
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/17/97

Series: Organization

Part 112: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 12: Office of Aircraft Services

Originating Office: Office of Aircraft Services

112 DM 12

12.1 Authority and Establishment. The Office is responsible for Department-wide functions related to aircraft services and facilities. The Office is managed by a Director who reports to the Director of Administration. The Office was established effective July 1, 1973, by Departmental Manual Release No. 1549 issued by the Secretary of the Interior on June 20, 1973, under authority granted in Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950.

12.2 Functions and Responsibilities. The Office of Aircraft Services (OAS) is responsible for:

A. Development and implementation of Department-wide aviation safety and aircraft accident prevention programs to include review of bureau programs.

B. Establishment and management of Department-wide aircraft accident/incident and aviation hazard reporting systems.

C. Ownership and management of Department of the Interior (DOI) fleet aircraft.

D. Assigning DOI fleet aircraft and/or OAS personnel to bureaus as requested to support bureau programs.

E. Procuring DOI-owned aircraft, commercial aviation services, and other aviation-related services in support of bureau programs.

F. Assisting bureaus in determining whether aircraft should be Government owned, leased, contracted, or chartered.

G. Coordinating aircraft use in such a manner as to obtain the best utilization of existing equipment, consistent with Department-wide mission requirements.

H. Establishing and maintaining standards governing operational procedures, aircraft maintenance, aircrew qualifications and proficiency, and maintenance personnel qualifications.

I. Developing and implementing an aviation user training program to meet Department-wide and specific bureau needs.

J. Inspecting and monitoring aircraft operations to assure that standards are being met.

K. Prescribing the procedures for justification, budgeting and management of the financial aspects of aircraft owned and/or operated by the Department.

L. Furnishing technical assistance for specialized aviation problems to bureaus and other users upon request.

M. In cooperation with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), investigating all aircraft mishaps occurring in Departmental aviation operations and representing the Department on all aircraft accident investigations where DOI has involvement as specified by the OAS Director.

N. Organizing, implementing and chairing a Department-wide airspace committee to assist the bureaus through sharing of airspace information of common concern and seeking solutions to common airspace problems at the Departmental level.

O. Facilitating and participating with the DOI Aviation Board of Directors.

12.3 Organization. OAS is composed of the following organization components:

A. Headquarters.

(1) Office of the Director. The Director exercises Department-wide direction for the aviation management program. The Office of the Director consists of the Director, Aviation Safety Management, and Human Resources. Two Divisions, a Financial and Information Management Team, Area and Regional Offices also assist the Director with policy formulation, determination of goals and implementation of those that fall within their jurisdiction.

(a) Aviation Safety Management. Aviation Safety Management is responsible for policy development, implementation, and review of the DOI aviation safety and aircraft accident/incident prevention programs; accident and incident investigation, management of the DOI reporting system for aircraft accidents, incidents, and hazards; and management of the OAS aviation and occupational safety and health programs. The primary focus is on accident prevention.

(b) Human Resources. The Human Resources function includes a full range of OAS personnel management activities to include classification, staffing, performance appraisal, pay administration, employee recognition and incentives, personnel training and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).

(2) Financial and Information Management Team (FIM). The self directed team reports to the OAS Director and is responsible for budget tracking, accounting, financial management, internal controls, fiscal policy, information resources management, and computer systems design and maintenance.

(3) Division of Acquisition Management. The Division reports to the OAS Director and is responsible for the acquisition management of aircraft services Department-wide, and for the oversight of procurement, property management and general services in support of OAS. Also housed in this Division is the Flight Coordination Center, which provides open market procurement agreements and source information for customers.

(4) Division of Technical Services. The Division reports to the OAS Director and is responsible for technical aviation policy and specification development, oversight of the user and pilot training programs, aircraft engineering development, and maintenance management of DOI's owned and operated aircraft.

B. Area Offices. The Area Offices report to the OAS Director. Offices are strategically located in the conterminous States to provide a single point of contact for field activities involving aircraft accident prevention, technical support, aircraft inspection, pilot flight checks, user training program management, and support to DOI fleet aircraft and pilots.

C. Alaska Regional Office. The Regional Office reports to the OAS Director. This Office provides aviation services to DOI bureaus in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Trust Territories in the Pacific. Responsibilities include acquisition management, administrative support, aircraft accident prevention, aircraft inspections, pilot flight checks, user and pilot training, flight coordination, fleet management, flight services, and maintenance of DOI aircraft within the region.

12/17/97 #3183

Replaces 1/13/97 #3129

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