Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/18/80

Series: Environmental Quality

Part 516: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

Chapter 5: Relationship to Decisionmaking

Originating Office: Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

516 DM 5

5.1 Purpose. This Chapter provides supplementary instructions for implementing those portions of the CEQ regulations pertaining to decisionmaking.

5.2 Predecision Referrals to CEQ [1504.3].

A. Upon receipt of advice that another Federal agency intends to refer a Departmental matter to CEQ, the lead bureau will immediately meet with that Federal agency to attempt to resolve the issues raised and expeditiously notify its Assistant Secretary and the Office of Environmental Project Review.

B. Upon any referral of a Departmental matter to CEQ by another Federal agency, the Office of Environmental Project Review will be responsible for coordinating the Department's position.

5.3 Decisionmaking Procedures [1505.1].

A. Procedures for decisions by the Secretary/Under Secretary are specified in 301 DM 1. Assistant Secretaries should follow a similar process when an environmental document accompanies a proposal for their decision.

B. Bureaus will incorporate in their formal decisionmaking procedures and NEPA handbooks provisions for consideration of environmental factors and relevant environmental documents. The major decision points for principal programs likely to have significant environmental effects will be identified in the Bureau Appendix to Chapter 6.

C. Relevant environmental documents, including supplements, will be included as part of the record in formal rulemaking or adjudicatory proceedings.

D. Relevant environmental documents, comments, and responses will accompany proposals through existing review processes so that Departmental officials use them in making decisions.

E. The decisionmaker will consider the environmental impacts of the alternatives described in any relevant environmental document and the range of these alternatives must encompass the alternatives considered by the decisionmaker.

5.4 Record of Decision [1505.2].

A. Any decision documents prepared pursuant to 301 DM 1 for proposals involving an EIS may incorporate all appropriate provisions of Section 1505.2(b) and (c).

B. If a decision document incorporating these provisions is made available to the public following a decision, it will serve the purpose of a record of decision.

5.5 Implementing the Decision [1505.3]. The terms Amonitoring@ and Aconditions@ will be interpreted as being related to factors affecting the quality of the human environment.

5.6 Limitations on Actions [1506.1]. A bureau will notify its Assistant Secretary, the Solicitor, and the Office of Environmental Project Review of any situations described in Section 1506.1(b).

5.7 Timing of Actions [1506.10]. For those EISs requiring the approval of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration pursuant to 516 DM 6.3, the responsible official will consult with the Office of Environmental Project Review before making any request for reducing the time period before a decision or action.

5.8 Emergencies [1506.11]. In the event of an unanticipated emergency situation, a bureau will immediately take any necessary action to prevent or reduce risks to public health or safety or serious resource losses and then expeditiously consult with its Assistant Secretary, the Solicitor, and the Office of Environmental Project Review about compliance with NEPA. The Office of Environmental Project Review and the bureau will jointly be responsible for consulting with CEQ.


3/18/80 #3510

Replaces 3/18/80 #2244