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12 December 2005

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  • Kamran Abdollahi, SU-CEES
  • James Acker, NASA GES DISC/SSAI
  • Jennifer Adam, University of Washington
  • Jimmy Adegoke, University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Paul Adler, USDA-ARS
  • Douglas Ahl, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Suraiya Ahmad, NASA GES DISC
  • Daniel Albritton, Aeronomy Laboratory/NOAA
  • Younis Al-Fenadi, Libyan National Meteorological Centre
  • Mohammad Al-Hamdan, USRA/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  • David Allen, USCCSP/USGCRP
  • Mary Altalo, Ocean.US
  • Jeffrey Amthor, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Eric Anderson, U.S. Geological Survey
  • David M Anderson, NOAA Paleoclimatology Branch
  • Ken Andrasko, U.S. EPA
  • James Andrews, Office of Naval Research
  • Joe Andrieu, Ceilings Unlimited
  • Jay Angerer, Texas A&M University
  • Yoshihito Arai, JAMSTEC
  • Thomas Armstrong, USGS
  • Sankarasubramanian Arumugam, North Carolina State University
  • Krisa Arzayus, NOAA
  • Anthony Ashun-Codjiw, Brandenburgische Technische Universit√§t Cottbus
  • Michele Aston, USEPA
  • Emmanuel Yaw Attah, Brandenburg University of Technology
  • Allan Auclair, USDA-APHIS
  • Jeffrey Avallone, DEVELOP / Wise County
  • Marilyn Averill, University of Colorado
  • Susan Avery, University of Colorado
  • Melody Avery, NASA Langley Research Cntr
  • Peter Backlund, NCAR
  • David Bader, PCMDI/LLNL
  • Mitchell Baer, U.S. DOE
  • Paul Baer, Stanford Unversity Center for Environmental Science and Policy
  • Andrea Bair, National Weather Service
  • Mike Ball, Argus Air Daily
  • Roberta Balstad, Columbia University
  • Anjuli Bamzai, US Dept of Energy
  • Boaz Barak, University of Rhode Island
  • Ko Barett, NOAA
  • Bruce Barkstrom, NASA Langley Research   Center
  • John Barron, USGS
  • Eric Barron, Penn State University
  • Daniel L. Basketfield, Basketfield
  • Emily Becker, University of Maryland Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
  • Michael D. Beevers, Princeton University / University of Maryland
  • Nancy Beller-Simms, NOAA
  • Chris Bernabo, Center for Science Solutions
  • Leonard Bernstein, L.S. Bernstein & Associates
  • Sanjeeb Bhoi, GMU
  • Eugene Bierly, AGU
  • Richard Birdsey, USDA Forest Service
  • Jeanne Bisanz, Pileus Project / Michigan State University
  • Roy Black, Pileus Project / Michigan State University
  • James Bossert, Los Alamos National Lab
  • Barry Boubacar, DN Meteo
  • Lakhdar Boukerrou, Center for Environmental Studies FAU
  • Marcus Bowman, International Access Corporation
  • Alex Bozmoski, Georgetown University
  • Leslie Branch, USGCRP/CCSPO
  • Lee Branscome, Climatological Consulting Corporation
  • Bobby Braswell, Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space
  • Michael Brewer, National Weather Service
  • Kasim Brisam, MBC
  • Molly Brown, SSAI/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Timothy Brown, Desert Research Institute
  • David Brown, University of New Hampshire
  • Jesslyn Brown, SAIC
  • Ronald Brunner, University of Colorado
  • Amelia Budge, Earth Data Analysis Center
  • Marilyn A. Buford, USDA Forest Service
  • Marianne Burke, USDA Forest Service
  • Antonio Busalacchi, ESSIC/Univ. of Maryland
  • James H. Butler, NOAA
  • Daewon Byun, University of Houston
  • Victor Cabrera, University of Miami
  • Robert Cahalan, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Ctr
  • Donald Cahoon, U. S. Geological Survey
  • Laitpharlang Cajee, North eastern Hill University
  • Hannah Campell, NOAA
  • Penelope Canan, Global Carbon Project
  • Richard Canino, N/A
  • Ralph Cantral, NOAA/Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
  • Greg Carbone, University of South Carolina
  • Oscar Carrasco, George Mason University
  • Julie Carruthers, Office of Science
