Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/4/02

Series: Organization

Part 112: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 7: Office of Wildland Fire Coordination

Originating Office: Office of Wildland Fire Coordination

112 DM 7

7.1 Purpose. This chapter describes the organizational structure and functions of the Office of Wildland Fire Coordination (OWFC).

7.2 Mission. The mission of the OWFC is to implement and manage the Department=s wildland fire program in a safe, effective, efficient, and seamless manner to provide for coordinated efforts between the wildland fire management bureaus and other federal and non-federal groups.

7.3 Functions. The primary functions of the OWFC are managing and overseeing the Department=s wildland fire management programs and policies. This includes:

A. Developing, implementing, and coordinating the Department=s wildland fire management policy and programs including policies for firefighter safety, fuels treatment to reduce hazards and restore ecosystems, biomass utilization, smoke management, emergency stabilization and rehabilitation, suppression, rural fire and community assistance, and education.

B. Coordinating the Department=s wildland fire management programs with other federal agencies, state governments, and stakeholders.

C. Advising and consulting with Departmental officials to resolve program issues dealing with the wildland fire management program.

D. Representing the Department in meetings with external agencies including the USDA Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other government and non-government agencies and organizations involved in the development, coordination, evaluation, and oversight of policies, strategies and plans related to the safe and effective management of the wildland fire program.

E. Monitoring and evaluating bureau fire management programs for consistency and compliance with policies, standards, and regulations.

F. Developing and managing Departmental systems (i.e., National Fire Plan Operations and Reporting System) for reporting, analysis of fire statistics and costs, and dissemination of statistics.

G. Coordinating the development of the Department=s Annual Performance Report and the Action and Financial Plan for the wildland fire program.

H. Working with the participating bureaus to determine the wildland fire program budget allocations.

I. Working in partnership with the Forest Service to manage the Interagency web site for the National Fire Plan.

J. Providing staff support to the Wildland Fire Leadership Council.

7.4 Organization. The OWFC is headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget through the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Budget and Finance. The Director carries out the functions and responsibilities of the office with assistance from support and program and policy staff.

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