Known issues in MOD09 product (Surface reflectance)

Related PGEs: PGE11 (MOD09_L2), PGE13 (MOD09GQK, MOD09GHK, MOD09GST), PGE21 (MOD09A1)

Product information is also found at the PI website.


Color Key Case pending Case closed Case reopened QA note
Case number Opening Date Last Update
Status Description
SD_MOD09_2006208 07/26/06 09/26/06 Closed Incorrect labeling of atmospheric correction QA in MOD09
CC_MOD09_08232 08/19/08 08/19/08 Pending Geolocation errors on day 2008-213, no maneuver
SD_MOD09_08108 04/17/08 04/17/08 Note No L2 granules generated for portion of day 2008107 due to Terra L1B data loss
SD_MOD09_07348 12/14/07 12/14/07 Note Instrument data loss due to SFE Anamoly
CC_MOD09_07332 11/28/07 11/28/07 Pending Geolocation errors on day 2007-312
CC_MOD09_07290 10/17/07 11/14/07 Pending Geolocation shift due to satellite maneuvers
CC_MOD09_07226 08/14/07 08/16/07 Pending Geolocation irregularities on 2002219
CC_MOD09_07165 06/14/07 06/15/07 Pending Geolocation shift due to drag make-up maneuver
CC_MOD09_07129 05/09/07 05/22/07 Note Data dropouts and irregularities due to ground contact failure and buffer overflow
CC_MOD09_07082 03/23/07 03/23/07 Note Small data dropouts
SD_MOD09_07073 03/14/07 05/14/07 Closed Stripes in band 2 of MOD09A1
CC_MOD09_07029 01/29/07 02/13/07 NoteSurface reflectance in visible bands shows blotchiness due to clouds and BRDF effects (C5)
SD_MOD09_06313 10/03/06 10/03/06 Pending Use of wrong granules in MOD09CMG (C5)
SD_MOD09_06312 10/02/06 10/02/06 Pending Reflectance values retrived over water area may be incorrect (C5)
SD_MOD09_06005 01/06/05 01/06/05 Pending Incorrect MODLAND QA bits in MOD09 products
SD_MOD09_04260 09/16/04 08/16/04 Note Artefact in MOD09 due to high aerosol
SD_MOD09_04105 05/24/04 08/16/04 Note data corruption due to geolocation problem
SD_MOD09_04104 05/24/04 08/16/04 Note data corruption due to geolocation problem
SD_MOD09_03289 10/16/03 08/16/04 Note Striping in MOD09 products associated with noise in band 7.
DR_MOD09_03163 06/12/03 08/16/04 Closed Production issue corrupted some L2G MOD09 sensed 2003155
SD_MOD09_03148 05/29/03 08/16/04 Note MOD09A1 made with incomplete set of input L2G
SD_MOD09_03129 03/05/04 08/16/04 Note Artefact in MOD09 composite product due to high aerosol.
SD_MOD09_03041 02/10/03 08/16/04 Closed Aerosol retrieval in collection 4 processing
SD_MOD09_02213 08/01/02 08/16/04 Closed MOD09A1 made with incomplete set of input L2G
JB_MOD09_02070 03/11/02 08/16/04 Closed Aerosol retrieval artifact over bright surfaces
SD_MOD09_01358 12/24/01 08/16/04 Note Inaccuracies in MOD03 land water mask propagate into MOD09
JB_MOD09_01332 11/28/01 01/07/02 Closed Geolocation bug in MOD09
JB_MOD09_01331 11/27/01 08/16/04 Closed Corrupt geolocation data affect MOD09 and MOD09GHK
JB_MOD09_01317 11/13/01 08/16/04 Note Overlap between end-of-year and beginning-of-year compositing periods
JB_MOD09_01305 11/01/01 08/16/04 Closed Probable corrupt band 5 data for day 2001146 in MOD09GHK
JB_MOD09_01304 10/31/01 02/26/02 Closed Incorrect interpretation of L1B TOA reflectance
JB_MOD09_01302 10/29/01 08/16/04 Note Aerosol interpolation artifact
SD_MOD09_01295 10/22/01 08/16/04 Closed Blocky artefacts found in certain cloudy MOD09 L2G products
JB_MOD09_01283 10/10/01 08/16/04 Note Dropped packet artifact from L1B in aggregated 250m data
JB_MOD09_01282 10/09/01 10/09/01 Note Odd-even effect in MOD02 affects MOD09
JB_MOD09_01278 10/05/01 08/16/04 Note Striping in band 5
DR_MOD09_01278 10/05/01 08/17/04 Note Low amplitude striping in areas with high atmospheric aerosol content
JB_MOD09_01277 10/04/01 08/16/04 Note Striping in areas with high atmospheric aerosol content
JB_MOD09_01215 08/03/01 08/17/04 Closed Corrupted data may be present
SD_MOD09_01212 07/31/01 01/07/02 Closed Aerosol interpolation problems observed in certain MOD09 granules
JB_MOD09_01202 07/20/01 08/17/04 Note Artifacts in MOD09 composite products
JB_MOD09_01197 07/16/01 08/17/04 Note BRDF effects in MOD09A1
JB_MOD09_01058 02/27/01 02/27/01 Note Solar eclipse of 12/25/2000 affects MOD09 data
DR_MOD09_01040 02/09/01 08/17/04 Closed New composting algorithm reduces cloud shadow in MOD09A1
DR_MOD09_01030 01/30/01 08/16/04 Closed Incorrect aggregation of 250m and 500m L1B data propagated into MOD09
DR_MOD09_01016 01/16/01 08/16/04 Closed Unreliable cloud information propagated into MOD09 QA bits
SD_MOD09_01003 01/03/01 08/16/04 Note Striping observed in band 7 of MOD09GHK and MOD09A1 tiles.