  • Gary Carter, NOAA National Weather Service
  • Denise Casey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Nancy Cavallaro, USDA/CSREES/Competitive Programs
  • Daniel Cayan, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Becky Chacko, NOAA
  • Elizabeth Chalecki, Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy
  • Michael Charney, CERC
  • Keya Chatterjee, USDA/USAID
  • Ming Chen, University of New Hampshire
  • Carl Chen, Systech Engineering
  • Jiquan Chen, University of Toledo
  • Christina Cheung, Georgetown University
  • Mian Chin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • David Chock, Ford Motor Company
  • Zachary Christman, Clark University Graduate School of Geography
  • Cathy Clark, UCAR/JOSS
  • Kisha Clark, Government Accountability Office
  • Jeanne Clarke, University of Arizona
  • Diane Clayton, NASA HQ
  • Armond Cohen, Clean Air Task Force
  • Alan Cohn, University of Maryland
  • Dwight Colburn, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
  • Terry Colburn, Environment Space Observing Systems
  • Kenneth L. Cole, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center
  • Jackson Collier, NASA
  • William Collins, NCAR
  • Josefino Comiso, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Andrew Comrie, University of Arizona
  • Laurence Connor, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA
  • Joseph Conny, NIST
  • David Conover, Off. of Policy and Int'l Affairs
  • Gary Cook, US Climate Action Network
  • James Cooper, MDA Federal
  • Ellen Cooter, NOAA/ARL
  • Bryan Cox, Georgetown University
  • John Creilson, SAIC/NASA Langley Research Center
  • David Crisp, JPL/Caltech
  • Bart Croes, California Air Resources Board
  • William Crosson, USRA
  • Ivan Csiszar, University of Maryland
  • Robert Curran, Climate Change Science Program Office
  • Roger Dahlman, DOE/Office of Science
  • David D'Arcangelo, Cinergy
  • Swarvanu Dasgupta, George Mason   University
  • Swarvanu Dasgupta, George Mason University
  • Margaret Davidson, NOAA Coastal Services Center
  • Francisco De la Chesnaye, Climate Analysis Branch
  • Ben DeAngelo, U.S. EPA
  • Jeffrey DeBlieu, The Nature Conservancy
  • Aaron Amponsah Debrah, Brandenburg Univ. of Technology
  • Philip DeCola, NASA HQ
  • Art DeGaetano, Northeast Regional Climate Center
  • Stephen Del Grosso, USDA ARS
  • Kate Demong, NYC Department of Environmental Protection
  • Floyd Deschamps, us senate
  • Jacques Descloitres, NASA/GSFC/SSAI
  • Suraje Dessai, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
  • Michael Dettinger, US Geological Survey
  • Manhar Dhanak, Florida Atlantic University
  • Gnanasiri Dharmappriya, Department of Meteorology
  • Howard Diamond, NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
  • Henry Diaz, NOAA/OAR/CDC
  • Beth Dickey, Government Executive
  • Lisa Dilling, CSTPR/CIRES
  • Bruce Doddridge, NASA Headquarters
  • David Dokken, Climate Change Science Program Office
  • Randall Dole, NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center
  • Paul Doraiswamy, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • David Douglass, University of Rochester
  • Kirstin Dow, Univ of South Carolina - CISA
  • Harry Dowsett, USGS
  • Thomas Doyle, USGS National Wetlands Research Center
  • Kea Duckenfield, UCAR
  • Robert Dumont, DOC/NOAA/OFCM
  • Desmond Duncan, Brandenburg University of Technology
  • George Durner, USGS
  • Joan Dusky, UF/IFAS Extension
  • Jillian Dyszynski, Georgetown University
  • William Eadie, San Diego State University
  • Mark Eakin, NOAA Coral Reef Watch
  • Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Kristie Ebi, Exponent
  • Richard Eckman, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Frank Eden, Eden Consulting
  • Jae Edmonds, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Tim Eichler, NOAA
  • Franco Einaudi, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr.
