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LP DAAC Tool Registration Form

Registering entitles the user to have access to the Registered User Services pages. These pages contain the downloadable source code for the tool, current version release notes, User Guides, and test data if applicable.

******** LP DAAC Tool Disclaimer ********

The LP DAAC provides limited support for this tool. Although we encourage users to submit problem reports and suggestions for enhancements, these will be addressed on a case-by-case basis as resources become available. The software is public domain and it is available to any government or private institution.

All requests for copies of this software package must be made formally. The request should state that you have read and understand this disclaimer. Distribution is available through the world wide web, unless otherwise requested.

* IMPORTANT NOTICE: A message confirming your registration will automatically be sent to the e-mail address entered during registration. If you do not receive the message you may have entered an invalid e-mail address and need to re-register. Your e-mail address must be valid and correct in order for you to receive your access information upon approval.

Required information

I read and accept the terms of the LP DAAC Tool Disclaimer.

Optional information

Choose all that apply.

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/landdaac/tools/common/register_form.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Monday, June 18, 2007
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