HHS/ASPE. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.

What Challenges Are Boys Facing and What Opportunities Exist to Address those Challenges?

Initial Findings Brief

July 2008

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A Look at Boys in America

Many adolescent boys are doing well. They graduate from high school, make healthy choices, and reach adulthood prepared for the world of work and the responsibilities of family. For young men like these, opportunities have never been greater.

For some boys, the transition to adulthood is more difficult. Some American boys become victims of crime or commit crimes themselves. Some abuse substances at a young age or suffer from mental health problems such as depression. Some do poorly in school or drop out. And often, there are disparities among boys based on race and ethnicity, family structure, socioeconomic status, and the places where they live.

The challenges boys face have not gone unnoticed by scholars, popular media, and the public. Recent headlines have asserted that there is a “problem with boys,” “a boys’ crisis,” and “a new gender gap” between boys and girls. But not everyone agrees. Some say that the toughest problems are faced only by subgroups of boys, such as African American and Hispanic boys; boys whose parents neglect them, abuse drugs or alcohol, are unemployed, or suffer from mental health problems; and boys with mental health problems such as conduct disorder, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This brief sets aside the debate to present research-based information about the strengths that make boys likely to succeed and the risks, or challenges, that increase the likelihood that they will struggle. It does not make an effort to compare boys to girls; it does not intend to imply that an issue for boys isn’t also relevant for girls. In fact, research shows that many of the same risk and protective factors, as well as interventions, may be relevant for both boys and girls.

Rather, this brief uses research-based information to highlight the positive impact that caring adults in families, schools, and communities can have on the well-being of boys and young men and the concrete steps they can take to help the boys and young men in their lives.

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In Brief:
Facts About How Boys Are Doing

There’s both good news and bad news about how boys in America are faring.

Boys are doing better than they did a decade or more ago across a variety of indicators, including juvenile justice involvement, dropout rates, and substance use.

However, boys are still facing challenges in many areas:

Research also shows that specific subpopulations of boys are experiencing particular struggles:

In 2004, 7 percent of White adolescents ages 16 to 24 were high school dropouts, compared with 12 percent of African American adolescents and 24 percent of Hispanic adolescents.(24)

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What Works for Boys?

Researchers have found that having supportive families, teachers, and peersmakes boys more likely to succeed. They’ve also found that facing certain challenges — such as doing poorly in school or being exposed to violence in the family or community — increases the likelihood that they will struggle. Of course, these strengths and challengesare not unique to boys. But researchers have found that boys and girls do have gender-specific social, emotional, and developmental needs and respond differently to the pressures of adolescence.

(A full list of the strengths and challenges that, according to research, can influence whether boys succeed or struggle is available on the Helping America’s Youth Web site: http://guide.helpingamericasyouth.gov/programtool-factors.cfm)

Based on their understanding of these strengths and challenges, researchers have studied various strategies for helpingyoung people become healthy, happy, productive adults. These studies often are not exclusive to boys; however, they provide some strategies that research suggests help to build boys’ strengths and lessen the obstacles they face.

How This Brief Was Developed
This brief is based on a comprehensive review of scientific literature on the strengths and challenges that affect boys ages 10 through 18. Major literature databases, articles that summarize research into the wellbeing of boys and youth, and the directories listed in the box on page 11 were searched for relevant information. Although the review focused on materials published in 2000 and later, influential earlier reports and articles are also included.

The strategies for helping boys that are listed here have been evaluated in peer-reviewed scientific studies and have strong evidence to suggest that they work. Where appropriate, this brief provides information about whether the interventions included have focused on specific subgroups of boys.

Building Individual Strengths

Pair young people with caring adult mentors. Youth who perceive that they have support from adults in their lives develop personal qualities, such as life skills, problem-solving skills, and social skills, that allow them to thrive even in the most difficult life situations and the toughest environments.(27) Mentoring is one way to help young people know that adults care about them. Studies have found that youth with mentors often feel better about themselves and are less likely to use drugs.(28) Mentoring programs have been used effectively with various racial and ethnic groups, including White, African American, and Hispanic youth. Research suggests that mentoring programs that use the following practices are more likely to help young people:(29), (30), (31)

Providing intensive screening of potential mentors

For boys in particular, features of effective mentoring programs include:

How You Can Help
Parents can contact schools, faith-based organizations, and community organizations for boys (such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Boy Scouts of America, and the YMCA) to determine if mentoring programs are available nearby. In choosing a mentoring program, parents should use the elements of effective mentoring programs, as defined by MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership, as a guide.(32)

Community members can volunteer to be mentors. They should sign up for programs that include MENTOR’s elements of effective mentoring. People interested in mentoring can search for volunteer opportunities at http://www.mentoring.org/mentors/find_an_opportunity.