  • Brenda Ekwurzel, UCS
  • Lynn Elsey, Weatherwise magazine
  • Jerry Elwood, U.S. Department of Energy
  • William R Emanuel, NASA Headquarters
  • David Enfield, NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Lab
  • Jared Entin, NASA
  • David Erickson, Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Marjorie Ernst, NOAA Ocean Service
  • Emmanuel    K Essibu, Ideal College
  • Maury Estes, NASA/USRA
  • Hariharan Eswaran, USDA - NRCS
  • Sarah Evans, Department of State
  • Brian Ewane Melle, Brandenburgische Technische Universit√§t Cottbus (BTU)
  • Chris Farley, USDA Forest Service
  • Heather Farrell, American University
  • Stephen Faulkner, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Stephanie Fauver, NOAA Coastal Services Center
  • Howard Feldman, American Petroleum Institute
  • Dennis Feltgen, NOAA-Nat'l Weather Service
  • Lori Fenstermacher, NOAA/NOS
  • Steven Fernandez, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Wanda Ferrell, DOE
  • Jesse Feyen, NOAA NOS Coast Survey Development Laboratory
  • David Finnegan, Mayer
  • Marc Fischer, Berkeley Laboratory
  • Matthew Fladeland, NASA Ames Research Center
  • James Fleming, Colby College
  • Gary Foley, EPA/ORD
  • Josh Foster, NOAA
  • Douglas Fox, CIRA
  • Michael Fox-Rabinovitz, University of Maryland
  • Guido Franco, California Energy Commission
  • Randall Freed, ICF Consulting
  • Michael Freeston, University of California
  • Randall Friedl, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Lawrence Friedl, NASA Applied Sciences Program
  • Peter Frumhoff, Union of Concernced Scientists
  • Hans-Martin Fuessel, Stanford University
  • Noha Gaber, EPA
  • Mark Gaber, Federal Highway Administration
  • Douglas Gamble, Dept Earth Sciences
  • Janet Gamble, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Ebenezer Kweku Gand, Aalborg University
  • Martha Garcia, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Gregg Garfin, CLIMAS
  • Gerald Geernaert, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Stephen Gill, NOAA/NOS
  • Michael Gillenwater, Environmental Resources Trust
  • Robert Gilliam, NOAA/ARL/ASMD
  • Paul Gilman, Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies
  • James Giraytys, self
  • Mary Glackin, NOAA
  • Jonathan Gleason, DEVELOP
  • Dwight Gledhill, NOAA
  • Scott Goetz, Woods Hole Research Center
  • Brian Goetzendanner, NOAA
  • Indur Goklany, U.S. Department of the Interior
  • James Gosz, University of New Mexico
  • Robin Graham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Anne Grambsch, EPA
  • Robert Greco, American Petroleum Institute
  • Arthur Greene, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction / The Earth Institute at Columbia University
  • Margarita Gregg, NOAA
  • Patrick Gregston, Ceilings Unlimited
  • Stanley Grigsby, Virginia Tech
  • Howard Gruenspecht, Energy Information Administration
  • Jay Gulledge, Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  • Glenn Guntenspergen, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Jash Bahadur Gurung, Environment Nepal
  • Garick Gutman, NASA HQ
  • William Gutowski, Iowa State University
  • Xiomara Guzman, NHK--Japan Broadcasting Corp.
