INTEGRAL/SPI Analysis With XSPEC Version 12+

(Excerpted from the XSPEC 12 Users Manuel)


1. Overview


The INTEGRAL Spectrometer (SPI) is a coded-mask telescope, with a 19-element Germanium detector array. The Spectral resolution is ~500, and the angular resolution is ~3°. Unlike focusing instruments however, the detected photons are not directionally tagged, and a statistical analysis procedure, using for example cross-correlation techniques, must be employed to reconstruct an image. The description of the XSPEC analysis approach[1] which follows assumes that an image reconstruction has already been performed; see the SPIROS utility within the INTEGRAL offline software analysis package (OSA), OR, the positions on the sky of all sources to be analyzed are already known (which is often the case).  Those unfamiliar with INTEGRAL data analysis should refer to the OSA documentation. Thus, the INTEGRAL/SPI analysis chain must be run up to the event binning level (if the FoV source content is known, e.g. from published catalogs, or from IBIS image analysis), or the image reconstruction level. SPIHIST should be run selecting the "PHA" output option, and selecting detectors 0-18. This will produce and OGIP standard type-II PHA spectral file, which contains multiple, detector count spectra.  In addition, the SPIARF procedure should be run once for each source to be analyzed, plus one additional time to produce a special response for analysis of the instrumental background (more on this shortly). If this is done correctly, and in the proper sequence, SPIARF will create a table in the PHA-II spectral file, which will associate each spectrum with the appropriate set of response matrices. The response matrices are then automatically loaded into XSPEC upon execution of the "data" command in a manner very transparent to the user. You will also need to run SPIRMF (unless you have opted to use the default energy bins of the template SPI RMFs). Finally, you will need to run the FTOOL SPIBKG_INIT. Each of these utilities - SPIHIST, SPIARF, SPIRMF and SPIBKG_INIT - are documented elsewhere, either in the INTEGRAL or (for SPIBKG_INIT) the LHEASOFT/FTOOLS software documentation.


There are several complications regarding the spectral de-convolution of coded-aperture data. One already mentioned is the source confusion issue; there may be multiple sources in the FoV, which are lead to different degrees of shadowing on different detectors. Thus, a separate instrumental response must be applied to a spectral model for each possible source, for each detector. This is further compounded by the fact that INTEGRAL's typical mode of observation is "dithering". A single observation may consist of ~10's of individual exposures at raster points separated by ~2°. This further enumerates the number of individual response matrices required for the analysis. If there are multiple sources in the FoV, then additional spectral models can be applied to an additional set of response matrices, enumerated as before over detector and dither pointing. This capability - to model more than one source at a time in a given Chi-Square (or alternative) minimization procedure - did not exist in previous versions of XSPEC. Mathematically, the full de-convolution problem is to minimize:




      run over instrument pointings and detectors;

I               runs over individual detector channels

j               enumerates the sources detected in the field at different position

E             indexes the energies in the source model

xs             parameters of the source model, which is combined with the response

xb             parameters of the background model, expressed as a function of detector channel



Here, d, p, I  indicate summations over detector, dither pointing, and spectral energy channel, E indicates summation over the photon model energy bins, j :(q ,j) specify source directions and the xs's / xb's are the set of source/background model parameters. Examination of this equation reveals one more complication; the term B represents the background, which, unlike for chopping, scanning or imaging experiments, must be solved for simultaneously with the desired source content. The proportion of background-to-source counts for a bright source such as the Crab is ~1%. Furthermore, the background varies as a function of detector, and time (dither-points), making simple subtraction implausible. Thus, a model of the background is applied to a special response matrix, and included in the de-convolution algorithm.


Another manner in which XSPEC analysis of INTEGRAL/SPI data is very different from other instruments is the manner in which the response matrices are handled. Since there are a large number of responses involved in the de-convolution problem, memory use becomes a concern. To serially load the of the required response matrices (as XSPEC normally does), would require ~(Nch)2´Np´Nd floating-point memory locations per source. This could become quite large for high-spectral resolution and/or long observation scenarios. To address this problem, a methodology has been developed to reconstruct the required 2-D response matrices from a basis set, consisting of a small number (3) of 2-D objects (template RMFs), and a larger number of 1-D objects (component ARFs). These comprise the output of SPIARF and SPIRMF. The full matrices can then be reconstructed "on the fly" at the minimization step of the calculation, and discarded after each use. This, in principle, occurs all very transparently to the user.


