Advanced Search Page Summary

The LSN Advanced Search page allows users to fine-tune queries against the LSN knowledge base repository. The search page utilizes four (4) type of input fields:

Entering values in multiple fields has a cummulative effect, i.e., entering a title and a version indicates that only records that successfully match both criteria will be displayed in the results list.

The following table lists each of the Advanced Search form fields. Clicking a field name will provide further information on the field content, while clicking the field type link will provide further information on how to use the type of field input.

Field Field Type
Title Keyword
Dates Date Range
Document Number Keyword
Document Type Keyword
Author Name Keyword
Author Organization Keyword
Addressee Name Keyword
Addressee Organization Keyword
Related Record Number Keyword
Related Record Code Keyword
LSN Accession Number Keyword
Participant Accession Number Keyword
Information Sources Source Filter
Document Content Conceptual
Version Keyword
Traceability Keyword
Descriptors Keyword
Package Ids Keyword
QA Record Keyword
Non-Digital Media Keyword
Access Controls Keyword
Comments Keyword