  • Bart Hagemeyer, NOAA/NWS
  • Charles Hakkarinen, unaffiliated
  • Ida Hakkarinen, NOAA/NESDIS Office of the CIO
  • Lynne Hale, The Nature Conservancy
  • Lara Hansen, WWF
  • Paul J. Hanson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Roger B Hanson, U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program
  • Darren Hardy, Bren School of Environmental Science & Managment
  • Doug Harper, NOAA
  • John Harrington, Kansas State University
  • Kathleen Harris, ETG
  • Michael Harte, Oregon Sea Grant
  • Holly Hartmann, University of Arizona
  • Susan Haseltine, US Geological Survey
  • Kayode Hassan, fedral radio coperation of nigeria t
  • John Haugh, Bureau of Land Management
  • John Haynes, NASA
  • Linda Heath, USDA Forest Service
  • Eileen Helmer, International Institute of Tropical Forestry
  • Brooke Hemming, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Margit Hentschel, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Mark Herlong, George C. Marshall Institute
  • Andrew Herr, Georgetown University
  • Wayne Higgins, Climate Prediction Center
  • Peter Hildebrand, NASA GSFC
  • Ernest Hilsenrath, University of Maryland
  • Dexter Hinckley, retired
  • Martin Hoerling, NOAA
  • Joseph Hoffman, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
  • David Hofmann, NOAA/CMDL
  • Wallace Hogsett, University of Maryland
  • William Hohenstein, USDA GCPO
  • Michael Holland, US House of Representatives
  • Heather Holsinger, Government Accountability Office
  • Nancy Holt, Department of State
  • John Hom, Northern Global Change Program
  • William Hooke, American Meteorological Society
  • Christopher C. Horner, Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Fiona Horsfall, Climate Change Science Program
  • John Houghton, U.S. Dept of Energy
  • Paul Houser, GMU/CREW
  • Jin Huang, NOAA
  • Joseph Huang, CPO/NOAA
  • Robert Huie, REH Kinetics
  • Nate Hultman, Georgetown University
  • Sherri Hunt, AAAS/EPA
  • Nathan Hunter, Georgetown University
  • Keith Ingram, Southeast Climate Consortium
  • Doug Inkley, National Wildlife Foundation
  • Roberto Izaurralde, Joint Global Change Research Institute
  • Daniel Jacob, Harvard U.
  • Herbert Jacobowitz, Consultant/Short & Associates
  • Gary Jacobs, ORNL
  • Kirsten Jaglo, US Department of State
  • Stephen Jameson, Coral Seas Inc
  • Anthony Janetos, The Heinz Center
  • Patricia Jellison, USGS - Geographic Analysis & Monitoring
  • Ming Ji, NOAA
  • Anne Johnson, Government Accountability Office
  • Thomas Johnson, US EPA
  • Philip Jones, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Georgina Jones, Georgetown University
  • Ryan Jordan, Dept Earth Sciences
  • Diana Josephson, SERE Lab
  • Susan Julius, US EPA
  • John Justus, Congressional Research Service / RSI
  • Tina Kaarsberg, U.S. DOE --Policy
  • Ivona Kaczynski, World Wildlife Fund
  • Rob Kafalenos, FHWA
  • Sally Kane, * *
  • Thomas Karl, NCDC
  • Kristopher Karnauskas, U of Maryland ESSIC
  • David Karoly, School of Meteorology
  • Raymond Kasei, International Water Management Institute
  • Moses Katerega, Brandenburg Technical University
  • John Katzenberger, Aspen Global Change Institute
  • Jack Kaye, NASA
  • Muhammed Kayode, fedral radio coperation of nigeriat
  • Terry Keating, U.S. EPA Office of Air & Radiation
  • Jack Kelly, NOAA
  • John Kermond, NOAA
  • Pamela Kertland, Natural Resources Canada
  • Haroon Kheshgi, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company
  • Khursanoy Khusaynova, Governmental Agency of Hydrometeorology of the State Comittee for Environmental Protection
  • Greg Kiker, University of Florida
  • Roger King, Mississippi State University
