Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/29/01

Series: Organization

Part 116: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Chapter 2: Director/Deputy Director

Originating Office: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

116 DM 2

2.1 Basic Organization Structure (see attached organization chart). OSM has its Headquarters in Washington, D.C., which provides overall guidance, supervision, and support for the Bureau and is comprised of the Director/Deputy Director's Office and two Assistant Directors. Three Regional Directors and thirteen Field Offices are responsible for coordination between OSM and State/Tribal regulatory and reclamation authorities and administering OSM programs, which have been decentralized to the Field. Area Offices are responsible for administering Field Office responsibilities at the local level. The Regional Offices also provide technical and administrative support to the field units.

2.2 Office of the Director/Deputy Director. The Director is under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary - Land and Minerals Management. The Director, as chief executive for the Office, provides the leadership and direction of OSM activities. The Director formulates OSM policy within limits delegated by the Secretary through the Assistant Secretary - Land and Minerals Management. The Deputy Director, as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Bureau, ensures that mandates of the CFO Act are achieved, and is responsible for providing policy and oversight for the core financial management functions. As the Capital Planning Executive, the Deputy Director is responsible for Information Technology (IT) capital asset planning and investment control activities.

The Director and Deputy Director represent OSM to Secretarial Offices, other Federal and State agencies, and the general public on all assigned duties. The Director and Deputy Director formulate policy and provide guidance on programmatic and technical requirements for the Bureau. The Director and Deputy Director are responsible for implementing applicable requirements of Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) (Public Law 95-87, 91 Stat. 445; dated August 3, 1977), the Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970, the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980, as well as overseeing OSM's compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. The Director and Deputy Director, through two Assistant Directors and three Regional Directors, are responsible for overall management of OSM's Appalachian, Mid-Continent, and Western Regional Coordinating Centers, as well as the Finance and Administration and Program Support Directorates.

A. Office for Equal Opportunity (EO). The EO Office develops and coordinates OSM activities related to equal employment opportunity. The Office provides technical guidance and assistance to Equal Opportunity staffs located in the Appalachian, Mid-Continent, and Western Regional Coordinating Centers, and provides advice and assistance to designated Equal Opportunity counselors in Headquarters and the Field. The Office is responsible for affirmative employment planning, complaints processing, special emphasis activities, and EO program monitoring and evaluation.

B. Office of Communications. The Office of Communications (OC) maintains a system to control incoming/outgoing OSM correspondence, and maintains and monitors other issue-tracking systems. The OC also maintains appropriate liaison with Departmental congressional liaison personnel and with individual Members of Congress and congressional committees; prepares and/or coordinates the preparation of materials to Congress (excluding budgetary material); works with the Assistant Director, Program Support, to identify potential needs for new or modified legislation; comments on proposed legislation; and provides an effective interchange of information with Departmental legislative affairs personnel. The OC keeps OSM personnel informed of Congressional activities concerning surface mining control and reclamation and coordinates its activities as necessary with other OSM staff. The OC plans, coordinates, and conducts public information programs to assure that information is readily available to the public and the media and accurately represents OSM's mission and the performance of its programs. This includes liaison between OSM and State and local governments, industry, and public interest groups. The OC prepares or reviews and approves proposals for speeches, films, radio and television copy, exhibits, nontechnical publications, and other audiovisual materials; and assists and monitors audiovisual and public information activities in Headquarters and the Field. The OC provides direction for the communications activities located in Headquarters and the three Regional Coordinating Centers.

C. Office of Strategic Planning and Evaluation. The Office of Strategic Planning and Evaluation (OSPE) coordinates long-term, strategic planning for the Bureau. Within this context, it identifies policy issues and, as needed, ensures that the impacts of alternative courses of action are assessed in terms of OSM's overall mission and objectives. The OSPE coordinates and, as necessary, performs trend analyses and modeling, focusing on emerging policy issues which may affect OSM's primary mission, or OSM's capacity to accomplish its mission.

The OSPE also coordinates management control and other reviews in accordance with Executive orders and Departmental initiatives. The OSPE is responsible for tracking all audit findings resulting from OIG, GAO, and other audits of OSM.

The OSPE is responsible for coordinating all OSM initiatives relative to implementation of Executive Order 12862, including setting customer service standards and implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act. The OSPE is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the quality improvement initiatives of the Bureau.

D. Office of Budget. The Office of Budget (OB) carries out an ongoing program of formulation and execution of the OSM budget, providing policy, central coordination, and uniform budget procedures; develops budget requests for each upcoming budget year; formulates Bureau-wide budget estimates for presentation to OMB; prepares budget justifications for presentation to Congress; prepares witnesses and supporting documents for the annual appropriations hearings, and works with the OSPE in developing long-term Bureau budgetary needs. The OB is responsible for tracking current fiscal and staff resource allocations and usage, and for preparing Bureau-wide budget reports to the Department, OMB, and Congress.

6/29/01 #3366

Replaces 4/17/97 #3145

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