
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/3/84

Series: Intergovernmental Relations

Part 511: Coordination with State and Local Governments

Chapter 5: Department's Obligations in Interstate Situations

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

511 DM 5

5.1 Purpose. This chapter establishes requirements for bureau and office implementation of the Department's obligation in interstate situations under Executive Order 12372.

5.2 Responsibilities. Bureaus and offices are responsible for establishing regulations and procedures to implement 43 CFR ยง 9.11 including:

A. identifying proposed Federal assistance which has an impact on interstate areas;

B. notifying appropriate officials and entities in States which have adopted a process and which have selected the bureau or office program or activity to be covered under the process;

C. taking positive action to identify and notify the affected State, regional, and local officials and entities in those States that have not adopted a process or do not select the bureau or office program or activity;

D. taking positive action to accommodate the comments if the bureau receives a recommendation from a designated areawide agency transmitted by a single point of contact; and

E. making efforts to accommodate comments if a State process provides a consensus or State process recommendation to the bureau or office through a single point of contact.

4/3/84 #2565


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