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The Goddard Library Homer E. Newell Memorial Library
Homer E. Newell Memorial Library + NASA Website
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+ Goddard Library Website
IMAGES - Image & Movie Archive of Goddard's Earth & Space Sciences

IMAGES Database Help

1. How do I find an image, animation, or movie?

The IMAGES database can be searched by title, subject, description, creator, contributor, or subject keyword fields.  Enter one or more words in the search box.  A single word will be searched by selected fields (all, title, description, ...)and the results will be displayed alphabetically by title.  More than one word (e.g. solar wind) will be searched first for solar AND wind, then for solar OR wind.  The results from AND will be put displayed first ; the results from OR will be displayed alphabetically by title.  Multiple words may also be limited to selected fields.

The IMAGES database may be browsed by format: video/animation, still image, or all. The results will be displayed alphabetically by title.  Title that being with numbers and special characters, such as quotations, will display first.

2. Can I use these images?

NASA still images, audio files and video generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.

Read the full statement on Using NASA Imagery and Linking to NASA Web Sites

3. Where can I find more NASA Images?

These databases provide a wide array of NASA images of the Earth, astronomical objects, spacecraft and more.

NASA Image Exchange

Scientific Visualization Studio

NASA’s Earth Observatory

Image sources from NSSDC (National Space Science Data Center)

Great Images in NASA

Shuttle and Station Galleries

Astronomy Pic of the Day

NASA Multimedia Gallery

Goddard Library logo The Goddard Library
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 272, Bldg. 21
Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Curator: Kathleen McGlaughlin
NASA Official: Robin Dixon
Last Updated: Thursday, 27-Mar-2008 14:36:06 EDT
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