2.  Simple Analysis Example


We now describe the step-by-step procedures for actual analysis examples. First, consider an observation of the Crab, for which a (standard) 5°´5°dithering observation strategy was employed. Since the Crab (pulsar and nebular components are of course un-resolvable at INTEGRAL's spatial resolution) is by far the brightest source in it immediate region of the sky, and its position is precisely known, we can opt not to perform SPI or IBIS imaging analysis prior to XSPEC analysis. We thus run the standard  INTEGRAL/SPI analysis chain on detectors 0-18 up to the SPIHIST  level for (or BIN_I level in the terminology of the INTEGRAL documentation), selecting the "PHA" output option. We then run SPIARF, providing the name of the PHA-II file just created, and  selecting the "update" option in the spiarf.par parameter file (you should refer to the SPIARF documentation prior to this step if it is unfamiliar). The celestial coordinates for the Crab are provided in decimal degrees (RA,Dec = 83.63,22.01) interactively or by editing the parameter file. This may take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your computer and the length of your observation. Once completed, SPIARF must be run one more time, setting the "bkg_resp" option to "y"; this creates the response matrices to be applied to the background model, and updates the PHA-II response database table accordingly. Then SPIRMF, which interpolates the template RMFs to the users desired spectral binning, also writes information to the PHA response database table to be used by XSPEC. Finally, you should run SPIBKG_INIT, which will construct a set of bbackground spectral templates to initialize the SPI background model currently installed in XSPEC (read the FTOOLS help for that utility carefully your first time). Your now ready to run XSPEC; a sample session might look like this (some repetitive output has been suppressed):



% xspec


                XSPEC version: 12.0.10alpha

        Build Date/Time: Thu Oct  2 17:14:21 2003


XSPEC>package require Integral 1.0


XSPEC>data ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{1-19}


19 spectra  in use


RMF # 1

 Using Response (RMF) File            resp/comp1_100x100.rmf

RMF # 2

 Using Response (RMF) File            resp/comp2_100x100.rmf

RMF # 3

 Using Response (RMF) File            resp/comp3_100x100.rmf


Using Multiple Sources


For Source # 1

 Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) Files





For Source # 2

 Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) Files





Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{1}

Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 1    3.7011e+01   +/- 1.2119e-01

 Assigned to Data Group No. : 1

 Assigned to Plot Group No. : 1


Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{2}

Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 2    3.7309e+01   +/- 1.2167e-01

 Assigned to Data Group No. : 1

 Assigned to Plot Group No. : 2


Source File: ./myDataDir/rev0044_crab.pha{19}

Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum No. 19   3.6913e+01   +/- 1.2103e-01

 Assigned to Data Group No. : 1

 Assigned to Plot Group No. : 19


XSPEC>mo 1:crab po


Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...

    1    PhoIndex              1.0000E+00         1.0000E-02     -3.0000E+00     -2.0000E+00      9.0000E+00      1.0000E+01

crab::powerlaw:PhoIndex>2.11 0.01 1.5 1.6 2.5 2.6

    2        norm              1.0000E+00         1.0000E-02      0.0000E+00      0.0000E+00      1.0000E+24      1.0000E+24

crab::powerlaw:norm>8. 0.1 1. 2. 18. 20.


 XSPEC>mo 2:bkg spibkg5


Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ...

    1       Par_1              0.0000E+00         1.0000E-02     -2.0000E-01     -1.5000E-01      1.5000E-01      2.0000E-01





XSPEC>ign 1-19:68-80


XSPEC>ign 1-19:90-100



Number of trials and critical delta: 10  1.0000000E-02



Model bkg:spibkg5 Source No.: 2   Active/On

Model Component Name:  spibkg5  Number:    1

  N          Name       Unit       Value                 Sigma

    1       Par_1              9.0650E-03       +/-     2.8651E-03

    2       Par_2              1.6174E-02       +/-     3.4778E-03


   25      Par_25             -1.9537E-02       +/-     6.1429E-03

   26        norm              9.7286E-01       +/-     1.3527E-03




Model crab:powerlaw Source No.: 1   Active/On

Model Component Name: powerlaw  Number:    1

  N          Name       Unit       Value                 Sigma

    1    PhoIndex              2.1163E+00       +/-     1.8946E-02

    2        norm              1.1390E+01       +/-     8.1414E-01



 Chi-Squared =  1.8993005E+03 using 1463 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  1.3235544E+00 for   1435 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  1.5268098E-15



