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List of Codes and Values

  • Disease Codes
    The CTEP Simplified Disease Classification (CTEP SDC), is a restructured, more intuitive classification of diseases, designed to meet the needs of CTEP while still allowing reporting based on the Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology. MedDRA is used as the global standard for reporting to regulatory authorities within the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

  • CTC v2.0/CTCAE v3.0 Codes
    Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC v2.0) and the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE v3.0) are based on MedDRA and are used for reporting adverse events experienced by patients enrolled in clinical trials.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Codes
    The CTEP Pre-Existing Condition Codes are based on MedDRA and are used for reporting pre-existing patient conditions for patients enrolled in clinical trials.

  • Therapy Codes
    The CTEP Therapy Classification has been simplified for use in reporting clinical trial therapy types (i.e., non-drug, drug, and/or immunotherapy).

  • Agent NSC Numbers
    Unique identifiers to be used when identifying agents when submitting clinical trial data to CTEP

  • Country Codes
    Unique identifiers for countries to be used when submitting clinical trial data to CTEP

  • Cooperative Group Codes
    Unique identifiers for the Cooperative Groups to be used when submitting clinical trial data to CTEP

  • Institution Codes
    Unique identifiers for each individual institution involved in NCI sponsored clinical research to be used when submitting clinical trial data to CTEP

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