Local businesses, such as movie theaters, miniature golf courses, and bowling alleys can host mentor-mentee days. For more information about how to get involved, they can contact their State mentoring partnership. (For a list of State mentoring partnerships, see http://www.mentoring.org/find_resources/state_partnerships.)

Help youth understand the harmful effects of drinking, smoking, and using drugs.When adolescents think drugs such as marijuana and cocaine are bad for them and when they encounter social disapproval of drinking and using drugs, they may be less likely to use substances.(33), (34) By changing young people’s perceptions of smoking, drinking, and drug use, educators have been able to keep some adolescents from experimenting with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.(35), (36), (37), (38), (39) Research is also beginning to show that smoking prevention programs in schools can work even better when paired with programs that teach parents and families how to prevent their children from smoking.(40) Overall, programs and interventions that prevent adolescent substance use tend to target general populations. However, these programs can be adapted to meet the needs for ethnic minority youth. Elements of effective programs include:

For teachers, in the classroom:(41), (42), (43), (44), (45)

For parents, at home: (46)

How You Can Help
Parents and caregivers can talk to their children candidly about the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. They also can model responsible drinking by not drinking too much and not drinking and driving. And they can make clear their expectations for their children by not allowing anyone under legal age to drink in their homes and agreeing with other parents not to allow drinking at their children’s parties.

Parents and concerned community groups can make sure school-based substance abuse prevention programs include the elements of effective interventions described above.

Schools can provide evidence-based prevention programs to their students and train teachers on how to appropriately broach classroom discussions with youth. School administrators can search for proven prevention programs on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s

National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov. (See box on page 16 for more information about the registry.)

Building Strengths at Home

Strengthen family support through school-based programs or in-the-home therapy. Boys who have supportive, involved parents and families are less often bullied and victimized, get into less trouble with the law, and have fewer mental health problems.(47), (48), (49), (50), (51) They are more likely to do well in school and less likely to drop out.(52), (53) Bolstering family support by teaching parents and children to cope with stress and communicate well with one another can improve their behavior in school and help keep boys from committing crimes such as stealing and vandalizing.(54), (55), (56) Similar to the substance use prevention and intervention programs, family strengthening and support programs are developed for general populations but can be adapted to incorporate ethnic values, family values, and other cultural and contextual factors that meet the needs of minority families. Elements of these efforts include:(57), (58), (59)

Give parents the skills they need to raise their children with fair discipline and adequate supervision.Young people who are disciplined harshly and whose parents do not supervise them are more likely than their peers to get into trouble with the law. They are also more likely to become aggressive or violent.(60) Programs that teach basic parenting skills, such as how to provide consistent rules and fair discipline and how to model good behavior, can, at least in the short term, help parents lessen their children’s aggressive behavior.(61) Such programs may be combined with school-based efforts to improve the ways teachers manage their classrooms, interact with students, and teach social skills and self-control.(62) Elements of effective parenting programs include:(63), (64), (65)

How You Can Help
Parents can ask community organizations or their county’s human services department about where to find parenting classes and mental health resources that support the whole family. They should look for programs that include the elements listed above.

Schools can set up programs to help strengthen families by partnering with local mental health facilities and other community organizations that support families. School-based family support programs should include the elements described above.

Community organizations can make it easier for families to access services by offering free parenting classes at convenient hours and locations, providing family therapy programs and parenting resources in multiple languages, and offering onsite childcare.(66)

Developing Strengths Among Peers

Give young people ways to support each other. Most parents would say they want their children to hang out with the “good kids.” In fact, boys whose friends and schoolmates are supportive, rather than mean and bullying, are less likely to get in trouble with the law, to suffer from mental health problems, or to smoke, drink, or use drugs.(67), (68), (69) And boys who have friends who act out in class may be more likely to drop out of school.(70) School-based peer support groups and peer tutoring programs can help young people build better relationships with fellow students. They can also keep young people from drinking, change their minds about dropping out of school, and improve their grades, standardized test scores, and school attendance. Peer tutoring has been shown to have positive academic outcomes for African American and other minority students, as well as for White students.(71), (72), (73)

Elements of effective peer support programs include:(74), (75), (76)

Elements of effective peer tutoring programs include:(77)

How You Can Help
Schools can implement peer tutoring programs and provide training for tutors and teachers who organize these programs. Schools can commit to creating a positive school climate, in part by encouraging students to report rewarding interactions with their peers, rather than just reporting meanness, bullying, and other bad behavior.(78)

Young people can communicate with teachers and administrators about the kinds of support groups that would interest and help them. They can also ask about whether their schools offer peer tutoring programs and sign up to be a tutor or to be tutored.

