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Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQ's)

Who is involved in the Pentagon Memorial Project?
What are the goals of the Pentagon Memorial Team?
When will the Memorial Park be open to the public?

Please explain the transition from design competition and selection to project execution.
How were the families involved and their ideas incorporated?
How did the project team accommodate changes to the conceptual design for the Pentagon Memorial?
Since the benches are placed according to age, how will familial relationships be recognized?
Will victims lost in New York or Pennsylvania be recognized in the Pentagon Memorial?
What is the delivery method of this construction project?
How will the public be able to view the project site and final memorial?
How can I make a donation to the Pentagon Memorial?
How can my organization plan an event in support of the Pentagon Memorial Project.
What is the location, size and layout of the memorial park?

Who is involved in the Pentagon Memorial Project?


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was responsible for the Pentagon Memorial Site Selection and Design Competition. The Pentagon Memorial Project will be completed as a joint effort between the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Washington Headquarters Services (WHS), the Pentagon Renovation & Construction Program Office (PENREN), Defense Facilities Directorate (DFD), the Office of Family Policy, Family Members of Pentagon Victims, Design Build Team (Balfour Beatty Construction and Lee & Associates) and Kaseman Beckman Amsterdam Studio (KBAS), who designed the winning memorial concept.

What are the goals of the Pentagon Memorial Team?


The goal of these organizations is to construct a memorial commemorating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the Pentagon and the 184 lives lost in the Pentagon and on American Airlines Flight 77. The involvement of the families of the victims is fundamental to project success. The design and construction of the memorial will be accomplished with sensitivity to the families' wishes and integration of the memorial in a manner appropriate with the historical nature of the Pentagon.

When will the Memorial Park be open to the public?


Following the dedication, the park will be open to the public in September 2008.

Please explain the transition from design competition and selection to project execution.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed their duties under a support agreement issued by Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) when the Memorial Jury made their recommendation to the Secretary of Defense on the final conceptual design selection. The support agreement tasked USACE to provide planning, site selection, design and related technical services leading to the completion of the design competition. The support agreement did not include the solicitation or award of the design-build contract nor did it include construction and installation of the memorial.

WHS has overall responsibility for the Pentagon Memorial Project while PENREN will serve as the Construction Agent for WHS, and will be responsible for awarding and managing the design-build effort. Defense Facilities Directorate (DFD) will serve as the Pentagon Memorial Project Manager and will be responsible for managing the transition process, managing and accounting for funding and continuing project interface through the Office of Family Policy and the Memorial Family Steering Committee and Focus Group. Secretary of Defense has appointed a personal representative to oversee the project.

All of the groups mentioned above are working together towards a smooth transition of the project from the design competition phase to the contract award and construction phase. The families of the victims will remain an integral part of the decision making process and will be kept informed about project progress through completion of memorial construction.

Historical section for the "Design Competition Phase".

How were the families involved and their ideas incorporated?


The Corps of Engineers' Pentagon Memorial project team began working with representatives of the families in the difficult time immediately following the loss of their loved ones. This group, called the Family Steering Committee, continues to meet regularly to represent the families' interests in the planning process. The desires of and advice from the Family Steering Committee has guided the Corps' project team through all the planning stages.

The Family Steering Committee participated in the Corps' evaluation of potential sites and they helped develop the list of criteria used to evaluate the sites. Those criteria include such items as: family acceptability, proximity to impact area, view, accessibility, availability, security, size, utilities, geotechnical factors and noise. Strong family support for the site near the west facade weighed heavily with Pentagon officials.

Two family members participated on the competition jury, which selected the finalists and chose the winning concept for the memorial.

Family Statement provided by the Pentagon Memorial Family Steering Committee during the design competition phase (June 28, 2002).

How did the project team accommodate changes to the conceptual design for the Pentagon Memorial?


The Family Steering Committee reached a unanimous consensus to issue a "Design Lock" on the conceptual design for the Pentagon Memorial. Questions and comments are still encouraged from all of the Pentagon Families and interested parties, but changes that affect the intent of the design will not be accepted. Click here to read the "Design Lock Statement" issued by the Family Steering Committee.   Meeting Presentation

Since the benches are placed according to age, how will familial relationships be recognized?


The memorial bench includes a plaque that will designate a victim's relationship to other loved one's lost on 9/11.

Will victims lost in New York or Pennsylvania be recognized in the Pentagon Memorial?


Although the attacks at the 3 sites were coordinated actions, each site is a unique story, with a unique set of stakeholders. The Pentagon Memorial will have 184 "memorial units" to represent the lives of the people lost at the Pentagon and on American Airlines Flight 77.

What is the delivery method of this construction project?


Design-build delivery method; PENREN will take the concept design that is selected and conduct a two-phase open and competitive source selection for a design-build firm. This firm will bring the final design selection from concept design to constructability phase and will complete the construction of the memorial.

How will the public be able to view the project site and final memorial?


The memorial site will be free and open to the public. Commercial parking is available at Pentagon City Mall and the site is easily accessible from the Pentagon Metro Station. You can view regular updates on the memorial project web site as construction progresses.

How can I make a donation to the Pentagon Memorial?



You may contribute by mailing your donation to:

Pentagon Memorial Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 6285
Arlington, VA 22206

Make checks payable to "Pentagon Memorial Fund, Inc.".
All donations are tax deductible.

How can my organization plan an event in support of the Pentagon Memorial Project.


Fundraising inquiries should be addressed to Lynda Webster of the Webster Group at or by phone at 202-775-9797.

What is the location, size and layout of the memorial park?


The Memorial Park is located on the western face of the Pentagon and on the flight path of American Airlines flight 77. The Memorial will includes a park and gateway spanning approximately two acres.
(Memorial Park description)



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