Note that the syntax used for the data statement (appended curly bracket, specifying use of spectra 1-19), and the separate model commands, which are indexed and named (in this case simply "crab" for the source of interest and "bkg" for the background model, "spibkg_lo". These commands are described in detail elsewhere in this document, as are the the spibkg_lo, spibkg_med and spibkg_hi models. In this case, 100 logarithmically-spaced energy bins spanning the nominal 20-8000 keV band of the SPI instrument were used. 


In this example, only one dither-point was used to solve for the Crab spectrum, and the background. The simple assumption of a single background spectrum (i.e. no detector-to-detector variations) was assumed. In general, and particularly for fainter sources, a much larger number of spectra will be needed for a solution (and even for the Crab, the quality of the fit, and the accuracy of the inferred parameters can be improved). Also, detector-to-detector and/or time (i.e. pointing-to-pointing) variations will need to be considered. This can be accomplished using the data-grouping feature of XSPEC, which will be described subsequently. Also notice that channels between about 70 and 80 were ignored; this is because there are detector electronic effects contaminating the single-event data for energies from ~1250-1400 keV (refer to the SPI data analysis manual for additional discussion), and that there are a lot of (scientifically uninteresting) background model parameters. Also, the highest energies were ignored, since the source flux becomes insignificant relative to the background. 


Some results are illustrated below. These plots were generated with the sequence of commands:


XPSEC> setplot group 1-19

XSPEC> plot ldata res

XSPEC> plot ufspec



Note that without the "setplot group" command, XSPEC would plot 19 sets of spectral data, models and residuals. The can become confusing, especially as the number of spectra included in an analysis becomes much larger than 19! On the other hand, it can be useful to divide the data into subsets for plotting purposes, e.g. setplot group 1-6 7-12 13-19, to get an idea of relative shadowing effects of the coded-mask. The left hand plot illustrates the source model, the background model, the total model (i.e. source + background), and the data (here in count rates per channel). The right hand plot illustrates the "unfolded model" (blue, power-law curve), the summed model, and the data as a photon flux. A possible source of confusion is the similarity of the background model curves plotted in theses two separate representations. The explanation is that the background, which is dominated by instrumental contributions, is modeled in detector count space (i.e. the background response matrix has unit effective area. Thus, to be strictly correct, the right-hand plot is a hybrid of the photon source model and the detector-rate background model. We further note that at the present time, XSPEC does not have the capability to plot (or store and manipulate) the background subtracted data. This is a feature under consideration for a future release.


If we had chosen a observation containing more than a single source, the procedure would have been similar, except that the sequence of model commands would be extended, e.g.


XSPEC>data  ./MyDataDir/GCDE_aug_03.pha{1-475}

XSPEC> model 1:1e1740 po

XSPEC> model 2:gx1_4 po

XSPEC> model 3:bkg spibkg_lo


Here data from the Galactic Center deep exposure campaign were loaded, and two sources are sought. In this case, a much larger number of spectra were loaded (475 spectra corresponds to one full 5´5 dither using all 19 detectors.


In this case, the simple approach of applying constant background (i.e. no detector-to-detector or pointing-to-pointing variation) to the full data set is likely to be a poor approximation. A more realistic approach would be to use the XSPEC grouping capability to handle such variations in the background solution. This can be accomplished in the usual manner (refer to the description of the grouping command in this document), however, it can become tedious in terms of the required command line inputs. For example, to establish a separate data group for each detector for a long (e.g. 5´5 dither) observations, a sequence of commands such as this would be required:


XSPEC> data   1:1        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{1}

XSPEC> data   2:2        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{2}

XSPEC> data   3:3        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{3}


XSPEC> data   19:19       ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{19}

XSPEC> data   1:20        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{20}

XSPEC> data   2:21        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{21}

XSPEC> data   3:22        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{22}


XSPEC> data   19:38      ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{38}

XSPEC> data   1:39        /MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{39}

XSPEC> data   2:40        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{40}

XSPEC> data   3:41        ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{41}


XSPEC> data   18:474       ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{474}

