Convicted Offender/Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program

This program furthers the Department's mission by offering an opportunity for States with existing laboratories that conduct DNA analysis of convicted offender and/or arrestee DNA samples ("DNA database samples") to reduce their backlog of such samples through in-house analysis or by sending samples to accredited fee-for-service laboratories for analysis. Agencies may also apply for assistance with data review of backlogged DNA profiles awaiting CODIS entry that were generated by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory. These activities are critical to accelerating the analysis of DNA database samples collected by States in order to provide timely Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)-compatible data for all 13 CODIS core short tandem repeat (STR) loci for State and national DNA databases.

Funding from this program can be used in two ways:

  1. Outsourcing contracts—Sending convicted offender samples to private laboratories for analysis.
  2. Grants—Funding for in-house analysis of convicted offender and arrestee samples, to assist with data review of DNA profiles developed by an outsourcing laboratory, or to outsource sample testing to an accredited fee for service laboratory.