Community centers can sponsor peer support groups that incorporate the elements of successful school-based programs.(79), (80)

Parents can encourage their children to attend support groups or peer tutoring sessions by researching options and showing an interest in the sessions’ content.

Building Strengths at School

Improve boys’ academic achievement and classroom behavior through comprehensive programs that focus on social skills as well as academics. Boys who disrupt class or are low achievers may be more likely to drop out of school.(81) And dropping out of school can put boys at risk for a host of other problems, such as poverty, unemployment, and criminal activity.(82) Programs that are successful at helping boys do better in their studies and get into less trouble at school tend to combine a number of different approaches, including:(83), (84)

For boys, in particular:

How You Can Help
Teachers can lobby school administrators to provide ongoing training in classroom management and interactive teaching techniques.

Community members can volunteer to tutor students preparing for college.

Parents can monitor how their children are doing in school from an early age and, if necessary, seek help immediately from enrichment programs.

Empower boys in the classroom. Boys who feel connected to their schools and supported by teachers do better in their studies and are less likely to misbehave in class.(85),(86) When schools and teachers empower students by involving them in day-to-day decisions about classroom rules and procedures, boys are sent to the principal’s office less often, have better attendance, and generally do better in school. Such efforts can also increase teacher attendance. Because teachers spend less time disciplining students, class time becomes more efficient and enjoyable for both teachers and students.(87),(88) Elements of these efforts include:(89)

How You Can Help
Teachers can work with students to create a “class constitution.” They can also create job postings and job application processes in which classmates interview each other for classroom helper positions.(90)

Schools can invite parents to talk to students about how school rules about good behavior relate to real life and work settings.(91)

Fostering Strengths in Communities

Give youth a sense of connectedness through community partnerships. Young people who grow up feeling connected to their communities have better health, greater social competence, and more self-confidence.(92) Young people who grow up in distressed and disconnected communities — those characterized by crime, gang activity, and deteriorated housing — are more likely to act violently.(93) One way to help young people feel connected to their community is through community partnerships that create opportunities for youth and demonstrate to young people that the community cares for them. Studies have shown that partnerships in diverse communities can successfully support youth.(94),(95),(96) Elements of effective community partnerships include:

How You Can Help
Community members can join a community partnership and volunteer some time to help a local coalition or task force accomplish a goal.

Local businesses can donate space for community partnerships to meet. They can also host a community forum to discuss community challenges and opportunities.

Community-based organizations can collect local data and produce a community report that tells the community how it measures up on youth issues. Community organizations can also encourage and reward adults who provide positive opportunities for youth.

Police can find ways to develop relationships with young people in high-crime neighborhoods, for instance by visiting schools and drop-in centers. Police officers and community members can also discuss common concerns and ways to work together.

Create community-wide efforts to prevent substance use and abuse among adolescents. When young people can easily get their hands on drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol in their neighborhoods, they are more likely to use drugs, smoke, or drink early on and, as a result, more likely to abuse substances or become dependent on them.(97) When communities band together, pooling the energies of parents, schools, policymakers, and businesses into comprehensive prevention efforts, they can reduce underage smoking, drinking, drunk driving, and sales of tobacco products and alcohol to minors.(98), (99), (100), (101)  Elements of these efforts include:

How You Can Help
Business owners can educate themselves about State and local laws and regulations regarding underage access to tobacco and alcohol. They should train their staff to understand these regulations, know how to request IDs, and be aware of the repercussions of violating local regulations.

Local community organizations and businesses should support no-drinking and no-smoking messages aimed at youth.

Community resources such as local newspapers and civic organizations should recognize those businesses that adhere to regulations and condemn those that do not.

Parents who smoke or have a drinking problem should get help to quit.

