Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 10/1/02

Series: Organization

Part 145: National Park Service

Chapter 2: Basic Organization

Originating Office: National Park Service

145 DM 2

2.1 Basic Organization. The National Park Service is headed by a Director. The organization consists of a Washington, DC, headquarters office, 7 regional offices, 10 support offices, 11 national program centers, 2 administrative program centers, and the National Park Service park units. (See attached organization chart.)

2.2 Headquarters Organization. The headquarters office consists of the office of the Director and five Associate Directors. It is located in Washington, DC. The headquarters offices provide national level leadership and advocacy; policy and regulatory formulation and direction; program guidance; budget formulation; legislative support; accountability for programs and activities managed by the field and key program offices; and, direct management of certain servicewide programs that by their nature can most effectively be carried out in Washington, DC.

The National Park Service also has a National Leadership Council that sets overall policy, priorities, and direction for the Service. The Council develops strategic direction and makes decisions involving the National Park Service as a whole. It leads the Service's management by steering the implementation of servicewide goals and objectives. As a group, the members collectively determine the Service's overall legislative goals and strategies.

2.3 Field Organization. There are seven regions within the National Park System. (See attached map.) The field organizations include the regional offices, the support offices, the park units, and the national program centers.

A. Regional Offices. Each region is headed by a regional director who reports to the Director. The regional director provides line supervision for all park superintendents within his/her region. The regional director provides strategic planning and direction, oversight, and assistance in media relations and strategies for parks and programs within the region. Each regional director serves as the principal authority and spokesperson for the area as a whole and ensures consistency with national priorities. As line manager, the regional director also is responsible for budget program coordination and formulation and financial management, with appropriate staff. The regional directors serve on the National Leadership Council.

B. Support Offices. Within most of the regional offices are support offices. The primary roles of a support office are: a) to provide support for field unit operations, including resource management and partnership programs, within the region; and b) to engage in planning, cooperative management activities, and technical assistance to regional field units in carrying out partnership programs.

Regional Office

Regional Office Location

Support Office

Support Office Location


Anchorage, AK

Alaska Support Office

Anchorage, AK


Denver, CO

Intermountain Support Office B Denver

Intermountain Support Office B Santa Fe

Denver, CO

Santa Fe, NM


Omaha, NE

None (Note: Functions are assigned to staff in the Regional Office.)

National Capital

Washington, DC

National Capital Support Office

Washington, DC


Philadelphia, PA

Boston Support Office

Philadelphia Support Office

Boston, MA

Philadelphia, PA

Pacific West

San Francisco, CA

Columbia Cascades Support Office

Pacific Great Basin Support Office

Pacific Islands Support Office

Seattle, WA

San Francisco, CA

Honolulu, HI


Atlanta, GA

Southeast Support Office

Atlanta, GA

C. Park Units. Park units are the basic management entity of the National Park System. Each is headed by a superintendent who is sometimes responsible for more than one unit. The superintendent is responsible for managing all park operations to achieve program goals. The superintendent also develops and fosters external partnerships. Superintendents direct and control all program activities, including: interpretation and education; visitor services; resource management and protection; maintenance; and other administrative functions, such as procurement, contracting, personnel, and financial management. In addition, superintendents are field representatives for all National Park Service programs.


Park Units Include

International Historic Site

National Park

National Battlefield

National Parkway

National Battlefield Park

National Preserve

National Battlefield Site

National Recreation Area

National Historic Site

National Reserve

National Historical Park

National River

National Lakeshore

National Scenic Trail

National Memorial

National Seashore

National Military Park

National Wild and Scenic River

National Monuments



D. National Program Centers. National Program Centers provide administrative, technical, and other types of professional support to parks and other customers. A list of all the national program centers and the associate director to whom it reports is listed below.

National Program Center


Associate Director

Accounting Operations Center

Herndon, VA

Associate Director, Administration

Concessions Program Center

Denver, CO

Associate Director, Park Operations and Education

Denver Administrative Program Center

Denver, CO

Associate Director, Administration

Field Operations Technical Support Center

Denver, CO

Associate Director, Park Operations and Education

Fire Management Program Center, National Interagency Fire Center

Boise, ID

Associate Director, Park Operations and Education

Harpers Ferry Center

Harpers Ferry, WV

Associate Director, Park Operations and Education

Information and Telecommunications Center

Washington, DC

Deputy Director

National Center for Historic Preservation

Washington, DC

Associate Director, Cultural Resources Stewardship and Partnerships

Denver Service Center

Denver, CO

Associate Director, Professional Services

National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

Natchitoches, LA

Associate Director, Cultural Resources Stewardship and Partnerships

National Center for Recreation and Conservation

Washington, DC

Associate Director, Cultural Resources Stewardship and Partnerships

Natural Resources Program Center

Denver and Fort Collins, CO, and Washington, DC

Associate Director, Natural Resources Stewardship and Science

Washington Administrative Program Center

Washington, DC

Associate Director, Administration

10/1/02 #3527

Replaces 4/20/89 #2849

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