SD_MOD09_01002 01/02/01 08/04/04 Pending Large reflectance observed in MOD09A1 at shallow ocean to deep ocean interface.
SD_MOD09_00335 12/01/00 12/01/00 Note None of the detectors in land bands are dead with the new L1B configuration.
SD_MOD09_00334 11/29/00 08/17/04 Note Horizontal stripes in band 5, 6, and 7 over ocean.
SD_MOD09_00333 11/28/00 08/04/04 Closed Increased sub-frame differences are observed in MOD09 with the new instrument configuration
DR_MOD09_00312 11/07/00 07/17/01 Closed Aerosol correction using the derived aerosol product (MOD04) is not applied everywhere
EV_MOD09_00307 11/02/00 11/02/00 Closed Atmospheric correction incorrectly paramaterized for pressure
EV_MOD09_00306 11/01/00 02/05/01 Closed Artefacts introduced by aerosol correction
DR_MOD09_00290 10/16/00 12/20/00 Closed L2G gaps propagated into MOD09A1
SD_MOD09_00276 10/02/00 12/20/00 Closed Invalid value for QA metadata QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER found in some MOD09 granules
SD_MOD09_00228 08/15/00 12/20/00 Closed Invalid value for QA Summary metadata found in some MOD09 granules
SD_MOD09_00181 06/29/00 06/29/00 Note Fill values in lower layers of L2G due to missing L2 granules
DR_MOD09_00180 06/28/00 09/11/00 Closed Cloud shadow MOD09A1 compositing issue
DR_MOD09_00174 06/22/00 08/22/00 Closed Relative Azimuth Angle in MOD09A1 incorrectly defined
SD_MOD09_00173 06/21/00 06/21/00 Note Negative reflectance values seen in band2
SD_MOD09_00153 06/01/00 12/20/00 Closed stripes in MOD09GST tiles due to improper coding of cloud flag.
DR_MOD09_00147B 05/26/00 08/17/04 Closed MOD09 Band 7 dead detector filled
DR_MOD09_00147A 05/26/00 08/17/04 Closed MOD09 Band 6 dead detectors filled
DR_MOD09_00146 05/25/00 08/04/04 Closed Split Scans Observed
JD_MOD09_00070 03/25/00 03/25/00 Note Three night granules produced because of misleading DAYNIGHTFLAG
CC_MOD09_00055 12/20/00 03/13/00 Closed Valid range of QA SDSs incorrectly set in MOD09_L2 granules
JD_MOD09_99276 01/21/00 04/11/00 Closed GRANULENUMBER metadata is set to -1 in some MOD09_L2 granules
SD_MOD09_99268 09/25/99 08/04/04 Closed Stripes in MOD09A1 tiles due to threshold on minimum coverage in L2G
JD_MOD09_99263 09/20/99 04/11/00 Closed The reflectance of coastal ocean regions is out of bounds
JD_MOD09_99262 09/20/99 04/11/00 Closed The last few lines of Latitude and Longitude are incorrect in some MOD09CRS granules
JD_MOD09_99258 01/21/00 08/04/04 Note INTERNALCLOUDMASK metadata is missing in MOD09_L2
SD_MOD09_99255 09/12/99 08/04/04 Closed L1B overflow effects are visible in MOD09A1 tiles
DR_MOD09_99255b 09/12/99 04/11/00 Closed Most pixels are incorrectly flagged as cloudy in MOD09A1
DR_MOD09_99255a 09/12/99 04/11/00 Closed All MOD09A1 tiles have Cloud Percent metadata = 0
DR_MOD09_99253 09/10/99 04/11/00 Closed Horizontal stripes in Band Quality SDSs of MOD09_L2
DR_MOD09_99251c 09/08/99 04/11/00 Closed SCIABNORM and SCISTATE metadata are incorrectly set to -1 in MOD09_L2
DR_MOD09_99251b 09/08/99 04/20/00 Closed Incorrect implementation of production rule for MOD09_L2
DR_MOD09_99251a 09/08/99 08/04/04 Note PARAMETERNAME for the QAFLAGS and QASTATS does not match the SDS longname
DR_MOD09_99249 09/06/99 04/11/00 Closed A sharp decrease in blue reflectance is often seen in the forward scatter direction
DR_MOD09_99247 09/08/99 04/11/00 Closed QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUTxxxxBANDx metadata are incorrectly set to -1 in MOD09_L2
JD_MOD09_99206 07/25/99 08/04/04 Note The fill value overwrites individual QA bits in MOD09GST
DR_MOD09_99206 07/25/99 01/05/00 Closed Band Quality not properly encoded in MODLAND QA bits in some L2G tiles
DR_MOD09_99201 07/20/99 04/11/00 Closed GEOANYABNORMAL metadata is not set correctly in L2G and L3 tiles
JD_MOD09_99157 01/21/00 01/21/00 Closed GRANULENUMBER metadata out of range in some MOD09_L2 granules
JD_MOD09_99132 05/12/99 08/02/99 Closed Pixels at high solar zenith angles are incorrectly flagged as cloudy
JD_MOD09_99128 05/08/99 08/02/99 Closed Negative reflectance values are forced to -100
JD_MOD09_99127 05/07/99 08/02/99 Closed Discontinuities observed in MOD09 around the sunglint area
JD_MOD09_99126 05/06/99 08/02/99 Closed The last column of some MOD09CRS granules is computed incorrectly
DR_MOD09_99123b 05/03/99 08/02/99 Closed Four MODLAND QAPERCENT metadata incorrectly set to 2147483647
DR_MOD09_99123a 05/03/99 04/11/00 Closed Invalid value for metadata QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA detected

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Last Updated: 09/26/2020