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What Works for Boys

Boys’ problems are not intractable and their strengths are many. Research has shown that, sometimes, simple steps can go a long way toward helping support boys as they confront challenges: Showing them that adults care about them.(102),(103) Talking to them candidly about drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.(104),(105),(106) Encouraging them to help, rather than bully, each other.(107) Providing them with positive, supervised ways to spend their time when they are not in school.(108)

Caring adults in families, schools, and communities can also come together to build comprehensive solutions to boys’ challenges — solutions that focus not just on individuals, but on the social networks that surround them.

Researchers don’t yet have all the answers. In particular, more research is needed into ways to help boys navigate through poverty, unsafe neighborhoods, and violent crime. Solutions must also be studied that address the challenges specific subpopulations of boys face.

There is no one right answer. Some boys may respond well to simple interventions, while others require years of additional support. What we do know is that, despite challenges, there is great opportunity to prepare all boys in America to develop their capabilities, reach the potential, and transition successfully to adulthood.

Where To Learn More About Strategies That Work

To learn more about ways to help boys, start with these online Federal directories:
  • The What Works Clearinghouse
    U.S. Department of Education
    Information about interventions that improve educational outcomes for children and youth. The site lists various strategies that can help students succeed.
  • Model Programs Guide
    U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
    Searchable database of scientifically proven programs that target a range of problems adolescents may have. Programs are rated as “promising,” “effective,” or “exemplary,” depending on the strength of the research that supports the program’s use.
  • National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, or NREPP
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    Searchable online directory of mental health and substance abuse interventions for people of all ages. Each intervention is reviewed and rated by independent experts according to two sets of criteria: “quality of research” and “readiness for dissemination.” Users can search for interventions specifically tailored to adolescents and young adults.
  • Helping America’s Youth Program Tool
    The White House, in partnership with 10 Federal agencies
    Searchable database of programs that help put young people on the right track. All programs in the database have been shown in studies to be effective. Programs are rated as levels 1, 2, or 3 depending on the strength of the research supporting their use.
  • Promising and Effective Practices Network, or PEPNet, Index to Quality Practices
    U.S. Department of Labor and National Youth Employment Coalition
    Searchable database of more than 1,000 things that effective youth employment programs do to prepare young people for the world of work.

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Additional Resources

To download an electronic copy of this document visit:

For more information and resources on boys, including promising interventions and federal approaches to help boys, visit:

Proejct Page

Fact Sheets

Annotated Bibliography

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(1) Puzzanchera, C., & Kang, W. (2007). Juvenile court statistics databook. Retrieved December 31, 2007, from http://ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/ojstatbb/jcsdb

(2) Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2007). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975–2006. Volume I: Secondary school students (NIH Publication No. 07-6205). Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved March 7, 2008, from http://www.monitoringthefuture.org/pubs/monographs/vol1_2006.pdf

(3) Child Trends. (n.d.). High school dropout rates. In Child Trends Data Bank. Retrieved November 27, 2007, from http://www.childtrendsdatabank.org/indicators/1HighSchoolDropout.cfm

(4) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Web-based injury statistics query and reporting system (WISQARS). Retrieved November 28, 2007, from http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars

(5) Fox, M. A., Connolly, B. A., & Snyder, T. D. (2005).Youth Indicators 2005: Trends in the well-being of American youth (NCES 2005–050). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

(6) Child Trends. (n.d.). Volunteering. In Child Trends Data Bank. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from http://www.childtrendsdatabank.org/indicators/20Volunteering.cfm

(7) Stahl, A. L., Puzzanchera, C., Livsey, S., Sladky, A., Finnegan, T. A., Tierney, N., et al. (2007). Juvenile court statistics 2003–2004. Pittsburgh, PA: National Center for Juvenile Justice.

(8) Snyder, H. N., & Sickmund, M. (2006). Juvenile offenders and victims: 2006 national report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

(9) Child Trends. (n.d.). Juvenile detention: Adolescents in residential placement. In Child Trends Data Bank. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from http://www.childtrendsdatabank.org/indicators/88JuvenileDetention.cfm

(10) Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2007).

(11) Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2007).

(12) Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2007).

(13) Pruitt, I. T. P. (2007). Family treatment approaches for depression in adolescent males. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 35, 6981.

