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The HIV/AIDS Program: Caring for the Underserved

Volume 11, Issue 18
July 17, 2008

  • Second Group of HAB Clinical Performance Measures Released
  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantee Meeting Recap
  • TARGET Center Grantee Spotlight: AIDS Arms, Inc.
  • New Issue of HIV Meds Quarterly
  • EMA/TGA Planning Council Sites Posted on TARGET Center
  • Syphilis Exposure in HIV-infected Individuals Audioconference: September 4 and 5
  • NASTAD Report on HIV Rapid Testing in Health Department-Supported Prevention Programs

*Second Group of HAB Clinical Performance Measures Released***
HRSA/HAB has released its second group of clinical performance measures, "HAB HIV/AIDS Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents: Group 2."  The measures included in Group 1 represented five core clinical performance measures that are deemed critical for HIV programs to monitor.  Group 2 includes nine additional measures reflecting important aspects of care that impact HIV-related morbidity and focus on treatment decisions that affect a sizable population.  The final group of core clinical performance measures will be released in early 2009.  Performance measures in the areas of case management, ADAP, oral health, and systems are expected be released for public comment in late summer or early fall 2008.

Group 1 and 2 core clinical performance measures can be used by all programs funded by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program that provide HIV care or other relevant services and can be used at the provider, grantee, or system level.  The measures can be rolled up across multiple providers to look at issues from a system perspective, such as with Part A and B Programs.  Future guidance on the use of measures at this level will be forthcoming.  Programs can also work with their subcontractors, vendors, or other partners to implement the performance measures at the provider level.  While data on the measures are not required to be submitted to HAB, grantees are encouraged to include the core clinical performance measures in their quality management plan.

To assist grantees in the implementation and use of the core clinical performance measures, a reference guide has been developed, "HAB HIV Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents: Companion Guide."  Many of the questions raised during the input process are addressed in this document and additional questions have been included to address issues specific to Group 2.  Grantees are encouraged to pose questions to HAB Project Officers or the TARGET Center HELPDESK (301/443-0067).

To view the measures go to:

To view the guide go to:

***Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantee Meeting Recap***
This week, over 2,300 members of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program community gathered in Washington, DC to attend the 2008 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantee Meeting.  The Grantee Meeting, which is held every two years, provides an opportunity for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees and others to access information and technical assistance and share their experiences and expertise with their peers.  During the conference, over 180 workshops were presented.

Visit the TARGET Center for summaries of plenary sessions and workshops, links to webcasts from the meeting, multimedia presentations on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, and other resources from the meeting.

Webcasts from every session at the Clinical Update will be available on the IAS-USA website at:

*** TARGET Center Grantee Spotlight: AIDS Arms, Inc.***
The Grantee Spotlight, a new TARGET Center feature, highlights AIDS Arms, Inc. in the Dallas EMA and its efforts to develop a community advisory committee.  What began as a challenging and often barrier-ridden process, today has evolved to a successful and active group of committed individuals who engage in several quality-driven activities for an array of programs and services, such as outreach, case management, outpatient medical care, clinical trials, and medication assistance.  Read more about the process at:

***New Issue of HIV Meds Quarterly***
HIV Meds Quarterly, produced by the AETC National Resource Center and UCSF Center for HIV Information, provides brief updates and analysis of new findings related to common therapies used by HIV clinicians.  It includes research briefs, information on interactions, and “Fast Takes” on important treatment-related news.  Check out the summer 2008 issue at:

*** EMA/TGA Planning Council Sites Posted on TARGET Center ***
EMA and TGA planning council websites from across the country are now available on the TARGET Center.  Use the drop down menus to generate lists by Part and program.  Check out the state sites at:


***Syphilis Exposure in HIV-infected Individuals Audioconference: September 4 and 5***
“Preventing Syphilis Exposure in HIV-infected Individuals: A Review of New Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Syphilis in the HIV-Infected Population” will take place September 4, 1:00 ET and September 5, 11:00 am, ET.  The audiocast will feature Dr. Jeffrey D. Klausner, MD, MPH, Director, STD Prevention and Control Services, San Francisco Department of Health.  To register go to:

***NASTAD Report on HIV Rapid Testing in Health Department-Supported Prevention Programs***
A new National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) report, “Update on Implementation of HIV Rapid Testing in Health Department Supported HIV Prevention Programs,” highlights the results of a recent NASTAD health department survey on rapid HIV testing.  In late 2007, NASTAD conducted a survey of health departments to continue monitoring health department efforts to implement and support rapid HIV testing. The survey was designed to obtain a fuller understanding of the use of rapid HIV testing in conjunction with health department-supported HIV prevention efforts.  Specifically, the survey examined the mechanisms and resources used by health departments to procure rapid HIV test devices; the types of test technologies and volume of tests conducted by health department supported testing programs; the venues in which rapid HIV testing is conducted; and health department priorities for expansion of rapid HIV testing.  To view the report.

 In addition to the resources listed above, don’t forget to check out these other HAB resources, which are updated regularly.

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