Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/21/03

Series: Organization

Part 130: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Chapter 8: Office of Indian Education Programs

Originating Office: Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

130 DM 8

8.1 Office of Indian Education Programs (OIEP). The OIEP is headed by a Director who reports to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. The Director exercises line authority over a headquarters organization and education offices in administering all applicable Federal laws governing Indian education. The Director is assisted by a Deputy Director.

8.2 Responsibilities. The office is responsible for:

A. Managing and administering all Indian Affairs education functions,

B. Providing direction to and supervising Bureau operated schools, dormitories and post-secondary institutions, and

C. Providing technical assistance and oversight to contract/grant schools and Tribally Controlled Community Colleges.

8.3 Organization. The organizations and functions of OIEP include:

A. Offices Reporting to the Director.

(1) The Division of Planning and Research is responsible for planning, research, education legislation review, preparing reports for Congress, and compiling evaluation data of education program operations. The division ensures that tribal consultation is conducted on all proposals that would significantly impact education statutes, policies, regulations, or procedures.

(2) The Center for School Improvement establishes curricula guidelines, education standards, and school improvement policies, in support of national education goals. The center provides oversight and monitoring of the special education programs, basic elementary and secondary programs, including supplemental education programs, and fulfills the responsibilities of a state education agency when representing Bureau funded schools to the U.S. Department of Education.

B. Offices Reporting to the Deputy Director. The Deputy Director directs the development, dissemination and implementation of standards, policies and procedures for education programs; monitors all Bureau education organizations in the areas of contracts and grants management; provides leadership, guidance, and assistance, through division staff, Education Line Officers, and Post Secondary College Presidents in support of the day-to-day operation of schools, dormitories, and post-secondary institutions and serves as the liaison for the school facilities and safety programs with the Office of Facilities Management and Construction and the Office of Environmental, Safety and Cultural Resources Management. The following organizations assist the Deputy Director in meeting these responsibilities:

(1) Division of Residential Life provides guidance, direction, and support to those schools that board students to ensure that the dormitory experiences complement and enhance the classroom instruction. The division also conducts evaluations of residential programs to assess their performance against the standards for model programs.

(2) Field Education Offices, headed by Education Line Officers, are responsible for providing direct supervision of and technical assistance to Bureau operated elementary and secondary schools and post secondary institutions, and peripheral dormitories, and other education programs in the areas of school operations and facilities management. As Federal grants officers, provide technical assistance and oversight to federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations that operate schools and peripheral dormitories under grants administered by the Office of Indian Education Programs.

4/21/03 #3580

Replaces 9/8/99 #3282