Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/31/86

Series: Organization

Part 109: Secretarial Officers

Chapter 8: Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

Originating Office: Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

109 DM 8

8.1 General. The Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs exercises the authorities and responsibilities of the Secretary for administering laws, regulations, and functions relating to Indian tribes, individual Indian tribal members, and Indian affairs which are vested in the Secretary by the President and the Congress of the United States. The Assistant Secretary is responsible to the Secretary for the management of programs, functions, and activities assigned to and undertaken by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The term Indian tribes includes Alaska Native governing bodies. This position is established pursuant to the authority contained in 43 U.S.C. 1453.

8.2 Responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs discharges the duties of the Secretary for programs associated with Indian affairs and has responsibility for representing the Secretary on Indian affairs matters in transactions with the Congress, other Federal Agencies, the Indian people, and the public. The Assistant Secretary is also responsible for establishing policies for Indian affairs and for the total operation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

8.3 Supervisory Authority. The Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs exercises Secretarial direction and supervision over staff within the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and over the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

8.4 Scope of Activities. In carrying out the responsibilities described in 109 DM 8.2, the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs performs or supervises the performance of the following activities:

A. Reconciles, adjusts, and synthesizes individual policy proposals and program plans submitted by subordinate staff and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

B. Exercises oversight of policies, operation, and effectiveness of interagency and interdisciplinary programs involving issues related to assigned program functions.

C. Sets program priorities based on Secretarial policies, demonstrated effectiveness of existing programs, and current and impending program problems and needs; and makes allocation of personnel, resources, and functions.

D. Undertakes or provides leadership for special projects designed to explore and develop policies and programs resulting from proposals by Indian tribal governments, state and local governments, and the private sector which affect Indian affairs.

E. Represents the Secretary in interpreting and communicating assigned program activities to various groups and to the general public; maintains liaison with members of Congress and Congressional staffs, testifies before Congressional committees; represents the Department in contacts with other governmental agencies and with various private and public interest groups; and solicits and utilizes, as appropriate, information related to assigned program areas from each of these extra-Departmental sources.

F. Assigns responsibilities for the execution, within available resources, of all laws and Executive Orders imposing obligations on the Secretary with respect to Indian affairs.

12/31/86 #2723

Replaces 8/25/82 #2431

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