External DNA Audits

As part of a Cooperative Agreement with the National Institute of Justice, the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) has provided no-cost external DNA audits for publicly funded crime laboratories since 2002. Through 2004, 172 DNA audits have been conducted. An additional 39 audits have been completed as of August 15, 2005, with more scheduled for 2005.
DNA Audit Features:
  • Audits provided at no-cost to the audited laboratory.
  • Audit teams and audit duration scaled to meet laboratory staff size.
  • Audits meets the requirements of the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Laboratories (QAS).
  • Audits facilitated by auditors trained by the FBI in the use of the “Quality Assurance Audit For Forensic DNA And Convicted Offender DNA Databasing Laboratories” checklist approved by the National DNA Index System (NDIS).
  • Audit document checklist completed in compliance with NDIS requirements.
  • Audit directed by a Lead Auditor with considerable auditing experience.
  • Reports reviewed before issuance by the Program Manager for consistency in interpretation.
  • Report of findings and observations sent to the laboratory management and to NDIS.
For more information and to schedule an audit, visit the National Forensic Science Technology Center’s DNA Audit Program Web page.

Grant Progress Assessments

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in DNA grant funds for the analysis of convicted offender DNA samples, the processing of DNA casework and the enhancement of DNA laboratory capacity.
To increase the oversight of these grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts, the NIJ has funded the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) to perform Grant Progress Assessments (GPA) as an extension of the existing DNA Audit Program. The GPA program is applicable to laboratories receiving NIJ DNA grants and to NIJ DNA contract vendors.
GPA Objectives:
  • To assess the impact of the grant funding
  • To strengthen NIJ program management and oversight
  • To assess grantee progress in meeting program goals and objectives
  • To review the status of administrative documentation
  • To identify challenges faced by the grantee in achieving program objectives
  • To identify successful or “model programs”
  • To assess vendor laboratory compliance with convicted offender delivery orders
  • To assess the quality of the data produced by vendor laboratories for entry into CODIS
 GPA Features:
  • Provided at no-cost to NIJ DNA grantees
  • Scheduled as part of the NIJ-NFSTC DNA audits
  • Occur with the same frequency as the DNA audits – once every two years
  • Conducted concurrently for all grantees within a given state
  • Conducted for each NIJ Convicted Offender vendor laboratory
  • Provide preparation information and documentation to laboratories through the NFSTC Web site
 For more information and to schedule an assessment, visit the National Forensic Science Technology Center’s DNA Grant Progress Assessment Program Web page.

Grant Programs Applicable for Laboratory Accreditation

To be eligible for most laboratory enhancement funding programs, laboratories must be accredited by a nonprofit professional association actively involved in forensic science that is nationally recognized within the forensic science community such as the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB) or Forensic Quality Services – International (FQS-I).

Laboratory Capacity Enhancement Program
This program seeks to improve the infrastructure and analysis capacity of existing State and local crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis, so they can process DNA samples efficiently and cost effectively. State and local governments with existing crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis are eligible for funding.  For more information, visit NIJ's DNA Capacity Enhancement Program

Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
This program provides funding to crime laboratories and medical examiners' offices to improve the quality, timeliness, and credibility of forensic science or medical examiner services. Forensic laboratories operated by States and units of local government are eligible. For more information, visit NIJ's Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program Web page.

Laboratory Auditing and Accreditation Toolkit CD-ROM

Accreditation CD Image


Developed by the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) with funding from the National Institute of Justice, the Auditing and Accreditation CD is based on a series of regional workshops presented in 2001. The workshops and the CD were designed to assist crime laboratories in evaluating their performance against the standards of the ASCLD/LAB program. The general auditing principles are valuable when used to measure laboratory performance against other recognized standards of performance.

Obtain a copy from go to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service online store.