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Temporary Practice and Reciprocity

Many real estate appraisers certified or licensed in one State perform appraisals in other States.

"Temporary practice" enables a certified or licensed appraiser in one State to obtain a temporary permit from another State to perform an appraisal assignment in the other State. Title XI requires States to offer temporary practice for federally related transactions. It also requires the ASC to prohibit States from placing burdensome requirements on, or charging excessive fees for, temporary practice.

"Reciprocity" enables a certified or licensed appraiser in one State to obtain a permanent certificate or license from another State, without having to meet all of the other State's certification or licensing standards. The other State essentially honors the appraiser's satisfaction of his or her home State standards. Title XI requires the ASC to encourage reciprocity among the States.

Contact the State directly to determine the requirements for interstate appraisal practice.

For your convenience, we have compiled a list of currently available State appraiser regulatory agency Web sites and the e-mail addresses of key personnel.

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