  • Anthony King, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Christopher King, U.S. House Science Committee
  • Patrick Kinney, Columbia University
  • James Kinter, COLA
  • Michael Klassen, SAIC
  • Michael Knotek, Knotek Scientific Consulting
  • Kim Knowlton, Columbia University
  • Chester Koblinsky, NOAA
  • John Kochendorfer, The Environmental Institute
  • Felix Kogan, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA
  • James Koziana, SAIC
  • Ian Kraucunas, NRC/BASC
  • Kenneth Krauss, USGS National Wetlands Research Center
  • Dina Kruger, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Mark Kubiske, USDA Forest Service
  • Jeff Kueter, George Marshall Institute
  • Eric Kuhn, Colorado River Water Cons District
  • Naresh Kumar, Electric Power Research Institute
  • Michael Kurylo, NASA
  • Yochanan Kushnir, CICAR
  • Andy Kydes, Energy Information   Administration
  • Kent Laborde, NOAA
  • Jean-Francois Lamarque, NCAR
  • Christian Lamptey, BTU
  • Nicholas Lancaster, Desert Research Institute
  • Nadine Laporte, Woods Hole Research Center
  • James Laver, Climate Prediciton Center
  • Bev Law, Oregon State University
  • Richard Lawford, GEWEX
  • Linda Lawson, U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Phillip Leahy, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Ants Leetmaa, NOAA/OAR/GFDL
  • David Legler, U.S. CLIVAR Office
  • Margaret Leinen, National Science Foundation
  • L. Ruby Leung, Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Sydney Levitus, National Oceanographic Data Center
  • Joel Levy, NOAA
  • Hiram Levy ii, GFDL/NOAA
  • Jan Lewandrowski, USDA Global Change Program Office
  • Jiayi Li, Penn State University
  • Xin-Zhong Liang, State Water Survey/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Megan Liddle, Georgetown University
  • Charlie Liles, NOAA/National Weather Service
  • Amy Lilly, American Honda
  • Eric Lindquist, ISTPP
  • Megan Linkin, University of Maryland
  • Igor Linkov, Cambridge Environmental
  • Anne Linn, National Research Council
  • Zhong Liu, George Mason Univ/CEOSR and NASA GES Data and Information Services Center
  • Kam-biu Liu, Louisiana State University
  • Robert Livezey, National Weather Service
  • Maryalice Locke, US FAA
  • Brent Lofgren, NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
  • Simon Lomax, Argus Air Daily
  • Jane Long, LLNL
  • Glynis Lough, AAAS/EPA OPAR
  • Dan Loughlin, U.S. EPA
  • Djiotang Tchotchou Lucie angennes, university of yaounde I
  • Amy Luers, Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Stephen Lukachko, MIT
  • Frank Lupi, Michigan State University
  • Molly Macauley, Resources for the Future
  • Leonard Macauley, Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus
  • Michael MacCracken, International Assn Meteor & Atm Sci
  • James Mahoney, NOAA
  • David Major, Columbia University
  • Elizabeth Malone, Joint Global Change Research Institute
  • Nicole Manning, NOAA Corps
  • Betty Mansfield, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Genevieve Maricle, University of Colorado
  • Hal Maring, NASA HQ
  • Robert Marlay, U.S. Dept. of Energy
  • Gene Martin, UCAR/JOSS
  • Sabine Marx, Columbia University
  • Michael Mastrandrea, Stanford University
  • Abbey Mattes, Georgetown University
  • Nancy Maynard, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Margaret McCalla, NOAA
  • Bruce McCarl, Texas A&M University
  • Regina McCarthy, Dept. of Environmental Prot.
  • Ian McCubbin, Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
  • Robert McFadden, GHG   Associates
  • John McGeehin, U. S. Geological Survey
  • Michael McGinn, ICF Consulting
  • Martin McHugh, GATS Inc.
