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Environmental Update
The Environmental Update is the Center's quarterly publication. It highlights the Army's most innovative environmental practices and successes and is distributed worldwide.

USAEC Press Releases
Record of Decision for Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment to Support Operations in the Pacific Theater, September 2008  9/12/08
U.S. Army awards $4.28M and $687K performance-based acquisitions for Installation Cleanup  7/18/08
IMCOM seeking small businesses during June Industry Day event for cultural and natural resources management work  5/26/08
Army training lands provide refuge for rare butterfly  5/9/08
Army environmental expert solves cleanup mystery  4/22/08
Fort Hood a LEEDer in environmental stewardship  4/21/08
Army training grenades safer for environment  4/18/08
Hawaii Army National Guard Receives Army’s Highest Environmental Award  4/16/08
Army research and testing reveals "green" paint  4/4/08
California Army National Guard defends endangered species  3/27/08
Notice of Intent for the Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment to Support Operations in the Pacific Theater  3/13/08
U.S. Army awards $9.5 M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  3/11/08
Environmental stewardship strengthens U.S. ties with Korea  2/27/08
Redstone preserves local history  2/19/08
IMCOM seeks capability statements from small business for environmental work
Industry Day Announced
Bring Home the 3Rs of Explosives Safety  12/11/07
FINAL Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment  10/25/07
U.S. Army awards $8.21M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  10/12/07
U.S. Army awards $7.83M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  10/12/07
U.S. Army awards $8.45M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  10/12/07
U.S. Army awards $18.6M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  9/10/07
Army recognizes top environmental programs  5/3/07
U.S. Army awards $4.9M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  4/25/07
U.S. Army awards $6.2M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  2/6/07
U.S. Army awards $4.34M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  12/19/06
U.S. Army awards $10.7M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  12/19/06
Army Names Commander for New Installation Management Command  10/24/06
Sergeant Woof Gets His Barking Orders  10/4/06
U.S. Army awards $5.05M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  10/4/06
U.S. Army awards $7.38M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  10/4/06
U.S. Army awards $11.83M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  9/28/06
U.S. Army awards $8.28M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  9/28/06
U.S. Army awards $4.43M performance-based acquisition for Installation Cleanup  9/28/06
U.S. Army awards $6.676M PBC for Installation Cleanup  8/29/06
U.S. Army awards $8.4M PBC for Installation Cleanup  8/22/06
$5 million MMRP PBC awarded  7/13/06
Army Takes Four Secretary of Defense Awards  March 2006

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