign will NOT have a confirmation number
however, the information will be available.

Q: How long until the website times out?
The site will log you out automatically if there is no activity after 15 minutes.

Q: What is the difference between a Solicitation that is a RFQ and a Non-RFQ?
An RFQ is a Request For Quote which you may submit an electronic quote through our
website. A Non-RFQ is a Request For Proposal (RFP), which is a formal proposal,
that is binding by the vendor that is submitted to the Contracting Officer.

Q: Why can't I find the Bidder's Mailing List link?
Bidder's Mailing Lists are available on solicitations only. Solicitations that are
RFQ's do not have Bidder's Mailing Lists associated with them, however you may submit
a quote.

Q: I am still really confused. Is there someplace I can go for additional
help and/or technical support?

Yes! For more information on using IDEAS-EC Business Opportunities, you can call the Electronic
Commerce Help Desk at (703) 390-6707 and speak to an EC consultant or email them at

Q: Will RFQ's automatically be posted to FBO?
No. The Contracting Officer will determine if a Synopsis is required to be posted on FBO for each procurement, for example, if the RFQ is greater than $25,000, the Contracting Officer will make a determination on whether or not to post the RFQ to FBO. Vendors are encouraged to search for all business opportunities, (i.e. RFQ's) on the Open Solicitation Search function.

Q: What is the difference between an MPIN and a TPIN?
The MPIN (Marketing Partner Identification Number) is a personal code that your company selects and registers in CCR (Central Contractor Registration). Please note that this code must be requested from CCR and is not given automatically. The MPIN must have 9 digits, containing at least one alpha character and one numeric character (no spaces or special characters permitted).This code allows access to government applications in addition to FedTeDS as well, such as PPAIS.

The TPIN (Trading Partner Identification Number) is a confidential password provided to you upon activation in CCR. When used in conjunction with your DUNS number, the TPIN gives you access to your entire CCR registration.

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