Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/12/84

Series: Financial Management

Part 336: Certifying Officers

Chapter 2: Procedures for Designation and Change of Certifying Officers

Originating Office: Office of Financial Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

336 DM 2

2.1 Designations. Officials designated by 205 DM 6.0 and their designees are authorized to request approval from the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) for individual employees to serve as certifying officers within their organizations.

A. Documentation Required.

(1) Delegations of authority to designate certifying officers. The Office of Financial Management is responsible for providing the Chief Disbursing Officer, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, Department of the Treasury, Washington, D.C. 20226 with the Departmental Manual release pertaining to delegations of authority for appointing certifying officers.

If this authority is redelegated within a bureau/office, the bureau/office concerned must notify Treasury, in writing, at the same address. (See Illustration 1, 336 DM 2 for example of letter format to be used for notifying Treasury.) The letter must include the legal citation that authorized delegation.

(2) Requirements and procedures for transmitting and filing Signature Card for Certifying Officer, Standard Form No. 210. The designation of a certifying officer will be accompanied by a SF-210, Signature Card for Certifying Officer. SF-210's will be prepared at the Department level or by the bureau/office where the vouchers will be certified. (See Illustration 2, 336 DM 2, for example of letter format to be used for notifying Treasury.)

Since the SF-2lO is used as a signature card for both voucher-schedule and letter-of-credit signature certification, check-off blocks are provided to indicate the purpose for which the signature card is being used. However, the signature card may only be used for one purpose, i.e., an individual card may be used for signature certification of either voucher-schedules or letters of credit. Individual SF-210's are also required for each disbursing center to which voucher-schedules will be certified. The location of such disbursing centers will be placed in the space provided following the voucher-schedule check-off block.

In addition, bureaus/offices should insert the agency location code (ALC) on the face of the SF-2l0. The ALC will be utilized by the disbursing center as additional information when there is a discrepancy between the certifying officer and organization shown on voucher-schedules. When an individual is designated to certify vouchers for an organization having multiple accounting stations, wherein the first four digits of the ALC are the same, only one SF-210 will be used. Where multiple accounting stations are involved, the ALC=s should be shown on the reverse of the SF-210 with the annotation ASee Reverse@ inserted above the bureau or office name. In those cases when a certifying officer is designated to certify vouchers for other organizations, e.g., another bureau or office, wherein the first four digits of the ALC are different, a separate SF-210 will be completed for each different organization. In all cases, the ALC must always correspond to the department, bureau, or office, shown on the face of the SF-21O.

B. Signature Cards to Department of the Interior (DOl) Assistant Disbursing Officers (ADO’s). Bureaus/offices are required to furnish a SF-21O with notices and certifications as required above to duly appointed DOI ADO=s.

Signature cards for certifying officers whose vouchers are forwarded to a DOI ADO for payment will be submitted directly to the ADO designated by the bureau and delegated by Treasury, and to either the Director of a disbursing center or to a regional disbursing officer. Signature cards for certifying officers, certifying to ADO=s, except for those certifying to ADO=s for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) and for the American Samoa Government (ASG), are signed by the bureau/office official making the designation. Signature cards for designation of certifying officers for TTPI and for ASG who service the Office of the Governor of Guam, will be signed by the Chief, Division of Fiscal Services, Office of Administrative Services.

2.2 Amendment, Revocation, or Termination. Authority to certify vouchers for payment will continue in effect until official notice of amendment, revocation, or termination of certifying duties has been received by the appropriate Treasury disbursing officer or DOI ADO. Notices should be furnished as far in advance as practical. A copy of the notice will be furnished the employee for his personal file, and a copy of the notice will be placed in the bureau=s/office=s files on certifying officers.

2.3 Certifying Officers Current Address. Bureaus and offices are responsible for maintaining a current record of addresses of former employees who have acted as certifying officers until their payments have been approved by the General Accounting Office (GAO) or disallowances have been adequately explained, repaid, or relief has been obtained. Certifying officers must cooperate by keeping their former bureau or office advised as to their current address until their accounts are settled by GAO.2.4 Records to be Maintained. Bureaus and offices will maintain in a current status (a) a copy of the authorization of each certifying officer to certify vouchers, including cross-servicing authorizations, (b) a copy of SF-21O, Signature Card for Certifying Officer, for each certifying officer, (c) a copy of notification to the employee of his/her designation as certifying officer (see Illustration 1, 336 DM 1), and (d) a copy of notification to the employee of the amendment, revocation, or termination of his/her certifying officer duties.


336 DM 2

Illustration 1




Mr. J. C. Abbott

Chief Disbursing Officer

Bureau of Government Financial Operations

Department of the Treasury

Washington, D.C. 20226

Dear Mr. Abbott:

There is enclosed a copy of the (Bureau or Office) (delegation or redelegation) of authority to designate individuals as certifying officers for the (Bureau or Office). This authority to designate certifying officers is based on Part 205 DM 6.6 of the Department of the Interior=s Departmental Manual, which delegates to bureaus and offices the authority vested in the Secretary to designate, in writing, certifying officers under 31 U.S.C. 3325.

There is also enclosed the specimen signature(s) of the official(s) (delegated or redelegated) who is authorized to designate individuals as certifying for the (Bureau or Office).




Signature and Title of

Authorized Official


cc: Bureau Files


336 DM 2

Illustration 2




Mr. J. C. Abbott

Chief Disbursing Officer

Bureau of Government Financial Operations

Department of the Treasury

Washington, D.C. 20226

Dear Mr. Abbott:

In accordance with the Act of September 13, 1982 (96 Stat. 877), the employee listed below is hereby authorized to certify payment vouchers effective (date).

(Employee=s Name)

(Office Address)

Signature cards, in triplicate, are enclosed for (employee=s name). A copy of the delegation or redelegation of authority to designate certifying officers has been furnished to the Chief Disbursing Officer on (date), or is enclosed (use appropriate wording).




Signature and Title of

Authorized Official


cc: Bureau Files


3/12/84 #3558

Replaces 3/12/84 #2557

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