
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: October 4, 1996

Series: Organization

Part 155: Bureau of Reclamation

Chapter 2: Basic Structure

Originating Office: Bureau of Reclamation

155 DM 2

2.1 General Organization. The Bureau of Reclamation is organizationally comprised of the Commissioner's Office, the Reclamation Service Center, and five regional offices, with area offices in each region (see organization chart). The Commissioner's Office includes the Commissioner; Manager of Washington Administration and Performance Review Initiatives; Director, Policy and External Affairs; Director, Operations; and Director, Program Analysis. The Reclamation Service Center (RSC) includes the Director, RSC; Director, Administrative Service Center; Director, Organization and Resources Management; Director, Management Services; and Director, Technical Service Center. The regional offices and area offices are located in regions throughout the Western United States as described in 155 DM 11 and 155 DM 12. The five regional offices are headed by Regional Directors who oversee the operations of area offices in their respective regions.

2.2 Commissioner of Reclamation (Washington, D.C.) directs all Reclamation activities and programs within prescribed Congressional and Departmental policies, regulations, and procedures. The Commissioner is responsible for the development of policies which set the overall goals and objectives for Reclamation's program; ensuring that those goals are consistent with the Administration's priorities; providing liaison with the Office of the Secretary and other Interior bureaus, the Office of Management and Budget, the Congress, and constituent groups; and directing all program and policy matters of Reclamation, including supervision of the directors of the Policy and External Affairs Office, the Operations Office, the Program Analysis Office, and the Reclamation Service Center.

2.3 Manager of Washington Administration and Performance Review Initiatives Washington, D.C., manages and oversees the administration of the Commissioner's Office, including personnel management, information resources management, procurement, mail and records management, and fiscal and property management. The Manager serves as principal advisor in developing plans and policies to ensure successful accomplishment of the National Performance Review programs and also assists the Commissioner in promoting innovative and efficient management processes. Functions are described in 155 DM 3.

2.4 Director, Policy and External Affairs (Washington, D.C.) is responsible for providing staff support on specific policy issues, advising and representing the Commissioner in the areas of public information policies and programs, liaison with the Congress, international affairs, and planning and implementing a Reclamation-wide issue management program. Functions are described in 155 DM 4.

2.5 Director, Operations (Washington, D.C.) directly supervises the Regional Directors; oversees the management of regional programs and issues and the operation and maintenance of projects; directs the program formulation and budget processes; and establishes, implements, and monitors performance measures for evaluating and improving program accomplishments. Directs the Native American affairs, regional liaison, dam safety, and research programs. Also serves as the Chief Financial Officer. Functions are described in 155 DM 5.

A. Regional Directors are responsible for formulating and executing Reclamation's program within an assigned geographic area and for providing necessary leadership and oversight to the area offices within their respective jurisdictions. The basic structure of Reclamation's field organization is described in 155 DM 11.

2.6 Director, Program Analysis (Denver) is responsible for performing analyses of Reclamation-wide resource management issues, policies, and related matters; developing, formulating, and evaluating the implementation of resource management policies, standards, regulations, and guidance affecting Reclamation's mission objectives; formulating new initiatives and programs; and providing liaison with the Department, other agencies, and outside groups. Functions are described in 155 DM 6.

2.7 Director, Reclamation Service Center (Denver) is responsible for providing engineering, scientific, research, and laboratory testing services; organization and resources management; and administrative services in support of Reclamation programs and, as appropriate, programs of the Department of the Interior and other Federal agencies. The RSC Director is responsible for supervision of the directors of the four major RSC organizational units, described below.

A. Director, Administrative Service Center (Denver) is responsible for providing a variety of programs and services including payroll operations and payroll accounting, management of automated financial and payroll/personnel systems, property management, ADP, general administrative systems, and administrative support services. These activities are coordinated with administrative organizations throughout Reclamation and the Department, and as appropriate with the Department's other ASC in Reston, Virginia. Clients for these services range from multiple Federal departments and agencies to Department- and Reclamation-wide. Functions are described in 155 DM 7.

B. Director, Organization and Resources Management (Denver) is responsible for conducting research and analysis of client and/or regulatory requirements; planning, coordinating, and implementing programs/activities to address an array of support services including equal opportunity, accessibility to Reclamation/Department sites and programs, organizational analysis, coordination and replication of innovative practices, human resources management, internal communications, alternative dispute resolution, and the administration of youth conservation programs. Functions are described in 155 DM 8.

C. Director, Management Services (Denver) directs Reclamation's administrative programs including financial management, supply and property management, offices services, health and safety, information resources management, and acquisition services. Also serves as Deputy Chief Financial Officer. Functions are described in 155 DM 9.

D. Director, Technical Service Center (Denver) is responsible for providing scientific, applied research, and engineering services related to water resources management in support of Reclamation programs and, as appropriate, the programs of Interior and other agencies. Technical support is provided in broad areas of water and power resources management, geotechnical engineering, dam safety, civil engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, social and environmental science, and laboratory services. Functions are described in 155 DM 10.

10/4/96 #3087

Replaces 8/18/92 #2953

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