(14) National Center for Educational Statistics. (2007). Dropout rates in the United States: 2005. Retrieved May 7, 2008, from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2007/dropout05/tables/table_01.asp

(15) Bloom, B., & Cohen, R. A. (2007). Summary health statistics for U.S. children: National Health Interview Survey, 2006.Vital Health Stat 10, 234, 1–79. Retrieved May 9, 2008, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/adhd.htm

(16) Porterfield, S. L., & Winkler, A. E. (2007). Teen time use and parental education: Evidence from the CPS, MTF, and ATUS. Monthly Labor Review, 130, 37–56.

(17) Porterfield, S. L., & Winkler, A. E. (2007).

(18) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Web-based injury statistics query and reporting system (WISQARS).

(19) Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. (2007). America’s children: Key national indicators of well being, 2007. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

(20) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Web-based injury statistics query and reporting system (WISQARS).

(21) Child Trends. (n.d.). Teen homicide, suicide, and firearm death. In Child Trends Data Bank. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from http://www.childtrendsdatabank.org/indicators/70ViolentDeath.cfm

(22) Snyder, H. N., & Sickmund, M. (2006).

(23) Bloom B., & Cohen R. A. (2007).

(24) Child Trends. (n.d.). High school dropout rates.

(25) Child Trends. (n.d.). High school dropout rates.

(26) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2006). Youth risk behavior surveillance – United States 2005. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 55, 1–108.

(27) Brown, J. H., D’Emidio-Caston, M., & Benard, B. (2001). Resilience education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

(28) Jekielek, S. M., Moore, K. A., Hair, E. C., & Scarupa, H. J. (2002). Mentoring: A promising strategy for youth development. Retrieved December 27, 2007, from http://www.childtrends.org/files/MentoringBrief2002.pdf

(29) MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership. (2005). How to build a successful mentoring program using the Elements of Effective Practice. Retrieved January 8, 2008, from http://www.mentoring.org/downloads/mentoring_413.pdf

(30) Darling, N., Bogat, G. A., Cavell, T. A., Murphy, S. E., & Sánchez, B. (2006). Gender, ethnicity, development, and risk: Mentoring and the consideration of individual differences. Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 765–780.

(31) Jekielek, S. M., Moore, K. A., Hair, E. C., & Scarupa, H. J. (2002).

(32) MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership. (2005).

(33) Bachman, J. G., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Humphrey, R. H. (1988). Explaining the recent decline in marijuana use: Differentiating the effects of perceived risks, disapproval, and general lifestyle factors. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 29, 92–112.

(34) Bachman, J. G., Johnston, L. D., & O’Malley, P. M. (1990). Explaining the recent decline in cocaine use among young adults: Further evidence that perceived risks and disapproval lead to reduced drug use. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 31, 173–184.

(35) Botvin, G. J., Baker, E., Dusenbury, L., Botvin, E. M., & Diaz, T. (1995). Long-term follow-up results of a randomized drug abuse prevention trial in a White middle-class population. JAMA, 273, 1106–1112.

(36) Williams, C. L., & Perry, C. L. (1998). Lessons from Project Northland: Preventing alcohol problems during adolescence. Alcohol Health and Research World, 22, 107–116.

(37) Eckhardt, L., Woodruff, S. I., & Elder, J. P. (1997). Relative effectiveness of continued, lapsed, and delayed smoking prevention intervention in senior high school students. American Journal of Health Promotion, 11, 418–421.

(38) Battistich, V., Schaps, E., Watson, M., Solomon, D. & Lewis, C. (2000). Effects of the Child Development Project on students’ drug use and other problem behaviors. Journal of Primary Prevention, 21, 75–99.

(39) Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., Kosterman, R., Abbott, R., & Hill, K. G. (1999). Preventing adolescent health-risk behaviors by strengthening protection during childhood. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 153, 226–234.

(40) Flay, B. R. (2007). The long-term promise of effective school-based smoking prevention programs. In R. J. Bonnie, K. Stratton, & R. B. Wallace (Eds.), Ending the tobacco problem: A blueprint for the nation. (pp. 449– 477). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

(41) Botvin, G. J., Baker, E., Dusenbury, L., Botvin, E. M., & Diaz, T. (1995).

(42) Williams, C. L., & Perry, C. L. (1998).

(43) Eckhardt, L., Woodruff, S. I. & Elder, J. P. (1997).

(44) Battistich, V., Schaps, E., Watson, M., Solomon, D., & Lewis, C. (2000).

(45) Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., Kosterman, R., Abbott, R., & Hill, K. G. (1999).

