Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/21/03

Series: Organization

Part 130: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Chapter 2: Organization Structure

Originating Office: Bureau of Indian Affairs

130 DM 2

2.1 Overall Organization. The overall organization of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (see attached chart) consists of (1) a headquarters with staff in Washington, DC; Boise, ID; Portland, OR; Albuquerque and Artesia, NM; and Lakewood, CO; and (2) a field structure composed of regional offices, agencies, field offices, law enforcement districts, education offices, post-secondary institutions, and on- and off-reservation schools. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs who has responsibility for planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, and directing all activities, programs, and functions assigned to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

2.2 Headquarters Organization. The headquarters organization of the Bureau of Indian Affairs has two line officers with responsibility for directing and supervising the operations of the Bureau: the Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Director, Office of Indian Education Programs. Headquarters organizations also include program organizations with responsibility for technical oversight and monitoring of field activities and staff organizations with responsibility for assistance to the Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Director, Office of Indian Education Programs, and the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

2.3 Headquarters Functions. The function of headquarters components is to provide staff assistance to the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs in the exercise of management of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Headquarters components propose Bureau-wide policies, programs, budgets, and justifications; develop Bureau-wide legislative programs and reports; provide liaison with other Federal agencies and national Indian organizations; monitor and evaluate the performance of the headquarters and field establishment; participate in periodic and specific management and program reviews of field operations; and provide to field offices and tribes the specialized programmatic and functional assistance that can be economically and efficiently accomplished on a nationwide basis. The functions of Bureau headquarters organizations are described in Chapters 3 through 10.

2.4 Field Organization. The Bureau's field organization is a bifurcated structure with offices reporting to either the Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, or to the Director, Office of Indian Education Programs. The Deputy Director, Field Operations, has responsibility for oversight of regional offices, agencies, and field offices. The Deputy Director, Law Enforcement, has responsibility for supervision and direction over law enforcement districts. The Deputy Director, Office of Indian Education Programs, has responsibility for supervision and direction over field education offices, post-secondary institutions, and on- and off-reservation schools.

2.5 Field Functions. The Bureau's field organization is responsible for the day-to-day operation and administration of programs that provide services to Indian tribes and their members. Chapter 8 of this Part (130 DM 8) describes the functions assigned to the field organization under the Office of Indian Education Programs. Chapter 6 (130 DM 6) describes the field organization under the Deputy Director, Field Operations.

4/21/03 #3574

Replaces 9/8/99 #3273