
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/19/00

Series: Organization

Part 120: U.S. Geological Survey

Chapter 2: Office of the Director

Originating Office: U.S. Geological Survey

120 DM 2

2.1 General Organization. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) consists of a headquarters organization located in Reston, Virginia, and a regional organization with field offices located throughout the United States. A USGS organizational chart and a map showing USGS regions are attached.

2.2 Office of the Director. The Director, under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, formulates USGS policy delegated by the Assistant Secretary and directs all activities of the USGS.

The Deputy Director shares with the Director the responsibility for direction and coordination of all USGS programs and activities. The Deputy Director assists in the management and leadership of the science programs and support activities through the Regional Directors and Associate Directors.

2.3 Regional Directors have line authority and are responsible for managing all regional, integrated and place-based science programs and related support activities within their region. The Regional Directors represent the USGS in all contacts with customers, partners, and stakeholders in their region. The Regional Directors are located in Leetown, West Virginia, Denver, Colorado, and Seattle, Washington.

2.4 Associate Directors for Biology, Geology, Geography, and Water share in the planning, direction, and management of the interdisciplinary and integrated programs that contribute to the hazards and environmental science mission of the USGS. The Associate Directors are also responsible for the management and direction of the scientific and technical resources that are necessary to carry out the planning, development and accomplishment of the science programs in their respective divisions, as described below and in the chapters that follow.

A. The Associate Director for Biology also serves as the Chief Biologist, Biological Resources Division with responsibility to manage and direct the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support sound management and conservation of the Nation's biological resources.

B. The Associate Director for Geology also serves as the Chief Geologist, Geologic Division with responsibility to manage and direct the development and delivery of objective, relevant and reliable Earth science information on geologic hazards, energy and mineral resources, geologic framework, and coastal and marine processes.

C. The Associate Director for Geography also serves as the Chief Geographer, National Mapping Division with responsibility to manage and direct research and information activities about the Earth and its physical resources through geographic, cartographic and remote sensing information, maps, and technical assistance.

D. The Associate Director for Water also serves as the Chief Hydrologist, Water Resources Division with responsibility to manage and direct the scientific knowledge and understanding of the Nation's water resources through research and investigation of the occurrence, quantity, quality, distribution, uses, and movement of surface and ground waters.

2.5 The Associate Director for Operations serves as the USGS Chief Financial Officer. The Associate Director for Operations also is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and plans related to information technology, administrative support including financial systems, and human resources. These programs are managed through the following scientific support organizations:

A. The Geographic Information Office is managed by the Geographic Information Officer and is responsible for scientific and administrative information systems and information resources management;

B. The Office of Program Support is managed by the Chief, Office of Program Support and is responsible for financial management; acquisition and Federal assistance; facilities, property, space management, and other administrative services; and

C. The Human Resources Office is managed by the Human Resources Officer and is responsible for equal employment opportunity, diversity, and human resources management.

2.6 Staff Offices. The staff offices report to the Director and provide bureau level advice and assistance to the Director and Deputy Director.

A. External Affairs Office is responsible for planning and managing bureauwide public affairs and congressional activities; advising senior managers on communications and public affairs issues; developing a USGS communications strategy that includes all customers and stakeholders; and representing the USGS in all areas of external relations, including communications and relations with Congress and the public.

B. Strategic Planning and Analysis Office is responsible for advising the Director on science planning and for developing strategies for the formulation and implementation of policies, objectives, programs, and plans that will result in an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to achieving the USGS mission.

C. Budget and Organization Analysis Office provides bureauwide policy, guidance, and direction for budget formulation, execution, presentation, and advocacy.

2.7 Divisions. The USGS has four program divisions: the Biological Resources Division; the Geologic Division; the National Mapping Division; and the Water Resources Division. The programs, functions, and activities of the Divisions are described in the chapters that follow.

5/19/00 #3305

Replaces 12/23/92 #2966

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