XSPEC> data   19:475       ./MyDataDir/rev0044_Crab.pha.fits{475}


One might then for example, make a first cut attempt by fitting a constant background. Then, as a next step, one might allow the normalization terms of the background model to vary over the groups (i.e. over the detector plane). This is accomplished with the "untie" command, using the following sequence:


XSPEC>  untie   bkg:52

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:78

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:104

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:130

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:156

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:182

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:208

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:234

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:260

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:286

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:312

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:338

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:364

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:390

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:416

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:442

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:468

XSPEC>  untie   bkg:487


Note that use of the "bkg" identifier, which associates the parameters index with the background model. The specific sequence of numbers use here requires some explanation; the particular background model employed has 25 parameters (which simply correspond in rank order to the 25 most variable individual bins), and a normalization term, i.e. parameter 26. Thus, the normalization for the second detector group is parameter 52, for the third parameter 78, and so on. Similar command sequences can be used to untie additional background model parameters. Supposing that we did this and refitted the data. We then might, for example wish to go back and freeze the individual normalization terms with the freeze command:


XSPEC>  freeze  bkg:26

XSPEC>  freeze  bkg:52


XSPEC>  freeze  bkg:487


By now though, you probably get the idea that this all requires an unreasonable amount of command-line input. To circumvent this problem, a number of INTEGRAL/SPI specific "tcl" scripts are available which greatly streamline this process.



3.  INTEGRAL Specific Command Line Scripts


3 .1 SPIdata


The SPIdata procedure, which when installed can be treated as an XSPEC command, greatly facilitates the data initialization step. For example, the command


XSPEC>  SPIdata  ./MyData/Dir/rev0044_crab.pha 475 det Y


Opens the Crab observation spectral data file, reads the 475 spectra into memory, grouping them by detector. The "Y" then indicates that, yes,  I wish to ignore the spectral data channels corresponding to the known detector-electronic noise contamination (this is the default). Instead of "det" as the grouping option I could have selected "time" to group by time (quantized into dither-pointing intervals). A "-" lead to the data being initialzed into a single group. The command:


XSPEC>  SPIdata  ./MyData/Dir/rev0044_crab.pha 475


Reads the 475 spectra into a single data group, and ignores the undesirable channels. If you forget all this, the command


XSPEC>  SPIdata  -h


will remind you.  The scripts SPIuntie, and SPIfreeze have similar command-line syntax.


3.2  SPIuntie and SPIfreeze


XSPEC>  SPIuntie bkg 475 19 -1


The SPIuntie command script will accomplish the same result as the sequence of "untie" commands in the INTEGRAL/SPI example presented in this document.  In that case, we had loaded 475 spectra associated with a single 5´5-dither pattern centered on the Crab nebula. The spectra were grouped by detector,  which is a common approach to SPI analysis given the known detector-to-detector variations in the background rates. Suppose after an initial fitting pass, for which we assumed a single background spectrum, we know wish to untie the individual data group (i.e. detector) background models. This can be accomplished by issuing 25 "untie" commands as previously noted, or in a single command line using the SPIuntie command:


XSPEC> SPIuntie bkg 475 19 -1


untie bkg:52


 Chi-Squared =  1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  7.5852458E+00 for   1586 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  0.0000000E+00


 untie bkg:78


 Chi-Squared =  1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  7.5900314E+00 for   1585 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  0.0000000E+00


 untie bkg:104

 renorm: no renormalization necessary


 Chi-Squared =  1.2030200E+04 using 1615 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  7.5948231E+00 for   1584 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  0.0000000E+00


One might then make a second pass at fitting the data, hopefully leading to improved statistics. Subsequently, additional background model parameters could be untied using the SPIuntie procedure as well. For example, to untie three additional parameters over the full data set[2], the command syntax is:


XSPEC> SPIuntie bkg 475 19 1 3


This will untie the first 3 parameters of the background model identified by "bkg", i.e. equivalent to issuing (475-1)´3 individual untie commands. Note that you can always be reminded of the command-line argument definitions by typing "SPIuntie -h" at the XSPEC prompt.


