Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  8/29/06

Series:   Organization

Part 130:  Bureau of Indian Affairs

Chapter 9:  Offices under the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management


Originating Office:  Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs


130 DM 9


9.1     Bureau of Indian Affairs Offices reporting to the Director, Office of Budget Management in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.  The following divisions direct and coordinate budget formulation and budget execution for all Indian Affairs programs and/or activities.  They serve as the lead for their respective programs and provide overall guidance and direction for budget execution.  This includes managing development of the annual budget requests, justifications, appeals and presentations to the Congress, Office of Management and Budget and the Department; ensuring that budgets are executed in accordance with governing laws and regulations, and that the budgets are based on established procedures for administrative control of funds.


          A.      Indian Education and Law Enforcement Division.  The division serves as the lead for the education, public safety and justice, and construction budgets.


          B.      Indian Affairs Division.  The division serves as the lead for the trust-natural resource, trust-real estate, tribal government and human services budgets.


          C.      Assistant Secretary Support Division.  The division serves as the lead for executive direction and administrative services, economic and community development, and the loan and credit programs, including all component activities under the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.  The division is also the lead for the tribal budget consultations, budget policy, and legislative responses regarding budget matters.


          D.      Field Operations Budget Division.  The division directs and coordinates budget formulation and budget execution for the regional and field offices and directs and manages field office budget staff.


9.2     Bureau of Indian Affairs Offices reporting to the Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. 


          A.      Division of Acquisition.  Directs and coordinates all contracting activities, including charge card, grants, intra/inter-agency agreements, etc.  Ensures implementation of strategic sourcing initiatives, Buy Indian Act, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation.  Directs and manages all field acquisition personnel.


          B.      Division of Property.  Directs and coordinates all real and personal property accountability.  Develops, maintains and updates property inventories.  Ensures regional property coordinators are in compliance with policy and procedures for property acquisition and accountability.  Directs and manages the surplus and disposal of property.  Directs and manages field property staff.


9.3     Bureau of Indian Affairs Offices reporting to the Director, Office of Financial Management in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.


          A.      Division of Accounting Operations.  Directs accounting analysis, reconciliation, research, reporting and resolution of all General Ledger accounts, and subsidiary records.  Prepares, reconciles and ensures accuracy and timeliness of all financial reporting.  Directs and manages all On-line Payment and Collection (OPAC) and Internet Payment and Collection (IPAC) operations and reconciliation.  Directs and manages all construction in progress accounting, reconciliation and reporting.  Directs preparation of monthly trial balances and resolves discrepancies.  Coordinates all trial balance activities with financial statement preparations.  Directs preparation of footnote disclosures.  Directs and monitors all financial systems (to include FFS, Hyperion, LOMAS, and NIIMS and any newly developed) development, maintenance, enhancements, and operations.  Directs compliance with the CFO Act, OMB, Treasury and FASAB laws, regulations, and guidelines.  Assists in preparation of policy and procedures impacting accounting operations at the field and headquarters levels.  Directs and manages field accounting staff.


          B.      Division of Fiscal Services.  Provides services for all payments (vendor, travel, miscellaneous, etc.) and collection activities, except OPAC and IPAC.  Ensures all records are systematically and timely maintained, updated, and immediately available to inspection by supervisors and auditors.  Monitors all field payments activities and coordinates with accounting operations to resolve issues impacting timely and accurate payments.


9.4     Bureau of Indian Affairs Offices reporting to the Director, Office of Human Capital Management in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.   


Division of Human Resources Operations.  Human Resources Officers are under the supervision of the Director, Office of Human Capital Management in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.  Human Resources Officers are strategically located to provide human resources services to all Indian Affairs field line managers and field staff related to implementation of human resources management, and equal employment opportunity.


9.5     Bureau of Indian Affairs Offices reporting to the Director, Office Facilities, Environmental, and Cultural Resources in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.            


         A.      Office of Facilities Management and Construction (OFMC).  The office is responsible for management of all activities, policy guidance, technical services, and functions related to the construction of new facilities and major rehabilitation, alteration, equipping, improvement, operation, maintenance, fire protection, code compliance, and evaluation of Bureau-owned or -operated buildings, utilities, and grounds, including employee housing.  The office is also responsible for establishing policies and procedures for the management of the Structural Fire Protection programs and includes the following:


                   (1)     Division of Program Planning.  The division provides project management for the facility construction and improvement repair programs; assistance to the Director in the development of policies, procedures, and guidance; project management services and technical assistance relating to the facilities construction program; and participates in the evaluation of needs and priority setting for facilities construction projects.


                   (2)     Division of Operations and Maintenance.  The division manages programs for the maintenance of sites and grounds, including the preventive maintenance program.  The Division also manages the employee housing program.


          B.      Office of Environmental, Safety and Cultural Resources Management.  The division is responsible for management of all activities, policy guidance, technical services and functions related to safety and protection of the environment and cultural resources on Indian trust and restricted lands and on Federal facilities operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  To ensure that environmental analysis and cultural resources programs adequately support trust management functions and central office and regional priorities, the office uses interdisciplinary teams, in coordination with appropriate program staff.  It includes the following:


                   (1)     Division of Environmental Management.  The division provides management direction, oversight, policy guidance and coordination for the protection of the environment.  The responsibilities of the division include, and are not limited to, compliance with all applicable environmental statutes, conducting environmental audits of all Indian Affairs facilities and operations, cleanup of contaminated sites, coordinating compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, and coordinating Indian Affairs environmental justice activities.


                   (2)     Division of Safety and Risk Management.  The division provides management direction, oversight, policy guidance and coordination for the Bureau-wide safety, occupational health, tort and employee claims and special operator licensing programs.  The division also administers Indian Highway Safety Program grants that are funded by the Department of Transportation.  Division employees inspect and evaluate Bureau-controlled facilities or equipment for safety and health hazardous conditions and determine required actions.


                   (3)      Division of Cultural Resources Management.  The division provides management, oversight, policy guidance and coordination for the protection of cultural resources.  It is responsible for compliance with all applicable cultural resources statutes including, but not limited to, the National Historical Preservation Act, the Archeological Resources Protection Act, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.  The division is responsible for the museum property program and represents Indian Affairs in activities regarding sacred sites.


8/29/06 #3722

Replaces 4/21/03 #3581