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Current Issue

Forensic Science Communications July 2008—Volume 10—Number 3
Short Communication

Instructions for Authors Revised

This issue of Forensic Science Communications contains revisions to the Instructions for Authors. Recent revisions include:

  • Changes to the manuscript categories to include Short Communications and Under the Microscope and to remove Book Reviews. 
  • More detailed guidelines for creating images that work best with the journal’s online format and allow readers, especially those with disabilities, to access and understand the information they contain.
  • Additional guidance for citing the work of others.

Authors interested in submitting manuscripts to Forensic Science Communications should read the guidelines and, most important, apply them to their work. Assuming that the paper is written according to sound scientific principles, following the guidelines will provide authors with the best chance of having their work accepted and published in a timely manner. Authors may direct questions concerning the Instructions or submission process to the Managing Editor at