Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 8/10/94

Series: Real Property

Part 425: Space Management

Chapter 2: Delegation Program

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

425 DM 2

2.1 General Services Administration=s (GSA) Delegation Program. GSA=s program of delegation of authority offers real property management responsibilities to selected agencies occupying at least 90 percent office space in designated buildings. The program is administered by GSA, with the Department [Office of Administrative Services (PMO)] providing oversight and annual budget planning and preparation assistance.

2.2 Request for Delegation of Authority for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Buildings. Requests for delegation of O&M authority are considered on a case-by-case basis when the following conditions are met: (1) eligibility based on 90 percent occupancy; (2) satisfactory performance of program responsibilities and demonstrated capability to perform the functions; and (3) cost effectiveness of the proposed delegation.

A. Procedures. Requests for O&M delegations are submitted to PMO. Agreement in principal by the Administrator of GSA will be followed by negotiations to determine funding and resources. The Administrator of GSA will then submit the delegation to the Department for concurrence by the Secretary.

B. Resources for O&M. Upon approval of the O&M delegation for a specific building, GSA will transfer funding and FTE to the Department which are disbursed to the appropriate bureau. Delegatees are responsible for accountability pursuant to provisions contained in the delegation.

C. Accountability. Delegatees are responsible for financial and other reporting requirements as indicated in the delegation agreement. PMO will provide oversight in the development of the annual delegations budget which calls for an evaluation of GSA=s proposed funding vs. actual expenditures and development of documentation and justifications for additional funding if required.

2.3 Request for Delegation of Lease Management Authority. Lease Management Authority was delegated to the Department by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the Secretary in 1986, in order to enhance service delivery and provide more efficient management of federally leased buildings. Requests for this authority are granted when the agency occupies 90 percent of the available space in the building. Prior to such approval, the occupant organization must designate a Contracting Officer=s Representative (COR) who completes a self-instructional training course and is then certified by GSA.

A. Procedures. Requests for Delegation of Lease Management Authority are sent by the bureau directly to the appropriate GSA regional office.

B. Responsibilities. Lease Management delegatees assume responsibility to monitor lessor performance, ensure lessor compliance with GSA lease provisions, document lessor non-performance, contract for alterations, and oversight of space utilization. Reports of such activities are made to the GSA Contracting Officer as required.

2.4 Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority. Lease acquisition authority is granted by GSA for (1) specific one-time delegations for unusual circumstances and/or special purpose space, or (2) blanket delegations for specific geographical areas.

A. Procedures. Requests for delegation of lease acquisition authority should be submitted to PMO for evaluation, transmittal and coordination with GSA=s Central Office.


8/10/94 #3467

Replaces 8/10/94 #3014

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