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MODIS Land Quality Assessment page
    Product Quality:
  • Product Quality Documentation - Terra C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Terra
  • Product Quality Documentation - Aqua C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Aqua
  • On use of C5 with C4

    Product Definitions:
  • Product User Guides
  • Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
  • Product Interdependencies
  • Product File Specifications
  • Product ESDT and SDS

    Science Team Links:
  • QA Tools
  • Land Science Test
  • Collection 5 Changes
  • MODAPS Production and Data Ordering
  • Platform and Calibration
  • C5 Algorithm Updates (PCR)
  • Maneuver List

    Global Browse
    Golden Tile Browse
    Time Series
    Google Earth Animation
    QA Personnel

    Web Navigation:
  • QA Home Page
  • MODIS Organigram

    MODLAND Product Interdependencies

    These pages list the upstream products (and the science data sets) required to make each MODLAND product. This information is required to make rapid predictions of problems that may occur through the dependent hierarchy of product levels and products. Only dynamic input products are listed (i.e. static look up tables are not listed).

  • Level 2G (Pointer & Viewing Geometry)

  • Surface Reflectance (MOD09)

  • Aggregation (MODAGAGG/MODAGTEX)

  • Snow (MOD10)

  • Surface Temperature (MOD11)

  • Land Cover (MOD12)

  • VI (MOD13)

  • Fire (MOD14)

  • FPAR, LAI, PSN, NPP (MOD15 and MOD17)

  • Sea Ice (MOD29)

  • BRDF/Albedo (MOD43)

  • Vegetative Cover Conversion (MOD44A)

    Updated 25 February 1999, DPR


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    Web Master: Demi Feng
    NASA Official: Ed Masuoka Code 614.5
    Last Updated: August 21, 2008