  • Stephen McIntyre, Northwest Exploration
  • Steven McNulty, USDA Forest Service
  • Mark Mead, Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies
  • Linda Mearns, NCAR
  • Gerald Meehl, NCAR
  • Vikram Mehta, The Center for Research on the Changing Earth System
  • Patrick Meier, Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy
  • BERNARD MEISNER, National Weather Service
  • Shelby Mendez, NOAA
  • Claudia Mengelt, the National Academies
  • Francis Mensah, Grandenburgische Technische Universit√§t-Cottbus
  • Russell Meyer, Georgetown University
  • Frederick Meyerson, University of Rhode Island
  • Loretta Mickley, Harvard University
  • Elena Mikhailova, Clemson University
  • Norman Miller, University of California - Berkeley National Laboratory
  • David Miller, NOAA
  • Christopher Miller, NOAA
  • Elizabeth Mills, NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
  • Reid Miner, NCASI
  • Ashok Mishra, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI)
  • Bruce Molnia, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Mayra Montrose, NASA HQ
  • Linda Moodie, NOAA
  • Kenneth Mooney, NOAA
  • Stanley Morain, Earth Data Analysis Center
  • Bonnie Morehouse, NOAA/PA & E
  • Tom Morehouse, NOAA
  • Lauren Morello, E&E Publishing LLC/Greenwire
  • M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Susanne Moser, Natl. Center for Atmospheric Research
  • Arvin Mosier, University of Florida
  • Wolf Mosle, MSTR
  • Richard Moss, U.S. Climate Change Science Program/CCSP
  • Sheila Moynihan, US Energy Association
  • Stephen Mueller, Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Mate Munalula, Meteorology
  • Peter Murdoch, US Geological Survey
  • Richard Murnane, RPI/BBSR
  • Michael Murphy, USDA/Forest Service
  • William Murray, NOAA
  • Brian Murray, RTI International
  • Douglas Muschett, Pro-Natura USA
  • Vickie Nadolski, National Weather Service
  • Brandi Nagle, Consortium for Atlantic Regional Asssesment
  • Raymond Najjar, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Doreen Neil, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Ronald P Neilson, USDA Forest Service
  • Victor Niemeyer, Electric Power Research Institute
  • Frank Niepold, NOAA OGP
  • Claudia Nierenberg, NOAA
  • Joanne Nightingale, Oregon State University
  • Roxanne Nikolaus, National Science Foundation
  • Ian Noble, The World Bank
  • Vivian Nolan, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Chris Nolte, US EPA
  • Per Nyberg, Cray Inc.
  • Francis Obeng, Brandenburgische Technische Universitat- Cottbus
  • Doug Obey, inside epa
  • Clementine O'Connor, University of Edinburgh
  • Walter Oechel, San Diego State University
  • Yuta Okazaki, Georgetown Public Policy Institute
  • Carolyn Olson, USDA-NRCS
  • Ram Oren, Duke University
  • Samuel Kwesi Osei, Brandenburg University of Technology
  • Daniel Osgood, IRI
  • Kenric Osgood, NOAA
  • Jon Padgham, USAID
  • Yude Pan, USDA Forest Service
  • Kathryn Parker, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Phil Pasteris, USDA/NRCS
  • Ari Patrinos, U.S. Department of Energy
  • James Paul, House Committee on Science
  • Keith Paustian, Colorado State University
  • Steven Pawson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Joel Paz, The University of Georgia
  • Sam Pearsall, The Nature Conservancy
  • Kimberly Penn, NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
  • P.D.Ananda Perera, Department of Meteorology
  • Matthew Perticone, High Performance Technologies Inc.
  • Christa Peters-Lidard, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • John Petheram, Lockheed Martin
  • Rickey Petty, US DOE
  • Duffy Phillip, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • Jennifer G. Phillips, Bard Center for Environmental Policy
  • Henry Pierce, SAIC
  • Len Pietrafesa, North Carolina State University
  • Bryan Pijanowski, Purdue University
  • Rick Piltz, Climate Science Watch
  • Jorge Pinzon, SSAI/NASA
  • Hugh Pitcher, Joint Global Change Research Institute
  • Robert Plante, Consultant
  • Christopher Post, Clemson University
  • Christopher Potter, NASA
  • Sean Potter, USGCRP/CCSP
  • Joanne Potter, Cambridge Systematics
  • Cary Presser, NIST
  • Simone Pulver, Brown University
  • Roger Pulwarty, NOAA-ClRES Climate Diagnostics Center
  • Chris Pyke, US EPA
  • Dale Quattrochi, NASA
  • Ali Rad, NHK--Japan Broadcasting Corp.