Suppose now that you are satisfied with the relative background normalization terms, and wish to freeze them at their current values for subsequent fitting passes. This could be accomplished using the SPIfreeze command script:


XSPEC> SPIfreeze bkg 475 -1

XSPEC12>SPIfreeze bkg 19 1 -1

freeze bkg:52 1


 Chi-Squared =  6.6232600E+05 using 1805 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  3.7589444E+02 for   1762 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  0.0000000E+00


freeze bkg:78


 Chi-Squared =  6.5791894E+05 using 1805 PHA bins.

 Reduced chi-squared =  3.7318148E+02 for   1763 degrees of freedom

 Null hypothesis probability =  0.0000000E+00




As with the SPIuntie command script, typing "SPIfreeze -h" at the XSPEC prompt will scroll the command-line definitions to your screen.


Excerpted From FTOOLS Help:   SPIBKG_INIT:


SPIBKG_INIT (Sep 03)         ftools.integral         SPIBKG_INIT (Sep 03)



     Spibkg_init -- Initialize input database for the XSPEC  "spibkg"

     models that are used in the spectral deconvolution of INTEGRAL/SPI




     spibkg_init inarf1 inarf2 inarf3 w_arf1 w_arf2 w_arf3 inpha

     use_spiback spibackfil outfil



     The SPIBKG_INIT utility is used to prepare  INTEGRAL/SPI data

     for analysis with the XSPEC (version 12 or higher) spectral analysis

     package. It should be run for each individual SPI observation/data

     analysis session. SPIBKG_INIT constructs a database (FITS file) of

     background spectral templates, and scaling parameters, which are

     customized for a given observation and analysis.  These data are then

     read in to XSPEC upon the initialization of one of the "spibkg"

     models. In the few hundred keV to ~10 MeV spectral domain, the

     instrumental background is highly complex - at least several hundred

     strong, narrow and often time-variabe lines are present. It is variable

     on a wide range of timescales as well as from detector to detector, and

     it is the  predominant component of the recorded counts for an

     observation; typically less than ~1%  are due to the astrophysical

     source of interest. The usual procedures used to subtract the

     background in the few-to-tens of keV Xray domain would be

     inadequate and lead to large systematic errors and negative fluxes.

     Nor is an empirical subtraction such as is done with "chopping" mode

     instruments such as CGRO/OSSE or RXTE/HEXTE are not

     applicable for coded-mask, high-resolution spectrometer such as

     INTEGRAL/SPI. Thus to perform a true, full spectral deconvolution

     one must simultaneously solve for source plus background

     components. The SPIBKG_INIT utility uses observation-specific

     information such as the degree of individual detector shadowing for

     the brightest sources within the field ov view, the recorded count

     rates, the selected energy binning and net exposure time per

     instrument pointing. In addition, a related utility, SPIBACK (which is

     part of the INTEGRAL Offline Science Analysis (OSA) software

     package assembles information from other sources, such as the

     spacecraft scientific house-keeping database, which can be read into

     SPIBKG_INIT (see <>

     For obtaining and installing INTEGRAL OSA). In principle, this can

     then be used to derive a more accurate model of the instrumental

     background (although at the time of this release, SPIBACK's

     capabilities are not fully developed.  SPIBKG_INIT produces an

     output FITS file, which is referenced by XSPEC as an environment

     variable, SPIBKG_INP_DAT, or directly as a file named

     "spibkg_inp_dat.fits" that must reside in the XSPEC run directory.



     inarf1 [string]

          Component-1 arf  file (generated by SPIARF) for a source of

          interest. This file represents the photo-peak effective area as a

          function of energy, detector, and dither pointing for a given

          source position. It contains information on the relative

          shadowing with can be used in initializing the background



     inarf2 [string]

     inarf3 [string]

          Similar to inarf1, for additional sources in the observation

          field of view. Note that more than 3 sources can be included in

          the fit, but for the purposes of initializing the background

          model, a maximum of three (which are anticipated to be the

          brightest) is recommended.


       w_arf1, w_arf2, w_arf3 [string]

          Relative weighting factors to be applied to the input arfs

          (sources). For example, if there 2 sources are anticipated, and

          one (for which arf1 hascomputed) is about twice as bright as

          the other set w_arf1=2.0, w_arf2=1.0 and w_arf3=0.0. If only

          one source is to be considered (which will often be the case,

          for example, in high-latitude fields), then set w_arf1=1.0,

          w_arf2=0 and w_arf3=0.


     inpha [string]

          Name of the type-II pha file (created by "SPIHIST")

          containign the detector-count spectral data that is being



     use_spiback [string]

