Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 2/28/02

Series: Organization

Part 112: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 6: Office of Policy Analysis

Originating Office: Office of Policy Analysis

112 DM 6

6.1 Office of Policy Analysis. The Office of Policy Analysis is responsible for assisting in evaluating Departmental programs, developing new programs and major program changes, carrying out major studies of policies and programs, and conducting economic analyses of the full range of matters and issues affecting or touching upon the activities of the Department and other Federal and State agencies, including energy, environmental and other natural resource issues. The Office coordinates and guides inter-agency and multi-bureau program development and policy analysis tasks, provides guidance to bureau and office analytic staffs, and undertakes issue analysis and decision documents on behalf of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget. The Office also coordinates international activities of the Department.

6.2 Functions.

A. Provides evaluative and legislative analysis of Departmental programs and organizational issues in support of development of new programs, modification of existing programs, and development of the Department=s budget and legislative plan.

B. Reviews legislative proposals, correspondence, and other memoranda and communications for policy and budgetary adequacy in coordination with the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, the Office of Budget, the Office of the Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs, and other Secretarial offices.

C. Conducts studies and analyses related to Departmental programs and issues to ensure the programs are effectively conceived, that viable alternatives or options are properly developed and displayed, and that the Secretariat is fully informed of all the significant implications of resource decisions.

D. Consults with and advises the analytic staffs of the Assistant Secretaries and bureaus with respect to methods and standards for economic and other analytical studies to ensure that such studies reaching the Office of the Secretary for action meet high professional standards. Special studies are initiated and carried out by the Office and/or bureaus with general technical guidance from the Office.

E. Provides general and specialized staff assistance at the request of the Secretariat on highly important Departmental issues and provides consultation and advice to all bureaus and organizations in the Department on matters of economic analysis and evaluation.

F. Reviews and approves all Records of Compliance of rulemaking. Prior to approval by the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, reviews all preliminary and final Regulatory Impact Analyses and initial and final analyses prepared pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, the Unfunded Mandates Act and other laws or Executive Orders pertaining to rulemaking. Provides general and specialized staff assistance to bureaus and offices on preparation of analyses and documents related to rulemaking.

G. Responsible for Departmental review and clearance for the Department of all surveys, forms and regulations of the Bureaus that require information from the public including regulated industries or lessees. Provides guidance and coordination regarding the information collection approval requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

H. Coordinates the Department=s positions on international trade issues and represents those positions in interagency and, on request, international forums.

I. Provides staff assistance to the Secretary on the economics of endangered species recovery plans as well as in the Secretary=s role as Chairman of the Endangered Species Committee which rules on applications for exemptions from the restrictions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

J. Serves as principal contact for requests from outside the Department for international cooperation and provides guidance in responding to requests; coordinates international affairs involving more than one program area and represents the Department in interagency and international diplomatic meetings; initiates and coordinates efforts marshaling the Department=s natural resource expertise in support of the international aspects of domestic missions and of U.S. foreign policy; approves J-1 visa waiver requests for the Department; and concurs in all Departmental and Bureau agreements with foreign countries.

K. Administers grants to the Department to provide technical assistance to foreign countries in areas of Departmental expertise, upon approval of the State Department.

L. Reviews and approves foreign travel of Department employees to assure (1) the number of travelers and number of trips to foreign countries is held to the minimum necessary for the conduct of essential business and to accomplish Departmental objectives, and (2) that the travel is appropriate in light of international political conditions.

6.3 Organization. The office is headed by a Director who reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy and International Affairs. The Director carries out the responsibilities of the office with staff assistance. The staff is grouped by functional area and each functional group is led by a supervisor who reports to the Director. The functional groups are:

A. Economic Analysis. The staff provides economic analysis of policy issues and conducts major long range policy studies. These functions are often conducted in cooperation with personnel of bureaus and other Federal Agencies and States.

B. Program Coordination. The staff provides analysis, monitoring, and coordination for Departmental initiatives and issues.

C. International Affairs. The staff provides analysis, monitoring, and coordination of international work of the Department, administers grants, and reviews foreign travel of Departmental employees.

2/28/02 #3392

Replaces 5/31/94 #3006

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