
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/6/97

Series: Administrative Services

Part 314: Printing and Publications

Chapter 1: Purpose, Policy, and Procedures

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

314 DM 1

1.1 Purpose. This chapter identifies policies, responsibilities, and major components of the printing, publishing, and duplicating activities within the U.S. Department of the Interior.

1.2 Scope. Part 314 is a comprehensive reference to the Department's policy and procedures governing printing and publishing activities, to include duplicating, regardless of the medium.

1.3 Authorities and Related Documents.

A. Authorities.

(1) U.S. Code, Title 44, Sections 103, 501, 1105, 1705, and 1707, November 22, 1987.

(2) U.S. Code, Title 17, Copyrights, 1976 Copyright Act as amended.

(3) U.S. Government Printing and Binding Regulations (Joint Committee on Printing), Congress of the United States, April 1977. Reprinted April 1990, with addenda No. 26.

(4) 7 Comptroller General 1927, pages 221-222 "Purchases, Reprints of Magazine Articles."

(5) 5 U.S.C 552, Freedom of Information Act of 1988, as amended in 1994.

(6) OMB Circular No. A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources, revised 7-15-94 (defines Government publications).

(7) Annual appropriations legislation.

(8) 32 Comptroller General, 1953, pages 487-488 Appropriations-Availability--Publication of Articles written by government agencies and disseminated through private scientific publications.

(9) Section 108 of the American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991, Public Law 102-245.

B. Related Documents:

(1) Individual bureau plans for printing and publications.

(2) DM Sections regarding: Audiovisual Media and Publications (471); Copyright (454); Cost Recovery (346); Grant Publications (505); Information Management (375); Libraries/Information Centers (481); Management Control (340); Maps (757); Metrics (758); NonGovernment Publications (476); Nonofficial Expression (478); Public Expression (470); Reports Management (381); Records/Mail Management (382); and Seals and Emblems (310).

1.4 Policy.

A. Department of the Interior policy requires adherence to the "Government Printing and Binding Regulations" published by the Joint Committee on Printing Congress of the United States.

B. All bureaus will establish and maintain an active and continuing printing and publications management program for effective printing, duplicating, and distribution of documents required to support Departmental missions and conform to customer requirements, with all applicable policies, regulations, and laws.

C. The Department's printing, reprographics, and duplicating will be managed to ensure professional quality design and production standards, cost effectiveness, and time efficiency to fulfill Departmental missions.

1.5 Responsibilities.

A. Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget (PMB). The Assistant Secretary - PMB has overall responsibility and authority for all Departmental printing and publishing activities.

B. Assistant to the Secretary and Director of Communications (OCO). The Assistant to the Secretary and Director, Office of Communications is responsible for oversight, and guidance as appropriate, for message content, and the intended use of publications.

C. Office of Information Resources Management (PIR). The Director, Office of Information Resources Management is responsible for administering Departmental printing production policy. The Director or designee will interpret, recommend and implement Departmental printing production policies, serve as the Department's liaison to the Joint Committee on Printing, the Public Printer and the Office of Management and Budget in all printing policy related matters.

D. Heads of Bureaus. Heads of bureaus have authority to determine, and approve all printing and publishing activities within their respective bureaus. Heads of bureaus are responsible for ensuring adherence to the provisions of 314 DM, and establishing effective internal controls over the printing and publications function at their respective headquarters and field activities. Each bureau head will:

(1) Develop a publication approval process delegating authority to the lowest appropriate level. All bureau publication approval processes will be approved by the bureau's Assistant Secretary. The approval process must assure the following:

(a) A need for the product is clearly identified;

(b) The product does not duplicate others already in existence.

(c) The target audience is identified and the product is produced for that audience.

(d) The product is cost effective and its expense is justifiable to the Congress, the Department and the public;

(e) The publications should be printed on recycled and/or recyclable paper stock whenever possible. The recycled paper symbol should be clearly visible;

(f) The information contained is accurate--data and statistics current;

(g) The product is prepared in a manner that does not suggest lobbying or impacting legislation or budgetary decisions;

(h) The product does not endorse commercial products or entities.

(2) Designate a representative to the Department's Publishing Council.

(3) Ensure review and approval by OCO of all materials that include any message from the Secretary.

(4) Ensure OMB approval of periodicals and other informational products when required.

(5) Designate a Publications Management Officer to interpret and implement Departmental policies and requirements and to maintain centralized oversight for its printing and publications activities.

(6) Conduct periodic evaluation of all bureau printing and publishing activities.

(7) Ensure preparation of reports required by OMB, the Joint Committee on Printing, and other appropriate authorities.

E. Departmental Publishing Council. The Departmental Publishing Council recommends policies and procedures, coordinates research, provides guidelines, and advises the Director, PIR, and the Director, OCO, on ways to improve the Department's printing and publications activities. The Council is made up of a representative from each bureau and office of the Department, and is led by a Council leader that is elected annually by/from the Council representatives.

5/6/97 #3149

Replaces 12/6/91 #2927

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