          Yes/No flag. If use_spiback="Y", the information from the

          "background model" (FITS) file produced by the INTEGRAL

          SPIBACK program will be used in initializing the background

          model database. SPIBACK extracts information from the

          observation science and house-keeping data to derive

          temporal and detector-to-detector variations in the

          observation. However, SPIBACK is a complicated program

          with a large number of options, some of which are not fully

          developed at present.


     outfil [string]

          Name of output FITS file. This should either be named

          "spibkg_inp_dat.fits", and placed in your XSPEC run

          directory, OR, named anything you like, but referenced by an

          environment variable called SPIBKG_INP_DAT before you

          run XSPEC.






1)   An observation of the Crab nebula, which is to a good approximation

     an isolated point source. One component-1 arf file is used. The

     weighting factor for that arf is set to 1.0, but this is not necessary in

     this simple case. The PHA-II data file upon which the analysis is

     based is specified, and the option to use the results from SPIBACK is

     set to no. The SPIBACK output file nema is specified, but this is

     superfluous since we chose not to use it.


inarf1,s,ql,"/mydir/rev0044_crab_cmp1.arf.fits",,,"Input ARF file for source 1:"

inarf2,s,ql,"NONE",,,"Input ARF file source 2:"

inarf3,s,ql,"NONE",,,"Input ARF file source 3:"

w_arf1,s,ql,"1.0",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 1:"

w_arf2,s,ql,"0.0",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 2:"

w_arf3,s,ql,"0.0",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 3:"

inpha,s,ql,"/mydir/rev0044.pha.fits",,,"Input PHA file:"

use_spiback,s,ql,"N",,,"use information from SPIBACK to estimate background? (Y/N):"

spibackfil,s,ql,"/mydir/spi/back_model.fits",,,"SPIBACK out

put file (or "NONE"):"

outfil,s,ql,"spibkg_inp_dat.fits",,,"Output FITS file:"




2)   An observation of the Cygnus region, consisting a 19-detector, 5x5

     dithering strategy has been analyzed, leading to the type-II pha data

     file "rev0022_cygnus.pha.fits". The goal is to derive a spectrum for

     Cygnus X-1. The second brightest continuum, point gamma-ray

     source in the observation field-of.view is Cygnus X-3, which we

     assume is roughly 15% as bright as Cygnus X-1. Note that other

     weaker sources, such as Cyg X-2 or EXO 2030+375 may still be

     analyzed using this initial background model, even though they are

     not considered in the "inarf" list. A sample parameter file follows:


inarf1,s,ql,"/mydir/rev0022_cygx1_cmp1.arf.fits",,,"Input ARF file for source 1:"

inarf2,s,ql,"/mydir/rev0022_cygx3_cmp1.arf.fits",,,"Input ARF file for source 2:"

inarf3,s,ql,"NONE",,,"Input ARF file source 3:"

w_arf1,s,ql,"1.0",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 1:"

w_arf2,s,ql,"0.15",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 2:"

w_arf3,s,ql,"0.0",,,"Relative weighting factor for source 3:"

inpha,s,ql,"/mydir/rev0022_cygnus_region.pha.fits",,,"Input PHA file:"

use_spiback,s,ql,"N",,,"use information from SPIBACK to estimate background? (Y/N):"

spibackfil,s,ql,"/mydir/spi/back_model.fits",,,"SPIBACK output file (or "NONE"):"

outfil,s,ql,"spibkg_inp_dat.fits",,,"Output FITS file:"




     All of the input files are produced by the INTEGRAL OSA package:

     type-II PHA spectral data file, associated ARF ancilliary response

     matrix files, and (optionally) the background model file produced by







     Related utilities from the INTEGRAL (OSA) suite: SPIHIST,


[1] We note that this is one of several possible analysis paths. The most commonly used method involves the SPIROS utility in spectral extraction mode, which leads to a effective-area corrected, background subtracted "pseudo-count" spectra. A (single) customized XSPEC RMF is then applied to approximate the photon-to-count redistribution for model fitting.

[2] Note that the current SPI background models, which are documented elsewhere, are designed so that the parameter list is hierarchically ordered in terms of decreasing criticality. Thus, freeing the first parameter is likely to have the most significant impact on the statistics, the second parameter, the next most significant, and so on.