  • Mukhammad Rakhimov, State Comittee for Environmental Protection and Forestry
  • Gloria Rapalee, US CCSP
  • A. Ravishankara, Earth System Research Laboratory
  • Kelly Redmond, DRI / Western Regional Climate Center
  • Denise Reed, University of New Orleans
  • Seann Reed, NOAA/NWS
  • Don Rej, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Inbal Reshef, University of Maryland
  • Andrew Revkin, The New York Times
  • Richard Reynolds, U.S. DOC / NOAA/NESDIS
  • William Rhodes, US EPA
  • Charles Rice, Kansas State University
  • Natalie Richardson, NOAA
  • Vanessa Richardson, CCSP
  • Doug Rickman, NASA/MSFC
  • Shoshana Risman, DEVELOP
  • Lisa Robertson, College of Science
  • Jessica Robin, University of Maryland-College Park
  • David Robinson, Rutgers University
  • Matthew Rodell, NASA/GSFC
  • Mitchell Roffer, Roffer's Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service
  • Rebecca Romsdahl, Climate Change Science Program
  • Maurice Roos, CA Dep't of Water Resources
  • Steven Rose, U.S. EPA
  • Rick Rosen, Dept. of Commerce/NOAA
  • Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA Goddard Inst. of Space
  • Devon Rothschild, ESA
  • Doug Rotman, LLNL
  • Ed Rubin, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Armistead Russell, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Bill Russo, US EPA NHEERL
  • Lindsey Rustad, USDA Forest Service
  • Alok Kumar Sahoo, George Mason University
  • Yasmin Said, George Mason University
  • David Salstein, AER
  • Jason Samenow, U.S. EPA
  • Edward Sarachik, University of Washington
  • John Schaake, NOAA/NWS
  • Jurgen Scheffran, ACDIS
  • Michael Schlesinger, University of Illinois
  • Jeffrey Schmaltz, SSAI/GSFC
  • Michael Schmidt, Platts Inside Energy
  • Cynthia Schmidt, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  • Siegfried Schubert, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
  • Peter Schultz, CCSPO
  • Stephen E Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Chris Sear, Defra
  • Dian Seidel, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
  • Hratch Semerjian, NIST
  • Avery Sen, NOAA Program Planning & Integration
  • Robert Serafin, NCAR
  • Mark Shafer, Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  • Eileen Shea, East-West Center
  • Edwin Sheffner, NASA
  • Suhung Shen, George Mason University
  • Paul Shepson, Purdue Climate Change Research Center
  • Ramesh Babu Shstha, Center for Education and Communication on Environment and Development (CECED) Nepal.
  • Kassie Siegel, Center for Biological Diversity
  • Clare Sierawski, University of Pittsburgh
  • Caitlin Simpson, NOAA Office of Global Programs
  • S.   Fred Singer, SEPP
  • Clifford Singer, University of Illinois
  • Michael Slimak, US EPA
  • John A. Small, NIST
  • Bernice L. Smith, USEPA
  • Adam Smith, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC
  • Brennan Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Ellen S. Smith, Columbia University
  • Joel Smith, Stratus Consulting
  • Susan Snow-Cotter, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
  • Amber Soja, NASA Langley; NRC
  • Susan Solomon, NOAA/Chemical Sciences Division
  • William T. Sommers, George Mason Univarsity
  • Tom Spence, NSF
  • Peter Spencer, Energy and Commerce Committee
  • Richard Spinrad, NOAA
  • Jennifer Sprague, NOAA
  • William Sprigg, University of Arizona
  • Ivanka Stajner, GMAO
  • Christina Stanton, Columbia University
  • Robert Steadley, CNO N7C
  • Cathy Stephens, US CLIVAR
  • Paul Stern, The National Academies
  • Dennis Stewart, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Mike Stewart, ITT Industries
  • Bryce Stokes, USDA Forest Service
  • Gerald Stokes, JGCRI/PNNL/UMCP
