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USPS Adopts OIG Audit Recommendations for PBX System: Will Save $ 1.33 Million

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USPS Adopts OIG Audit Recommendations for PBX System:  Will Save $ 1.33 Million

Can the Postal Service save money by reducing its telecommunications expenses? To find out we audited its Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems to evaluate potential options. As background, the Postal Service uses 492 PBX systems at many of their larger facilities to route incoming calls to the local service provider. With input and guidance from the Headquarters Telecommunications staff, we determined the Postal Service could remove unnecessary voice lines, eliminate some PBX circuit cards that currently support these lines, and ultimately reduce its line monitoring services. We suggested including alerts to notify responsible officials when a potential overcapacity situation is developing.

Management plans to address and take action on all of our recommendations by the year's end. We estimated the savings due to the changes would amount to $ 1.33 Million over a 2-year period. CLICK here to read the audit report.



The Three R's of the Postal Network Plan: Realignment, Right-Sizing, and Responsiveness.

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The Three R's of the Postal Network Plan: Realignment, Right-Sizing, and Responsiveness.

On Thursday, July 24, 2008, Chairman Danny Davis' Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and The District of Columbia held a hearing to examine the Postal Service's Network Plan and it's potential impact on the public, the postal workforce, and the mailing industry. Four panels of concerned stakeholders provided testimony to the subcommittee. You can view their submitted written testimony by clicking here.




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The Postal Service has a goal to implement an Intelligent Mail program by 2009. "Intelligent Mail is like having a GPS system for mail," said Postmaster General John E. Potter during the January Board of Governors meeting. But will the Postal Service be ready to roll out Intelligent Mail by 2009? To find out, we audited the status of the program.

We learned the upgraded equipment is capable of scanning the new Intelligent Mail barcode (IMB). To date more than 300 postal facilities have been upgraded with increased network capacity due to the early completion of Phase III of the MPI program. In addition, the Postal Service is taking proactive steps to prepare for the transition to the 24-digit IM tray barcode, which will enhance nesting abilities.

Our audit had several recommendations and management agreed with the changes that included clarifying the bar code requirements and funding for material handling systems, and ensuring contingency plans for consolidating a server included extended maintenance for microcomputers or provided other contingency plans, if deployment is delayed beyond 2009. Click here to read the audit report.



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