
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: October 4, 1996

Series: Organization

Part 155: Bureau of Reclamation

Chapter 5: Operations Office

Originating Office: Bureau of Reclamation

155 DM 5

5.1 Director, Operations (Washington, D.C.) directly supervises the Regional Directors and oversees the management of regional programs and issues and the operation and maintenance of projects. Through the program formulation and budget processes, ensures that the Commissioner's goals and objectives are translated into operating programs. Establishes, implements, and monitors performance measures for evaluating and improving program accomplishments. Directs the Native American affairs, regional liaison, dam safety, and research programs. As Chief Financial Officer (CFO), ensures Reclamation's compliance with mandates of CFO Act of 1990 and oversees all financial management activities relating to programs and operation of the Bureau.

5.2 Program, Budget, and Liaison Group (Washington, D.C.) is responsible for program formulation and execution including the allocation of financial and staff resources, the development and implementation of program performance measures, and the preparation and submission of budget documents. Responsible for liaison between the regions and the Commissioner's Office, including the identification and resolution of regional programmatic and budgetary issues.

5.3 Native American Affairs Group (Washington, D.C.) is responsible for developing and coordinating policy and technical guidelines for Reclamation's Native American affairs program, overseeing water rights settlement and other negotiation activities, and providing liaison with Reclamation offices, Departmental officials, and other Federal agencies.

5.4 Research Director (Denver) provides coordination and support for research activities Reclamation-wide including program formulation, planning, and evaluation. The research and development program addresses three major areas of study: water resource management, infrastructure protection and enhancement, and hydroelectric generation and transmission.

5.5 Dam Safety Group (Denver) identifies structures with the potential to present unacceptable risks to the public and takes corrective action to reduce or eliminate such risks. Serves as the principal Reclamation office for budget, priority, and program formulation for dam safety activities. Oversees policy development and compliance; development of program and project-oriented objectives and procedures; and other activities involving the Safety of Dams Program funds. Provides leadership and technical assistance for the Interior Dams Safety Program through the Secretary's Working Group on Dam Safety.

10/4/96 #3090

Replaces 8/18/92 #2953

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