
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 10/23/96

Series: Organization

Part 135: Bureau of Land Management

Chapter 2: General Organization

Originating Office: Bureau of Land Management

135 DM 2

2.1 General Organization. The BLM includes national, State, and field organizations (see attached organization chart). The national organization includes the Headquarters, the Office of Fire and Aviation Policy, and national centers having specific assigned service and support responsibilities. The State organization consists of 12 State Offices which have responsibility for implementing BLM activities in one or more State jurisdictions. The field organization consists of numerous Field Offices which provide direct customer services and execute on the ground management of the public lands and resources within the BLM's jurisdiction, under the supervision of a BLM State Office.

2.2 Executive-level teams, committees and councils. In addition to the formal organization, a number of teams, committees, and councils serve the organization as follows:

A. Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The ELT consists of the Director; the Principal Deputy Director; the Deputy Director (Associate); the Chief of Staff/Counselor; the Assistant Directors; the BLM State Directors; and the Director, Office of Fire and Aviation Policy. The ELT meets several times each year to focus on BLM-wide management issues and provides a forum for discussion and resolution of major policy issues. The ELT develops BLM-wide objectives, personnel policy, and program and budget priorities and monitors implementation progress to ensure that program goals and objectives are being met.

B. Corporate Team. The Corporate Team consists of the Director, the Principal Deputy Director, the Deputy Director (Associate), the Chief of Staff/Counselor, the Assistant Directors, and the State Director for Eastern States (representing the field component of the ELT). The Corporate Team meets on a regular basis to consider Headquarters management issues and BLM-wide issues that must be considered or resolved in advance of ELT meetings.

C. Field Committee (FC). The FC consists of the Deputy Director (Associate); Deputy Assistant Directors; Associate State Directors; a representative of each of the national centers in Lakewood, Colorado; and the Associate Director, Office of Fire and Aviation Policy. The FC meets several times each year to implement and facilitate the Corporate Agenda, primarily focusing on projects, issues, and concerns in the areas of budget formulation and execution, human resources management, and information resources management. The FC also monitors and implements special studies and projects in other areas as the need arises.

D. Information Resources Management Review Council (IRMRC). The IRMRC consists of the Deputy Director (Chair); the Associate State Directors; the Assistant Director, Information Resources Management; representatives of the HQ Office as determined by the Corporate Team; representatives of the National Centers; and the Bureau Budget Officer. The IRMRC provides an institutional framework for managers to coordinate major IRM plans, proposals, policies, and issues; ensures that BLM-wide IRM policies and major automation projects are consistent with the BLM mission and overall strategic plans; provides a formal process to review and monitor the development of major automation projects; and provides approval and decisions at significant milestones during the project life cycles.

E. National Employee Development Board (NEDB). The NEDB consists of the Assistant Director, Human Resources Management (Chair); the Director, National Training Center (NTC) (non-voting member); an Associate State Director; one - two external member(s) (e.g., from other Federal agencies, universities, etc.); four customer representatives; other members on an ad hoc basis; and a Board Secretary (non-voting). The NEDB makes recommendations to the Corporate Team on planning, management, and evaluation of BLM training programs and initiatives; provides advice and counsel to the Assistant Director, Human Resources Management and the NTC Director on development and implementation of long-term employee and career development and training strategies; and provides advice on Bureauwide career development and training policy both inside and outside of the NTC.

F. Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Council. The Business and Fiscal Resources Steering Committee serves the function of a CFO Council in advising and assisting the CFO to implement the management improvements required by the CFO Act, the Government Performance and Results Act, and the Government Management Reform Act. This Committee also advises the Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Resources (the CFO) on matters within her/his Directorate. Membership on this Committee includes the Assistant Directors, the State Director for Eastern States, another State Director, and two field office managers.

10/23/96 #3098

Replaces 5/3/96 #3065

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