  • Masahiro Sugiyama, MIT
  • Donglian Sun, Geirge Mason University
  • Ge Sun, USDA Forest Service
  • Nick Sundt, U.S. Global Change Research Program/CCSP
  • Fran Sussman, ICF Consulting
  • Thomas Swetnam, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
  • Michael Szabados, NOAA/NOS
  • Eugene Takle, Iowa State University
  • William Teng, NASA GES DAAC (SSAI)
  • Kyle Terran, UCAR/JOSS
  • Julie Thomas, USDOI - National Park Service
  • Jenny Thompson, Ocean.US / NOAA
  • Allison Thomson, Joint Global Change Research Institute
  • Russell Thornton, Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
  • Sidney Thurston, NOAA
  • Matthew Tisdale, DEVELOP
  • Jim Titus, US EPA
  • Tara Torres, UCAR/JOSS
  • Ahsha Tribble, NOAA
  • Dorothy Esinam Tsikata, Brandenburgische Technische Universit√§t Cottbus (BTU)
  • Compton Tucker, NASA/CCSP
  • Luis Tupas, USDA-CSREES
  • Woody Turner, NASA
  • Eric Twum, Brandenburgische Technische Universitat
  • Brad Udall, CU-NOAA Western Water Assessment
  • Sushel Unninayar, NASA/GSFC
  • Susan Ustin, University of California
  • David Verardo, National Science Foundation
  • Gilberto Vicente, NASA GSFC - GMU
  • Jimmy Voyles, DOE/ARM Climate Research Facility
  • Fred Vukovich, SAIC
  • Mansi Vyas, Virginia Tech
  • Bryan Wagonseller, NOAA Corps/National Ice Center
  • Rima Wahab-Twibell, Clark University
  • Jack Waide, US Geological Survey
  • Cameron Wake, University of New Hampshire
  • Eric Walberg, Hampton Roads Planning Dist
  • Carla Wallace, NOAA/Dept. of Commerce
  • Jue Wang, ICF Consulting
  • Julian Wang, Air Resources Lab/NOAA
  • M. Neil Ward, IRI
  • Allandra Washington, NOAA
  • Robert Webb, NOAA OAR Climate Diagnostics Center
  • Edward Wegman, George Mason University
  • Mark Welshinger, Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM)
  • Melanie Wemple, Dept Earth Sciences
  • Tristram West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • J. Jason West, Princeton University
  • Jordan West, US EPA
  • Anthony Westerling, Scripps Instition of Oceanography
  • Michael Westphal, EPA - Office of International Affairs
  • Robin White, USGS
  • Kasey White, AAAS
  • Diane Wickland, NASA HQ
  • Joel Widder, UCAR
  • Bruce Wielicki, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Thomas Wilbanks, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Douglas Wilcox, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Debra Willard, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Norman Willard, US EPA - New England
  • Jeff Williams, US Geological Survey
  • Allen Williams, Illinois State Water Survey
  • Gregory Williams, NASA HQ
  • Jeffrey Williams, Entergy
  • Samuel Williamson, DOC/NOAA/OFCM
  • Darrell Winner, US EPA
  • Warren Wiscombe, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Alexandra Witze, Nature
  • David Wojick, Electricity Daily
  • Albert   Kofi Woode, Sekondi College
  • Connie Woodhouse, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Amy Wozniak, SAIC / NASA LARC
  • Shuang-Ye Wu, University of Dayton
  • Donald Wuebbles, University of Illinois
  • Maureen Wylie, DOC/NOAA
  • Brent Yarnal, Pennsylvania State University
  • Dazhong Yin, University of Arizona
  • Md Younus, Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad
  • Thomas Zacharias, National Crop Ins. Services
  • Aliaksandra Zaichanka, ISEU
  • Erica Zell, Battelle
  • Chris Zervas, NOAA/NOS
  • Chris Zganjar, The Nature Conservancy
  • Xin Zheng, Georgetown University
  • Jiayu Zhou, NOAA/NWS/OST
  • Sarah Zielinski, Eos/American Geophysical Union
  • Rae Zimmerman, New York University
  • Beth Zinecker, Marine and Estuarine Environmental Studies
  • Lewis Ziska, USDA-ARS



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