Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 8/4/89

Series: Delegation

Part 212: Policy, Budget and Administration

Chapter 12: Director, Office of Aircraft Services

Originating Office: Office of Aircraft Services

212 DM 12

12.1 Delegation. The Director, Office of Aircraft Services may exercise authority described in the following paragraphs with regard to aircraft management matters.

12.2 General. Authority described in the following Departmental Manual chapters and/or paragraphs is hereby redelegated to the Director, Office of Aircraft Services. The same limitations prescribed in the following delegations apply to this redelegation.

A. 205 DM 5.4 - Long Distance Telephone Calls.

B. 205 DM 6.2 - Authority to Authorize Employees to Certify or Approve Their Own Time and Attendance Reports.

C. 205 DM 8.1 - Personnel Management Authority. Exercise of authority under 205 DM 8.1 will be in accordance with the programs, policies, procedures, guidance, and oversight of the Division of Personnel Services, Office of the Secretary. This delegation does not include:

(1) Any staffing or position classification action, other than ministerial, except with respect to wage system and GS-12 and below positions or personnel. This limitation does not apply to voluntary separations such as resignations and retirements.

(2) Any action concerning the Director, Office of Aircraft Services.

(3) Final approval, other than ministerial, or such actions as reduction-in-force, raising the full-performance (or journeyman) level of a position, denial of within-grade salary increases, approval of unsatisfactory performance ratings, probationary period terminations, adverse or disciplinary actions, denial of requests for personnel information under the Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts, long-term training, or labor-management relations actions involving third parties which are normally cleared with the Department or with bureau heads or their designees. All matters covered in this paragraph will be submitted to PPM for approval.

D. 205 DM 9.1 - Personal Property Management Authority.

E. 205 DM 11 - Procurement and Contracting.

F. 205 DM 15.1 - Travel and Transportation (Relocation Allowances).

G. 205 DM 15.2 - Travel Authorizations, except as specifically retained by the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration, and limited to the following:

(1) 205 DM 15.2A(1) - Excluding within specific areas of the United States, general travel authorizations including travel of experts, consultants, and persons serving without compensation.

(2) 205 DM 15.2A(3) - In Canada only.

(3) 205 DM 15.2A(5) - Authorize Use of Privately Owned Motor Vehicles.

H. 205 DM 15.3 - Reimbursement for Expenses Incurred in the Use of Taxicabs.

I. 205 DM 15.4 - Approval of Applications of Advance of Funds.

J. 205 DM 15.5 - Approval of Actual Subsistence.

K. 205 DM 15.6 - Use of Designated Agents for Signing Transportation Requests.

12.3 Use of Military Aircraft. The Director, Office of Aircraft Services is delegated the Secretary's authority to make requests to the Department of Defense (DOD) for the use of military aircraft to transport personnel, equipment and supplies and to certify the DOI program need and the non-availability of commercial transportation. Such authority will be exercised in accordance with pertinent DOD directives and related Departmental guidelines in 347 DM 9.5B. DOI programs with an identified military aircraft support need will inform the Director-OAS with as much lead time as possible, or appropriate. In the case of operational emergencies (i.e., fire-fighting, natural disaster, etc.), verbal requests may be made directly to DOD by the Director-OAS. All requests will be confirmed in writing by OAS and forwarded through the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration to DOD in accordance with the aforementioned directive.

12.4 Non-Reimbursable Intergovernmental and Interagency Agreements. The Director, Office of Aircraft Services, is authorized to negotiate and enter into non-reimbursable intergovernmental and interagency agreements, including memoranda of understanding, in furtherance of those purposes determined by the Director to be essential to the effective function of the Office. Such purposes may include, but are not limited to, management of aviation standards, application of aviation operational procedures, and servicing of the Departmental aviation safety program. Such agreements shall be subject to the following requirements:

A. All agreements shall be developed in consultation with the Director of Management Services.

B. All agreements shall be documented in a manner that shall promote efficient management, to be determined by the Director. Memoranda of understanding shall be documented in accordance with 350 DM 1.5.

C. All agreements shall be signed by the Director.

D. Agreements shall not be executed under this section when reimbursable agreements under the Economy Act are appropriate in accordance with 212 DM 12.5

E. Agreements entered into under this chapter shall be consistent with applicable law. All necessary legal review shall be obtained by initially consulting the Boise Field Office, Office of the Solicitor.

F. Agreements involving determinations of Departmental policy, other Executive Branch departments or agencies, or state or local governments shall not be executed except upon approval of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration, through the Director of Management Services.

G. Agreements in existence on the effective date of this section that meet the requirements prescribed in this section shall be ratified by the Director in consultation with the Director of Management Services. Those agreements that do not, upon review, meet these requirements shall be brought into compliance promptly or cancelled.

12.5 Reimbursable Agreements. The Director is authorized under the Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. 1535, to enter into reimbursable interagency and intergovernmental agreements with other Federal departments, establishments, bureaus, or offices to obtain or provide materials, work, or services of any kind which pertain to the functions and responsibilities assigned to the Office of Aircraft Services. Such agreements shall conform to the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 1535, OMB Circular A-76 and this Manual.

8/4/89 #2867

Replaces 11/15/88 #2819

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