(46) Robertson, E. B., David, S. L., & Rao, S. A. (2003). Preventing drug use among children and adolescents: A research-based guide for parents, educators, and community leaders, 2nd Edition. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

(47) Baldry, A. C., & Farrington, D. P. (2005). Protective factors as moderators of risk factors in adolescence bullying. Social Psychology of Education, 8, 263–284.

(48) Prevatt, F. F. (2003). The contribution of parenting practices in a risk and resiliency model of children’s adjustment. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21, 469–480.

(49) Wiesner, M., & Windle, M. (2004). Assessing covariates of adolescent delinquency trajectories: A latent growth mixture modeling approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33, 431–442.

(50) Meadows, S. O. (2007). Evidence of parallel pathways: Gender similarity in the impact of social support on adolescent depression and delinquency. Social Forces, 85, 1143–1167.

(51) Meadows, S. O. (2007).

(52) Jeynes, W. H. (2005). A meta-analysis of the relation of parental involvement to urban elementary school student academic achievement. Urban Education, 40, 237–269.

(53) Vitaro, F., LaRocque, D., Janosz, M., & Tremblay, R. E. (2001). Negative social experiences and dropping out of school. Educational Psychology, 21, 401–415.

(54) Lochman, J. E., & Wells, K. C. (2004). The Coping Power Program for preadolescent aggressive boys and their parents: Outcome effects at the 1-year follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 571–578.

(55) Helping America’s Youth. (n.d.). Multisystemic therapy. In Community Guide to Helping America’s Youth. Retrieved December 13, 2007, from http://guide.helpingamericasyouth.gov/programdetail.cfm?id=363

(56) Terrion, J. L. (2006). Building social capital in vulnerable families: Success markers of a school-based intervention program. Youth & Society, 38, 155–176.

(57) Lochman, J. E., & Wells, K. C. (2004).

(58) Helping America’s Youth. (n.d.).

(59) Terrion, J. L. (2006).

(60) Kellermann, A. L., Fuqua-Whitley, D. S., Rivara, F. P., & Mercy, J. (1998). Preventing youth violence: What works? Annual Review of Public Health, 19, 271–292.

(61) Kellermann, A. L., Fuqua-Whitley, D. S., Rivara, F. P., & Mercy, J. (1998).

(62) Kellermann, A. L., Fuqua-Whitley, D. S., Rivara, F. P., & Mercy, J. (1998).

(63) Kumpfer, K. L., & Adler, S. (2003). Dissemination of research-based family interventions for the prevention of substance abuse. In Z. Sloboda & W. B. Bukoski, (Eds.), Handbook of drug abuse prevention: Theory, science and practice (pp. 75–100). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

(64) Dishion, T. J., & Patterson, S. G. (1996). Preventive parenting with love, encouragement and limits. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 5, 241–243.

(65) Lundahl, B. W., Nimer, J., & Parsons, B. (2006). Preventing child abuse: A meta-analysis of parent training programs. Research on Social Work Practice, 16, 251–262.

(66) Family Strengthening Policy Center. (2007). The parenting imperative: Investing in parents so children and youth succeed. Washington, D.C.: National Human Services Assembly.

(67) Meadows, S. O. (2007).

(68) Eccles, J. S. (1999). The development of children ages 6 to 14. Future of Children, 9, 30–44.

(69) Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., & Miller, J. Y. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early adulthood: Implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 64–105.

(70) Vitaro, F., LaRocque, D., Janosz, M., & Tremblay, R. E. (2001).

(71) Wassef, A., Mason, G., Collins, M. L., O’Boyle, M., & Ingham, D. (1996). In search of effective programs to address students’ emotional distress and behavioral problems – Part III: Student assessment of school-based support groups. Adolescence, 31, 1–16.

(72) Corn, K. L., & Moore, D. D. (1992). Reach for the S.T.A.R.S. – Students Teaching and Reaching Students: A two-faceted peer facilitating program at Greenfield-Central High School. School Counselor, 40, 68–72.

(73) Robinson, D. R., Schofield, J. W., & Steers-Wentzell, K. L. (2005). Peer and cross-age tutoring in math: Outcomes and their design implications. Educational Psychology Review, 17, 327–362.

(74) Wassef, A., Mason, G., Collins, M. L., O’Boyle, M., & Ingham, D. (1996).

(75) Corn, K. L. & Moore, D. D. (1992).

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