Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/21/03

Series: Delegation

Part 209: Secretarial Officers

Chapter 11: Special Trustee for American Indians

Originating Office: Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians

209 DM 11

11.1 Delegation. Subject to the limitations in 200 DM 1, the Special Trustee for American Indians is authorized to exercise all of the authority of the Secretary including, but not limited to:

A. Attendance at meetings and acceptance of contributions, as described in 205 DM 2.

B. Administrative services, as described in 205 DM 5.

C. Budget and financial management, as described in 205 DM 6.

D. Claims by the United States for property or money, as described in 205 DM 7.

E. Personnel management, as described in 205 DM 8.

F. Personal property management, as described in 205 DM 9.

G. Real property management, as described in 205 DM 10.

H. Procurement and contracting, as described in 205 DM 11, subject to the limitations identified in paragraph 11.4 below.

I. Travel and transportation, as described in 205 DM 15.

J. Advisory committee management, as described in 205 DM 16.

K. The authority to promulgate regulations.

L. The authority to account for the daily and annual balance of all funds held in trust by the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or an individual Indian which are deposited or invested pursuant to the Act of June 24, 1938 (25 U.S.C. 162a).

M. The authority to approve or disapprove tribal plans to withdraw some or all funds held in trust for such tribe by the United States and managed by the Secretary.

N. The administration of the oath of office or any oath required by law in connection with employment.

O. The authority necessary to carry out duties of the Indian lands valuation and appraisal function.

11.2 Information Technology (IT) Expenditures. The authority of the Special Trustee is delegated to the Chief Information Officer to approve all IT expenditures for the Office of the Special Trustee Nationwide to ensure availability of adequate resources to support the Department=s enterprise architecture and capital planning.

11.3 Principal Deputy Special Trustee. Subject to the limitations in 200 DM 1, the Principal Deputy Special Trustee is delegated all of the authority of the Special Trustee necessary to carry out the functions of the office.

11.4 Procurement and Contracting Authority Limitations. All contracting and procurement decisions including issuance of contracting officer warrants must be approved by the Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management. The selection of all contract specialists must include the participation and review and approval of the Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management.

11.5 Authority to Redelegate. Except where redelegation is prohibited by statute, Executive order, or limitations established by other competent authority, the Special Trustee may redelegate general administrative authority and program authorities specifically related to the functions and responsibilities assigned to the Special Trustee in 109 DM 11. All redelegations of authority made by the Special Trustee will be in the form of a Departmental Manual release issued in strict compliance with the provisions of 200 DM 3. No other form of redelegation is authorized.

4/21/03 #3587

Replaces 3/24/97 #3144