Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date: January 5, 2001

Series: Organization

Part 112: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 9: Office of Planning and Performance Management

Originating Office: Office of Planning and Performance Management


112 DM 9

9.1 Office of Planning and Performance Management. The Office of Planning and Performance Management provides leadership, guidance, and consulting services for the Department of the Interior on strategic planning, performance management, and organizational and process streamlining. These efforts are directed toward improving programs, increasing operational efficiently, and providing better service to the Department’s customers. It serves as a bridge between budgeting and financial management by using performance information to support budget requests, and performance results for financial accountability. The Office also develops Departmental directives policy and manages the Department’s directives management program. The Office is headed by a Director who reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Budget and Finance.

9.2 Functions. The Office provides a variety of management services for Departmental leadership to foster and encourage organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability throughout Interior. The Office is responsible for the following:

A. Strategic Planning. Provides leadership and consulting services, including technical guidance and assistance, to the Office of the Secretary and the bureaus and offices of the Department in developing the Department’s strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports. The Office is also responsible for ensuring that the Department’s planning and performance reporting documents comply with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) statutory requirements (Public Law 103 - 62) and OMB Circular A-11, Part 2 guidance.

B. Customer Service. Provides leadership and coordination for Departmental efforts to improve service and responsiveness to citizens, customers, and stakeholders. Provides guidance and consulting services to bureaus and offices on customer service improvement efforts.

C. Electronic Government. Provides leadership and guidance, in coordination with the Office of Information Resources Management, for the Department’s efforts to use information technology to operate more efficiently and provide better services to the public.

D. Organizational Assessments. Provides leadership and guidance on conducting organizational self-assessments using the President’s Quality Award criteria to identify strengths and pinpoint opportunities to improve processes, practices and programs.

E. Directives Management. Develops and manages a system of Secretarial Directives including the Departmental Manual, Secretary’s Orders, handbooks, and other written internal directives. Reviews and coordinates Departmental comments on proposed Presidential documents (i.e., Executive orders, Proclamations, and Presidential memoranda). Provides guidance and ensures that bureaus and offices prepare Departmental directives consistent with policy requirements. Coordinates Office of the Secretary reviews of Directives. Maintains the official and historical records of the Department’s Directives.

F. Organization Management. Develops and defines policy and responsibilities that govern the management of organizational structures throughout the Department. Advises bureaus and Departmental managers on organizational issues, streamlining, and efficient work methods and procedures to improve the effectiveness of program operations and customer service.

9.3 Organization. The Director carries out the functions of the Office assisted by staff members assigned to specific activities under the functional areas identified in 9.2 above.

1/5/01 #3351

Replaces 11/4/99 #3286

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